marriage in african traditional society pdf

Critics of apostolic sects have argued that, women in these apostolic churches are there to serve the sexual appetite of men hence the apostolic diet of wives. Its no surprised therefore that wedding is usually conducted after the couple had performed their traditional rites. The essence is to serve God or gods effectively to avert its wrath and punishment. Bibliography Hopkins, E.W.. (1918). Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband herself; 2) if the female husband is already married, her own husband (the female husband's husband); 3) the woman who is married by the female husband - the wife; and 4) the lover (s) of the wife who may father her children. These approaches to marital . The setting of the ceremony in Cana is similar to African traditional marriage rites. A value is that quality of a thing thought of as being more or less desirable, useful, estimable and important. The family occupies a pivotal place in every society and in the Africa continent at large. these traditional African societies girls bodies were also heavily decorated by women themselves in their societys signs and symbols. In some communities, the dead are buried with their belonging e.g. This is not to say that indigenous African spirituality represents a form of theocracy or religious totalitarianism not at all. I ntroduction: Human societies globally have from time immemorial held with great regard the celebration of marriage. I was sadly mistaken with what I thought of this world when the topic of marriage was expressed., MARRIAGE IN TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SOCIETY AND ITS RELEVANCE. As Siqwana-Ndulo (1998) stated, the institutions of family, marriage and household in African societies revolved around community. Again neither the Jewish synagogues nor their temples had a place for wedding. It takes faith that requires belief in miracle to pledge ones life to another. Satria Rizaldi Alchatib, Joseph Habamahirwe, Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs. This article seeks to interrogate the practice of polygamy in the Johane Marange sect in the light of HIV and AIDS. In this forum the man publicly ask for the woman hand in marriage. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This means that GBV is not exclusive to any gender. Traditional African Society. Life is sacred and the institution of marriage makes family life enjoyable when couples negotiate safe sex for the good of their relationships and society at large. moving away from patriarchal . The parents and close relations are duly intimated as required by the custom. African traditional society and culture basing on an Afrocentric view can be depicted as an existent entity whereas the individuals belonging to a particular African society have and practice the traditions of that particular society and adhere to the culture in one way or the other. Introduction At marriage, every African Christian couple, especially in mission-founded churches, is confronted with three 'worlds' - the world of the traditional culture to which most parents of marrying-age children belong; the world of the civil or According to Malinowski, " marriage is a contract for the production and maintenance of children." . These issues amongst others portend a changing landscape for the future of family law and to a larger extent the human race. In a modern family people is less subject to the parental control in the matter of mate choice. About nine-in-ten Americans (88%) cited love as a very important reason to get married, ahead of making a lifelong commitment (81%) and companionship (76%), according to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey. There are also other factors, such as, industrialisation, migration, inculturation, globalisation, information technology which have played a role in the changes of the African cultures. African Wedding Traditions Bringing the An analysis of the cultural aspects of the marriage in the Shona traditional religion in Zimbabwe, Religion Mariage and Family Values in Africa, Christianity, Marriage and Family Life in Esanland, Silences in marriage laws in Commonwealth Africa: Womens position in polygynous customary marriages, Lessons from Scripture for Maasai Christianity, Lessons from Maasai Culture for the Global Church. traditional African society. An old African proverb says, A man without a wife is like a vase without flowers. In some African Churches, couples that had performed their traditional marriage rites and live together without wedding are misconstrued fornicators. Blessed be the God of all creation for being in the business of creating marriages as well as rebuilding and amending them. This article investigates links between ilobolo (bridewealth) practices and marriage outcomes in contemporary Zulu society. Hg. DEATH RITES IN AFRICAN TRADITIONAL SOCIETY (A.T.S) In some communities, the corpse is washed using water and herbal medicine in order to preserve and send it clean to the spirit world. no longer supports Internet Explorer. The gospel of John in its second chapter records a marriage ceremony in the town of Cana in Galilee. Marriage plays significant roles in the Igbo status system for the individuals and their family and relatives. Africa culture is all about the ethnic groups family traditions, the literature, art and music shows the religion along with the social paths of their culture. Similar to some traditional American marriages the Igbo marriages have many customs and face new trends that alter the norm of society. In the traditional African society, older people were highly esteemed because of the important roles they played by helping to integrate the society, preserve its cultural values, transmit knowledge and skills, settle disputes and educate the young. Even though liberated in Christ, the battered syndrome of colonization is still within us. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. A man in South Africa may have more than one spouse but a South African woman may only have one spouse. If It's Your Money, I Will Pay and Go: Shifting and Contested Significance of Brideprice Payment among the Dagaaba of Northwest Ghana. It is observed that the failure of Kofi Ako and Anowa's marriage was as a result of disobedience to good counsel of parents and elders of the community. Unlike, that of my own culture in the United States of America, where I am free as a citizen to choose whomever I may choose to marry and when and if I may marry. The African marriage is full of deep-rooted culture that cannot be wished away. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. I always knew that marriage was between a man and a woman. The family of the bride and groom are deeply influential in traditional Shona marriages and are involved through the life cycle of a union. Customarily, in practically all these traditional African societies girls' bodies were also heavily decorated by women themselves in their society's signs and symbols. Fewer said having their relationship recognized in a religious ceremony (30%), financial stability (28%) or legal rights and benefits (23% . African Conception on Marriage and Family Marriage occupies an important position in the affairs of Africans, especially in the past. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. . This shall be the focus of our discussion in this paper. I thought marriage was the same everywhere until I traveled to different regions of the world. Christian marriage is different from traditional marriage in Igbo nation. Even if they object, by virtue of beings parents, they must be duly and respectfully informed. Sodi et al. of marriage and divorce in contemporary Igbo society. society, there exists within the African traditional marriage system resources available, which if discerned and learned properly can help checkmate or even stalemate some of the ills it suffers today. Grounding its argument from the conceptual understanding of marriage from both the African and the Roman Catholic Church points of view, the paper discusses the aspect of hegemonic masculinities as one of the root causes of gender based violence that threatens the marriage bond. New Trends. In this vein, traditional sex laws are relatively relevance in all African society to avoid a breach of good . But right here is a summary of procedures before and after the Nuptials, the Xhosa way. The Development of Cultural Unity In sub-Saharan Africa no overarching great tradition developed Sub-Saharan Africa is a vast territory of many small traditions. Historians know very little about the prehistory of these many small traditions and their peoples African cultures are highly diverse There is an estimated 2000 If she says yes, they go to the brides compound where the groom meets with the father and explains why he is there. Rituals Leading to Marriage Rituals of marriage begin long before the actual wed-ding ceremonies. The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women (Protocol to the African Charter),13 article 2(1)(b) provides that state parties must enact and effectively implement appropriate legislative or regulatory measures, 11 South Africa ratified the CEDAW in 1996 and presented its first Country Report in 1998 . Protecting its historic definition for the sake of our children and our future is both wise and courageous . African culture and traditions are handed down from generation to generation. The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature man and woman. African wedding traditions Africa, with its many nations and tribes, is very rich in different wedding traditions. It is not discriminatory. Unfortunately, as a result ofthemen being much older at the time of marriage, most women become widows, knowing that it is understood that they should never remarry again. Marriage As A Conjugal Reality ~ From the Frontlines to the Sublime: Why Man & Woman? Among the Igbo marriage serves many different purposes other than unity between individuals and social status. African women by officially recognising all African customary marriages in South Africa. . African traditional marriage requires parent's consent and blessings. Even when they fought their ways through years of conflicts, thank God they have something to celebrate. Weefree Ministries, as Jesus did,include ministering to the physical, emotional, mental, vocational, and financial needs of others. TRADITIONAL ETHICS AND THE MAINTENANCE OF SOCIAL The thrust of this paper is therefore to rekindle in couples marital values; establish how they control human sexuality and therefore affect the family. Research is revealing trends that Americans are . For them, "love" is ife, "to love" is iferan, and "I love you" is mo fe e.2 In the East African country of Kenya, the over 6 million Gikuyus express love reflexively, as in "to love one another," ngwendet n, rather than the sentiment "West Africa family systems were severely repressed throughout the New World (Guttmann, 1976)". African marriage traditions and customs pdf Some may take wedding traditions for granted, but the road to becoming newlyweds is one that's filled with poignant symbolism for many African American families. The article explores a variety of marital counselling approaches relevant to African settings: indigenous, Western, Christian and Islamic. Bible in Africa Studies International Conference-UB.GABORONE,25-27 JULY,2012, LITURGICAL ASPECTS OF WEDDING CEREMONIES IN REFORMED CHURCHES OF AFRICAN ORIGIN, The Levirate Custom of Inheriting Widows among the Supyire People of Mali: Theological pointers for Christian marriageThe Levirate Custom of Inheriting Widows among the Supyire People of Mali: Theological pointers for Christian marriage, A Diet of Wives as the Lifestyle of the Vapostori Sects: The Polygamy Debate in the Face of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe, Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions Literary Analysis: A UNISA Dissertation, SSM 11: Natasha Erlank, "Missionary views on sexuality in Xhosaland in the nineteenth Century", New Evangelization For The Catholic Church And Local Cultures In Zimbabwe, Same-sex union articles in the Journal of Religion and Gender in Africa, A voluminous book on Redemptive masculinities in the era of HIV and AIDS, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission-1 Timothy 2:11, And the Two will become One Flesh (Mark 10:8): Domestic Violence as a Destabilising Force against the Institution of the Family in Zimbabwe, BiAS 17: The Bible and Children in Africa (edited by Lovemore TOGARASEI & Joachim KGLER), Could I Vote for a Mormon for President? This article examines the question of morality in a nonwesternized African society drawing from Igbo cosmology. In, Africa and China the children have absolutely no say on whom they are going to marry. As both a sacrament and covenant, marriage is traceable back to its origin, God, who is Love. Some people are only excited with Jesus first public miracle- the turning of water into wine and may not see the main miracle in the passage. Although, I myself practice monogamy, as it is tradition in my culture and that of what is expected by me, my community, and my family., There are not original or principle ceremony since it all differs depending on the what clans and from community to community. It is an end or goal and its desirability can be taken for granted unconsciously. Essay on MARRIAGE IN TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SOCIETY AND ITS, The Practice of Lobola in Contemporary South African Society, African Traditional Family Hunger For Culture, African wedding traditions In each of these situations, African women are able to manipulate the existing system through woman-to-woman marriage in order to achieve higher social and economic status. In various traditional African societies, the African woman possessed the power that binds the society together. Thus, it recommended that cultural practices that are harmful to women should be discarded, The parents of the young girls have certain requirements for their daughters future husband. Our African Christians after performing marriage rites that the Europeans do not do are subjected to wedding that involves spending of fortune. The size of the clan could differ from one to the other. Second, the continued Eurocentric descriptions and characterization of the African traditional family as some what depraved lead to the use of such terms as bride price, avoidance social taboos, segregated relationships, lack of love and tenderness in African marriages and families. This marriage ceremony is only for a monogamous union and any polygamous relations are forbidden. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272 There are also other factors, such as, industrialisation, migration, inculturation, globalisation, information technology which have played a role in the changes of the African cultures. It is therefore recommended that before any marriage engagement, the man and the woman should consider their suitability to the fulfilment of fundamental obligation of child bearing as concern for family sustenance. God created a woman for a man and brought her to him to name. When a woman gets married the entire community rejoices with But our citizenship is in heaven. This common occurrence usually brought about tremendous pain and grief to the slaves. Despite this manifestation, marriage has been very often exposed to incidences of violence. Traditional marriage is a community affair. The purpose of this research is to show that until and unless there is a paradigm shift on the beliefs, teachings and practices of apostolic sects in terms of a deeper HIV and AIDS awareness programmes targeting these sects, the Zimbabwean women will continue to suffer. Traditional counselling is a growing area of interest in African contemporary society, especially amongst members of the counselling profession. Ochieng, E. (2019). It is found that there are many differences between the two of these cultures. When being married in the United states the man proposes or whatever the case is in the relationship, but in the Igbos relationship it is the family that plays part in the proposal. Royal African Society. If she confirms, the groom comes back the next day with his father and elders to discuss the brides settlement price. Marriage in South Africa Wikipedia, Marriage in African Traditional Society UK Essays The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature You can download the paper by clicking the button above. south african law commission project 90 the harmonisation of the common law and the indigenous law report on customary marriages august 1998 To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The Jewish practice is akin to African traditional marriage rites. The list of issues that defy a conclusive reasoning is non exhaustive especially within the context of the same sex marriage debate and they include - the socio-cultural and psychological disconnect that children are exposed to when their parents are gay or transgender, the ever evolving definition of a family unit, the inadequacy of the laws available to take care but largely vague in interpretation, who raises the children in a same sex marriage setting among others. According to Caroline Mucece Kithinji, in a paper titled Impact of colonialism on traditional African marriage among the Igoji people of Kenya . The point is that this Most of the time, it takes more than one day to discuss the settlement price. As an example, there is no such thing as a "cousin" in Zimbabwean culture. It presents quantitative data showing very low marriage rates among Zulu Weefree Ministries - Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others so they can come to know Him and receive Him as personal Savior, go on to experience Him as Lord of their life, and go even further to know Christ as the essence of their Life, The place of traditional marriage in African culture. India is one of the largest centers where child marriages take place. the Background of Totemism. moral confusion and conflict that presently confront African Christians at marriage. (c) Give six ways the Traditional Africans used to maintain their relationship with the It's an honor due to them that recycles to the couple when they become parent. This portrayal of men and women does not end in the public sphere but is also found in the private sphere where men decide what is good for their partners in relation to safe sex. Itcertainly places emphasis on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others so they can come to know Him and receive Him as personal Savior, go on to experience Him as Lord of their life, and go even further to know Christ as the essence of their Life (see John 1:12; Colossians 2:6-7; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:8-10). All they need is marriage blessings. A clan is made up of a family who either are related by blood and marriage. The Biblical view of marriage will be studied in relation to the human fall and the Cross of Jesus Christ. After the traditional marriage ceremony, they went for Court Registry ceremony and ended up in Church wedding. Marriage and Enslavement in Africa: Connections and Comparisons. The marriage ceremony was based on the principle of male dominance and female obedience. Though these networks may not continue in their traditional form, extended family relationships are still very close and important to one's life. In a traditional family the parents contracted the marriage. Every country has their own way of marrying two people that want to spend the rest of their life together. Different cultures have different rituals and beliefs about marriage. In modern times, the influence of the family over marriage has eroded, but many institutions of Shona marriage customs endure. Abstract. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies. Enquires are instituted by both families concerning the behavior, character and most times religion of the families as well as marital status. Rather than seeing marriage as the only possible option, we should embrace the various sorts of human relationships (e.g. Thank goodness Government has approved some Churches as marriage centers. In a landmark ruling, the high court last year recognised that, in accordance with Nandi customary law on woman-to-woman marriages, Monica Jesang Katam could inherit her late wife's property . According to Mbiti (1969 . Some Church parents of the brides stipulate the three, as if that guaranteed the success of the relationship. bo society dominated the early centuries from 1408 to the present period. Email:, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRAIGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRIAGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE. the existence of deep-rooted poverty, harmful traditional practices, restrictive laws and social attitudes all pose serious threats to the work of civil society activists in the region. Whether the bride and groom fall in love or someone makes the match, meeting involves The African marriage is full of deep-rooted culture that cannot be wished away. These cultural values are laws, customs, and forms of behavior, regulations, rules, observances and taboos. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. In many African societies the expectant mother may be smarred all over her body with white chalk and wears protective amulets. In general, all ceremonies use the same principles. The Process of Marriage in African Societies: A Multiple Indicator Approach Created Date: 20160811045033Z Marriage is sacred in Africa and beyond; because it solidifies relationships that enrich communities and nations by bringing forth new life and new hope. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. See also Bonnie B. Keller, "Marriage by Elopement," African Social Research 27 (1979), 565-585. Thera Rasing Traditional modern and christian teachings in Copyright 2023 - Weefree Ministries. When the diviner pronounces the . History Of Marriage Customs In Africa 4. Little wonder Mary felt so concerned when the marriage ran out of wine. Has their own way of marrying two people that want to spend the rest of their life.... The use of cookies neither the Jewish synagogues nor their temples had a place for.! 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marriage in african traditional society pdf