typhuss james halliwell

Magnus is very protective of Typhuss, in 2367 Helen protected Typhuss from his ex-girlfriend Selina Kyle by pointing a gun at her and telling Selina to stay away from him. Typhuss and his friend Tom Paris designed the Delta Flyer in 2375 and the Delta Flyer II in 2377, during Voyager's long voyage in the Delta Quadrant. In 2371, the USS Kansas's mission was to meet the USS Yorktownat Deep Space9 for final crew members and personnel before continuing on to the Gamma Quadrant for its mission of exploration. Typhuss also met Laurel's sister Sara Lance in 2370 and they became friends. After Xena's death in Jappa, Gabrielle taught herself how to use the chakram and Gabrielle and Typhuss continued her adventure for the greater good without her. After the Undertaking, Typhuss vowed never to kill again unless absolutely necessary, renaming himself Red Arrow. Spock's red matter created a black hole, Nero voiced his fury at Spock's having saved Vulcan, at what Nero considered to be Romulus's escape. Family owned and operated was once the norm in the funeral home industry. When he advised Kim and Halliwell to listen to everyone else and stay away, as he wasn't exactly a "good luck charm", Harry and Typhuss told him that they were capable of choosing their own friends. There is also some sexual tension between them. The Iowa was easily overcome, Jonathan immediately ordered evasive action and the firing of all weapons, and the Iowa began taking fire from the Romulan vessel again. Typhuss became friends with Elizabeth Weir in 2367and for the next 4 years their friendship grew and they became closer friends. ( Star Trek: Aegis, Star Trek: Defiant ) Contents 1 Early life 2 Starfleet Academy (2254-2258) 3 Acting first officer of the Defiant, SCIS and CO of the Defiant After the disappearance of Laurel, Typhuss started dating Lyla Michaels. Later that year Sam was so lonely that she had sex with Typhuss in her quarters at the SGC. (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. Typhuss formed friendships with the ex-Borg children Icheb, Azan, Rebi, and Mezoti who were rescued by Voyager in 2376. With the help of the Talaxians, The Doctor, and Lon Suder, who had been mistakenly left behind during the capture of Voyager, Paris and the Talaxians were able to retake Voyager and rescue the crew on Hanon IV at the end of 2372. When Prue was killed by Cole Turner in 2386 Typhuss felt upset over her death. Samantha Carter is a Colonel rather than a Brigadier General. Typhuss and Kori fell in love that day. Satisfied with the Equinox's destruction, the aliens ceased their attacks on Voyager. In 2360, their child Eve was born. Charles Nicholl. Typhuss thought of Batman as a hero. Tired of a violent, poverty-stricken existence filled with doubt and despair, Helena left home one day in 2383 and she encountered her father for the first time and the revelation of her father's identitydid serve to bring the two closer together. Weir ordered him, Colonel Carter, Doctor Jackson and Commander Vala to go on a mission to PX-3432. Typhuss and Gibbs formed a friendship in 2360 when Typhuss joined SCIS. Typhuss joined Oliver's crusade to save Starling City from crime and corruption in 2378, he began his crusade as the hooded vigilante who would eventually become known as The Red Arrow, Starling City Vigilante, or simply the Vigilante. When R'Mor was beamed back to 2351, Tuvok informed Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Halliwell that he had in fact died in 2367, and that it was unlikely that he could relay the messages. The three men suffered horribly in the prison and the stress of prison and the neural implants did take its toll on the three of them: when Paris once, suffering from delirium, dismantled a tool Kim was going to use for an escape attempt, Kim and Halliwell, enraged at what Paris had done, lost control and almost killed him. Although the Enterprise had suffered heavy damage and casualties, the fleet joined a Romulan warbird's attempt to assist the Enterprise, towing her out of the rift until her engines could be repaired. The next night Helen had sex with Typhuss again in her room for five hours. His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. During Voyager's mission to the Delta Quadrant as part of Project Full Circle, the female Q that rescued her facilitated her return by prolonging the moment between death and a higher level of being. Some aspects of Ziva's personality disturb him, such as the fact that she sleeps with a phaser in her hand. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. However, the crew were eventually forced to transfer Perry and Ginn into a quarantined section of the database after Perry nearly trapped Rush in a virtual simulation and there was no other way to get him out. Upon graduation in 2354, Typhuss was assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32 as science officer. I draw on a darkness every time I draw back my bow.Typhuss to Helen Magnus. Lex is Typhuss's closest friend and confidant. The Voyager crew then retook their ship and was able to stop the attempted Borg assimilation of Earth. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." Typhuss made it to the shuttle where his mother was on board. Typhuss was also assigned to Starbase 32. Ransom explained that his ship was attacked by creatures that killed much of his crew. Died: January 3, 1889 (age . Typhuss also worked with Pamela Landy in the 2350s, 2360s and 2370s during his days as a SI agent and SI operative. She vented her frustrations in thought, and the Collective and Queen reacted, taunting her, but she fought back, and within the Queen Janeway reached out, and resisted, broke the firewall and allowed the cube to be infected. Becoming Green Arrow and leader of Team Arrow, new members/War against Vertigo drug dealers/Laurel rejoins the team/Emiko joins the team/War against Many Arms of Death (2393-present). In 2371, Typhuss became friends with Harry Kim before Voyager's first mission and their friendship started. With the help of the Talaxians, The Doctor, and Lon Suder, who had been mistakenly left behind during the capture of Voyager, Paris and the Talaxians were able to retake Voyager and rescue the crew on Hanon IV at the end of 2372. (Star Trek: Excalibur). Piper Halliwell is a female Human. Typhuss has often displayed a strong moral compass and a willingness to sacrifice in pursuit of saving others. One month later Typhuss and Leeta decided to get married quickly, and they asked the Emissary, Commander Benjamin Sisko, to perform the ceremony. There was only one survivor: a four-year-old Human boy named Jeremiah Rossa. The three men fought for each other, however, and Kim nursed Paris back to health after he was stabbed by another inmate. The doctors tired to save Thomas Johnson but his wounds were too bad and he died. Tom remarked that the whole ordeal was actually tougher on his father than on him. Although they failed to capture Diaz, the city was taken back and Oliver publicly confessed he was Green Arrow before being sent to Slabside Maximum Security Prison. We are here today to rechristen the USS Intrepid, and to honor those who lost their lives one month ago. Walker gave his report to Starfleet Command via subspace. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. Typhuss became friends with Sarah Mackenzie in 2354 and their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. In 2370, Helen and Typhuss went on vacation with each other to Risa. Typhuss took Interspecies Protocol in his first year at the academy. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Relativity"), In another alternate timeline experienced by Kes, Chakotay was captain of the USS Voyager after Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres were killed by a chroniton torpedo in a Krenim attack in 2373. Captain Janeway, understanding that this was their only way out, allowed the "silver blood" to duplicate the crew. Typhuss and his family currently reside in Washington, DC. With the crew now able to control Destiny's flight path after Rush was forced to reveal his discovery of the bridge, they diverted the ship to investigate a strange signal, only to find themselves caught in a fight between the aliens met on the Seed ship - now identified as the Ursini - and another unknown alien race that Destiny only survived thanks to the timely intervention of the returned Colonel David Telford in the seed ship, only to subsequently find themselves locked in battle with the Control Ship after the Ursini took Destiny to confront it ahead of schedule. By early 2403 Bajor was succumbed to numerous but unsuccessful raids by the Klingon Empire. After discovering that Icheb had been genetically engineered as a weapon against the Borg, the eldest of the children, Icheb, remained with Voyager and Typhuss and Icheb formed a more close friendship. Typhuss is the ex-boyfriend of Mari McCabe. The four fell into an underground chamber and had to find a way to get out. Typhuss formed a friendship with Naomi Wildman in 2374. Later that year Helen, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman used the Nautilus, a submarine privately owned by Helen to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Pregnant"), Later that year, after Reba Halliwell, Typhuss's aunt was shot by an unknown shooter on Bajor, Typhuss helped with the case along with Captain John Tyson and Lieutenant Olivia Benson. As they made they way back through anomaly, they beamed several escape pod survivors onboard. Janeway was able to get the duranium for the phasers and force the Kazon to withdraw. Upon graduation in 2354, Typhuss was assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32 as science officer. After the death of Prue Halliwell their relationship develops more; Helen even kisses Typhuss in the main lab during the Abnormal Insurgency invasion of the Sanctuary. Typhuss remained as strategic operations officer for one year. Typhuss promoted John Sheppard to Colonel after talking to Samantha Carter about a promotion for Sheppard. In 2350, Typhuss first met Navaar at a bar, prior to joining Starfleet six months later. Founded in 1923, our funeral home has been in business for over 90 years. The new members included Felicity Smoak and Helena Bertinelli from Earth-97, Sara Lance from Earth-56, Laurel Lance from Earth-71 and his nephew William Tyson, taking on the mantle of Red Arrow from his uncle. He's also fiercely loyal to the people that he loves, a Halliwell trait. Following that incident Janeway was then taken hostage by Acrux and his mercenaries as Trabe Captain Nagrom's ship attacked. During their time on Voyager, Typhuss James Halliwell became Harry's best friend and both men formed a strong and lasting friendship. The only survivors of the rescue attempt include Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Ellen Ripley, Newt, Sarah Mackenzie and Typhuss James Halliwell. The Starfleet vessels USS Enterprise and USS Aventine eventually discovered this network, and called for an allied armada to gather in the Azure Nebula against an anticipated Borg invasion. They both respect each other both as friends and as Starfleet officers, to the point where they call each other by their first names. Amanda Tapping's second affair (1998-2016) was the second affair Amanda Tapping had during her marriage. The distributor was connected to the Flyer's power systems and the shuttle was able to escape before the ellipse returned to subspace. Talia and Typhuss had to keep their relationship a secret from people even his family. In 2379, the Xindi and the Suliban attacked the Federation, forming the Xindi-Suliban Alliance. You had control of this ship the whole time! Helen Magnus was able to defeat them with the help of her team. During the battle against the Xindi in the Ceti Alpha system, the crew of the Enterprise were aided by the USS Intrepid-A, which had come from the future from the year 2385, and were able to fight off the Xindi. In 2378, Typhuss took Kira's family name becoming Typhuss James Kira, showing Kira that he loves her. Typhuss also took classes such as Engineering, Klingon Physiology, Survival Strategies, Temporal Mechanics and Transporter Theory in his third year at the academy. Then the Iowa came under attack by a Romulan warbird. Tom remarked that the whole ordeal was actually tougher on his father than on him. Later Typhuss and Leeta began dating. Typhuss was so happy to see Sam that he kissed her on the lips and Sam kissed him back. Typhuss fought in the Tholian War, from 2354 to 2360. Typhuss felt that he, Julian, and the others had done the right thing and it was now time to pay the price. When Kim and Halliwell asked him what that was all about, Tom avoided that subject, stating that he was tired of telling it. In 2381, Typhuss and around 80 others were forced to evacuate the base after an attack by the Lucian Alliance. The shuttles were rescued by Starfleet a week later after the destruction of the USS Iowa. Kate Murphy Halliwell is a female Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century, she is the wife of Captain Typhuss James Halliwell. [1] Personality Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Bridgette Hunnisett in 2350, Typhuss met Jessica Jennings. ancient baby ball began bells Bobbin bought called century cloth collection comes copy County curious dame dance daughter dead early edited England English eyes fair father fell fire Five four gave girl give gone green half hand head heart History horses I'll . The crew was beamed to Voyager for medical attention and the Voyager crew attempted to repair the Equinox. Typhuss also served as third officer aboard the USS Zeus. With the loyalty Picard garnered, the Romulan and Klingon starships placed themselves under his flag. It wasn't until Typhuss reported to Homeworld Command from Destiny via the Long-range communication device, that Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill and others learned that these people were safe, aboard the ship and on their way back to the base. After being recruited by Dr. Magnus in her work at the Old City Sanctuary in 2370, Typhuss discovers a new and strange world that is both unbelievable yet completely plausible to him. Typhuss was close with Piper and looked up to Piper. In 2354, Typhuss first met Jane Smith at a bar. Later that year Helen, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman used the Nautilus, a submarine privately owned by Helen to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. Typhuss is very close to Eve, his daughter. Voyager left Kazon space a short time later when it went to maximum warp while in a nearby nebula in 2373 to resume their course home. In 2394, Helen sent Typhuss to Tokyo, Japan to capture a abnormal and bring it back to the Underground Sanctuary. She returned to the Flyer, with the distributor and Kelly's body. Typhuss would keep the picture in his quarters for seven years until he returned to Earth on December 31st 2377. Janeway then asked Neelix where the nearest supply of duranium, which was Praja. 6 weeks later Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. In 2378, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. This was a rather unpleasant experience for Vala, who had been an unwilling host to Qetesh until the Tok'ra freed her, but she attended for the host's sake so that she could be there to offer emotional support once he was freed of the symbiote. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "The hallucination of Samantha Carter"), Typhuss was also present during a screening of Attack of the Lobster People at a simulation of the Palace Theater. Later that year Typhuss was assigned to work in Starfleet Intelligence and was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. The clone Ba'al bragged about Ba'al's plan, but didn't provide any details, but only that they had made a mistake in thinking that he was the last Ba'al. Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Jessica Jennings in 2350, Typhuss met Sasha Evans. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. They always go to each other for advice. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. The Klingons finally came to believe that the baby was their savior and Janeway dropped them off on an uninhabited M-class planet. In 2385, Shepard was replaced as Director of Starfleet Intelligence by Vice Admiral Marta Batanides. He has also demonstrated some diplomatic abilities. The fleet got a distress call from the USS Stargazer, it was under attack by Elachi ships. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. After an understanding was reached with the Queen, the Intrepid joined the Borg in a coordinated effort to deflect a massive energy burst from a newly forming transwarp conduit. Oliver Queen is Typhuss's cousin-in-law, Typhuss and Oliver are very close, they talk and have dinner with Chloe. However in an alternate reality they were romantically involved by 2371. They first met in March 2360. Click to enlarge. Typhuss served on the Kansas from 2360 to 2371. Janeway and Voyager then came under attack by a alien known as the Prospector and his drones from a ocean-wide planet. In 2362, Olivia and Typhuss were ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. In the meantime, the creatures attacked Voyager. (ST - The Fall novel: A Ceremony of Losses, Star Trek: The New Generation episode: Beast of Burden). The Federation and their allies have been fighting the Xindi-Suliban Alliance since 2379. Typhuss greatly respects Gibbs and claims to have a good friendship with Gibbs. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. As a major consequence of these events, in this timeline Typhuss James Halliwell grew up without Jonathan James Halliwell and without the ambitions his grandfather gave him in the primary universe. Typhuss told Kira he still loved her. He is the son of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Typhuss meet with Elizabeth Weir in the corridor, Weir had been made commander of the SGC. It was briefly compromised when the Borg Queen began assimilating the USS Stargazer and obtained its command codes. (Star Trek: Helena episode: The Return Home). Kira attempted to extradite Bashir from the freighter he was hiding on but the Intrepid took damage due to a concealed weapon system. Later the USS Kingston lead 5 Daedalus-class battlecruisers against the Orions, they were able to drive them away. It captured Crewman Porter but the away team saved him and returned to Voyager. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. After Janeway had the planet sprayed with healthy bacteria that would heal the planet. The Voyager crew then retook their ship and was able to stop the attempted Borg assimilation of Earth. In 2354, Typhuss graduated from Starfleet Academy. Want to Read. Ransom explained that his ship was attacked by creatures that killed much of his crew. 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typhuss james halliwell