i hate teaching elementary school

But, yes, I do miss the kids. The Associate Principal walked up to me in the hall one day, and said Robert, you wouldnt believe what my son Scott says about you when he comes home. Despite these challenges, many teachers continue to push themselves above and beyond rather than seriously considering quitting. It really feels like a lifetime for me and I have been praying really hard, talking to so many people about whether I should go and looking at the students I have now as I take this very scary step out of the comforts of the classroom. Some abandoned shipbefore they even boarded: a couplecolleaguesin my graduating class completed their student teaching, collected their college diploma, and promptly went back to school for an entirely different degree. I dont teach data; I teach kids. Teachers have a hard time seeing all they are capable of beyond the walls of a classroom after feeling undervalued as a professional, which creates a massive roadblock when understanding the wide range of possibilities and career paths out there. I packed up my stuff, and got out as quickly as I could. The result? Dont be silly. #NotForTheFaintOfHeart February 22, 2020 10:55am. And of course Scott iswell, you know what a brilliant young man he is. You can find her sharing career advice and interviewing former teachers on The Teacher Career Coach Podcast and at TeacherCareerCoach.com. Amazing to hear from someone outside of the U.S. educational system. There was also little support for misbehavior so students walked all over me. Today's schools teach only the ugliest parts of US history, turning students off . Twenty-five-minute lunches are not conducive to nice, relaxing meals beyond the buildingswalls,and you can only relieve yourselfduring passing time which, unfortunately, is the only opportunity all the OTHERteachers haveto take care of business. Maybe I wont do it. I am 56 now. We always remembered you fondly! Courses with real-world value(home economics, for example, or shop class) are dying a not-so-gradual death, as there is no Foods & Nutrition section on the SAT. Teaching has done some great things for me, and has allowed me to live all over the world. Through articles, events, and social media we will advocate for honest dialogue with teachers about how to improve public education. People always want to know what I hated about teaching. Even when workplace stress begins to affect them emotionally and physically they continue to persevere. Early on we are told that teaching is a calling. Many teachers go from high school to college to internship and right into the classroom. Kayse Morris, How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome As Ceo Teacher. Curiosity, creativity, and communication skills. I can't believe how fast I've become angry and bitter. She will, But as a teacher, this is what you wish you couldsay:Stopmaking excuses for your kids. This can lead to two major roadblocks. I think if you read with an open mind, you will see that there are large issues. Because you know what else is the boss of you? Now (dont tell anyone) I am actually looking in to going back to the classroom. Maybe Ill keep pretending I know whats going on out here in real-job and Im-so-important land. Its something that gets into your being and is a part of your identity even after you leave. When my four children attended school in this district they couldnt wear jeans with holes. After 9 years of teaching high school, I left the profession 5 years ago. I am sharing this with so many colleagues immediately! English and Drama at a California Distinguished School for 14 years. I do a little tutoring for home-schooled students & I find it very rewarding. Think hard and I bet you can find examples. I literally have to micromanage each and every one of them to do work while a few of them are off sneaking out, theres always at least one kid who pathologically lies about everything in addition to a plethora of learning disorders, mood disorders, special considerations etc. Also hardware is usually not replaced in a timely way. As someone who has worked in education for four years,. They grumbled, but then they put the technology away, and they turned to their peers, The three Cs peoplesuddenly seem to be missing? The constant monitoring to see if you are teaching whats on the test & aligning your lesson plans with the data & on & on. I know that I changed a bunch of lives and I love that, but to this day, and yes I did participate in #redfored wholeheartedly, I dont believe anything will change in AZ education. :MUST SHARE. So, with bills to pay and a marriage coming up, I took a job teaching at a for-profit business college, which was pretty much an ATM for diplomas. Rate each of them on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the most important, 1 being least) and then add up each side. Other people with good intentions telling you what an amazing teacher you are and that you cant leave the kids doesnt help. Ive been at my school 10 years and weve shifted from many hands on experiences and projects to now having to focus more on essays and students proving their ideas in writing. 3. I wouldnt have seen your blog page and article without the help of Profe and Mrs. Crow. Across the school, issues with violent and disruptive behaviour had become the norm. Hello Melissa, I am a twenty-four year veteran physics teacher in Michigan and during the summer I go to Stanford University and teach for three-weeks a course named the physics of engineering. I noticed that some things had been pilfed from my room, and I know who did it, too. And lastly, educators work 9 months per year, and get paid for 9 months per year. As millions of students begin school during a deadly pandemic and global recession, we're highlighting the ongoing efforts to keep children safe in the classroom, educate them remotely, and help. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Then, take out all of the teacher-specific language. Im finishing my 6th year as a substitute teacher in an affluent district in New York. You need to THINK. They stared at me, agape, and in a mild state of panic. You and the other administrators are scared that the State will breath down your necks about test scores, and yet youre doing nothing to make classes equitable in terms of numbers, demographics, or any of the objective measures that would be commensurate with making those test scores just about equal with Mr. Sts. Would I be a teacher if I had to start teaching now? That way, you wind up getting the nicer kids assigned to your homeroom. Additionally, I help course members identify new career paths, rewrite their resumes, and stay on track throughout the job search and career transition process. Heck, even society views the profession that way. what career ouside the classroom is right for you? CON: In a self-contained classroom, the teacher is responsible for teaching all of the subject areas. We began making huge, HUGE progress with the kids who needed it the most and, naturally, with a challenging population the test scores werent all that hot. Learning is thought of as something that should be fun, and children are encouraged to explore their full range of abilities, not just English and maths. Ultimately, youll have to be the one to make this decision. MUST COMMENT. Our building always had several retired teachers who loved to sub, as well! In fact, he comes home, and your class is ALL he talks about. 10 Phonics-Building Activities for Teaching and Practicing K-2 Literacy Skills 25 Must-Have Classroom Cleaning Supplies (Trust Us, You Need These!) Only the top 10% of kids wanted his class. Youre afraid of letting your colleagues and students down, so you sacrifice your own wants or needs. The system is toxic at best. One of my favorite lessons to teach involved a set of four philosophical questions. EVERYONE. Its okay to validate those feelings instead of feeling wrong for them. You made high school more fun everyday. I loved my job up until I turned 47 . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whether its feeling bad about leaving your students or adding work to the plate of your co-workers, teachers often succumb to this guilt and put the needs of others ahead of their own. The truth is, there are numerous career pivots that teachers can make with their plethora of transferable skills. Disrespect from administration blaming me for not locking my classroom (I still dont have keys, incidentally). Great reading, perfect emphasis of the main points. But a change in leadership has helped me fall back in love with education. But what I find is that the majority of these teachers that come to this conclusion are really good teachers. Lmfao what? The students get you, and you get them. If youve ever found yourself thinking, I hate teaching, but youre not alone. Im done. ), but definitely not until the baby grows up a bitand it wouldnt be the same without our amazing staff and kids! Thats the important stuff. Some teachers, like myself, enjoy working in Title I schools and all that comes with that. Most of all I miss the kids. I was given a tour of the school which was a newer building with plenty of amenities including 1:1 technology. It helps if the kids like you because they will warn you when an administrator is outside your door. So funny that you readily admit youve been making it up. Authenticity is a valuable trait as a teacher, for sure! Whether you desire more autonomy, work-life balance, opportunities for growth, or financial freedomor you simply dont think its the right for whatever reason its important to know that you dont have to stay in the classroom. This Teaching Idea is designed to help students reflect on how the movies, shows, and books we consume can reinforce stereotypes about Muslims and the harmful impact stereotyping has on people's lives. First, allow me to say that I am a high school English teacher, and I have also taught in Michigan. Check out more posts from Teacher Misery all about Coping with this tough profession. He just loves your class, and most of all he adores and respects you so much!. Im pretty sure the real reason summer break exists is because the School Gods counted up all the secondsyoudont get to use the bathroom and handed them back to youin one big chunk. THIS is a PD day!!! I have been a high school history teacher in Phoenix, AZ. Find out more about the course here: Teacher Career Coach Course. You are still a good person if you decide to pursue a new career, and you do not have to sacrifice your entire life for a job. I pray for my dedicated teacher friends and wish them the best through the ever changing educational system. Great read. If youre a teacher worth your salt, this might be the most troublingof the bunch. I loved and loathed your article at the same time. She gave me a big hug as I came in the door. Im sorry to hear that people in your life taught you to quit if you dont like it. I dont think that is a very healthy lesson to learn as life will often have difficulties, and some are worth pointing out as a means to starting change. As a member of the school leadership team, the headteacher expected me to remain distant from the rest of the staff, meaning I was isolated from my colleagues. I love tutoring. "You know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions, and you wished for nothing so much as to change." I love the Spark Note Summary at the end of your posts. But, um, back in my day look, even a decade ago it felt a little simpler to practice using something TRULY innovative: our brains. Im sick. I hope that you have a good answer to that question, because I havent got a clue. As you and other teachers know, teaching is a profession where you are penalized for being good at your job. An elementary school teacher I know who is a part of one of the wealthiest, most reputable districts in her state attended a recent meeting where staff members wereinstructed to drastically limit or entirely eliminate story time. Which educatorswill potentially sacrifice their own careers to guidethe students who work hard for a D+? As a single woman she simply could not afford to teach. Whats stopping you?! Having ensured that your class is a safe space, ask your students if any of them have been victims of hate speech. Well, that just made my whole weekend (and made me tear up). You are assigned to endless committees and asked to mentor new teachers because you have such a wealth of experience. So sad. Well, I graduated, but the job offers werent happening. Sure there are wonderful students and wonderful classes but they are few and far between as I get fried working the challenges ones. She worked in Missouri, which pays its teachers very poorly. Thank you for sharing. In some cases, having summers off with their children is invaluable. My school is http://www.awakeningspiritschool.com If you would like to poke around the site and see the community that weve created. Does that fact help me when a kid Ive never met bursts into my classroom, throws a condom in my hair, and runs away? Why do so many educators say, "I hate teaching," but then never take action to make a change? Have you thought about what. Heres hoping the powers that be dont take us down dangerous paths ?? "Teachers are really good about connecting students who have similar interests.". Honey, little Johnny was licking the floors eight weeks ago before summer break started and he will still be licking them when he comes back next week. A Muslim member of a Northern Virginia school board said the U.S.A.'s victory over the Nazis in WWII was 'unfortunate" and "evil.". It breaks my heart that these teachers believe the only solution to their frustration is to leave the profession entirely. Its the students plight, too! Let the difficult parents teach their own kids, let the whole thing come tumbling down and lets see what happens because no one will want to do it anymore at least not where I am from. Other people with good intentions telling you what an amazing teacher you are and that you cant leave the kids doesnt help. Clearly your perspective as a committed parent and (seemingly) very experienced teacher is an important one. More things are added to teachers' plates every year and rarely is anything removed. Its no wonder teachers find themselves struggling with the profession. One summer I Googled other jobs for teachers 100 times and NOTHING coming up. Im happy to see that you have saved your notes. I hope youre enjoying retirement. In fact that "bad kid" track record let's me see things in ways that most teachers don't, particularly the useless nonsense in education which they love perpetuating. Theyre also beingtrounced by the frenetic crush of technology. At first I taught five-year-olds, tactile style, and then after two weeks they gave all my kids to other teachers because I wasnt experienced enough. Even the toughest of guys will cry at the end of that novella. Check out our books on teaching and learning! to give their baby a D. (Brace yourself for the irate phone call in the morning.). Youre such a great teacher! or Oh, but the kids need people like you in their lives.. As long as Ive given the kids a good day and they learned something, I feel like Ive accomplished something. Click here and support independent journalism! Thank you for articulating my feelings so succinctly and empathetically. I have always said that I would go back to the classroom some day. It makes me sad how things are changing and have heard the same from my friends in other independent schools . I hate what were doing to these kids. The virtual teacher trend is so scary, isnt it? While it took me a minute and several doctor visits for stress-related illnesses I finally realized I simply needed a change.After years of working happily outside of the classroom, Ive vowed to support other teachers as they navigate their journey of finding a new career. I survived and my memories of those insufferable morons are fading. Im tired of being the mask police. Or, email me if you have a moment. When I have been able to hire staff I always look for teachers. The last straw for me was when a six-two, 210 pound, 17 year-old in my freshman English class charged at me because I asked the class to turn in a homework assignment. What are you planning to do if/when you leave? Ive learned something out here in real-job land. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Everybody remembers their favorite teacher and they can tell you why! You got through, I paid more attention than I would have you believe. Thank you, Mrs. Campbell! To know EXACTLY what you need to do (and not do) in order to get your foot in the door. 1. I didnt get into teaching to raise tests scores. Melissa, I just now came across this article. In lower socioeconomic districts, you get paid even more hazard pay is what I call it. I admit, I enjoyed it, despite the seriousness of the issues. During a fire drill theyll remind you to take your roster. As more and more districts begin to adopt this nonsensical practice, who will teach the kids who are struggling? I have always felt that I dont have a creative bone in my body. First of all, current and former teachers are some of the most professionally versatile and equipped people I know. Youre article was shared on Facebook by an educator whom I knew from Middle School. I have written for publication as well, and I know it is hard work (not as hard as schoolteaching, of course, but still). Despite my aforementioned friends ignorance, Ill give her this:sometimes you arepainfully aware that your real job does seemsuspiciously different from other real jobs whichrequire a college degree. Seen your blog page and article without the help of Profe and Mrs. Crow fact he... About how to improve public education wish you couldsay: Stopmaking excuses for kids... Loved my job up until I turned 47 when workplace stress begins to them. Sharing career advice and interviewing former teachers on the teacher is an important one of feeling wrong for.. Us, you get them the profession entirely hard for a D+ cases, having summers with... Violent and disruptive behaviour had become the norm connecting students who work hard for a D+ of US,! Youve been making it up found yourself thinking, I do miss the kids like you they!, teaching is a safe space, ask your students if any them. Your class is all he talks about all, current and former teachers are i hate teaching elementary school the! 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i hate teaching elementary school