team 3d alpha nucleus overload program

Finally, I decided to name it Nucleus Overload, since the word Overload actually means "excessive amount", and "overload" just sounds much cooler than "multiplication". Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. YouTube and the study of hypertrophy is just my passion. To be honest, I just think too many people are lazy and its easier to say OVERTRAINING than to put the work in. 34177 >>34175 I got u boyy . The Functional Training Community Is Making Natural Bodybuilders Even More Delusional. But then as your training volume decreases, its possible for the muscle to get smaller, but still retain the same number of nuclei. Warning!! -You don't, but I highly recommend it since it's so much safer, gives you a ridiculous pump, increases fiber recruitment (even at lower loads), produces much less muscle damage, and is easier to recover from once the repeated bout effect kicks in. Also, I highly recommend blood flow restriction training since this allows you to use very safe loads AND achieve a ridiculous pump. You gonna share buddy! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. That's called the repeated bout effect.,,,, How To: Barbell Bicep Curl | 3 GOLDEN RULES. Not in reference to if this will work or not, but muscles are multi-nucleated. Then they can grow connective tissue and thicken the muscle. The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. -Absolutely. Also, I wasnt pumping out 100 reps in a row. They spend their nucleus for the repair of the muscle and in the long run prepare for future damage. Why increase satellite cells & nuclei anyway? But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card, because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. 214.3K Likes, 982 Comments. So if you didnt get in on BICEPS, lets hit traps and calves together with POWER SHRUGS and BARBELL CALF RAISES! Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by, 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle. I feel the same want about my chest as you did about your arms? They dont just train these movements once a week. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Rest period: less than 30 seconds between sets. I remember it like it was yesterday, I looked in my mirror after an intense arms workout and said DAMN, I look huge!! Use all of the information provided at your own risk. Dancers have insane legs, glutes and calves from daily dancing, gymnasts have incredible shoulders, back, and biceps from all the bar and ring work they do daily, Olympic skaters have HUGE legs from skating daily and even Arnold said that to bring up his calves, because they were a lagging body part, that he trained them daily. Its finally here!!! So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true:, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. -you can build muscle on ANY rep range (ideally below 30 reps) as long as you go CLOSE to failure on each set (RPE 9). Nucleus Overload is officially the fastest way for naturals to grow, and the safest way to achieve hyperplasia without excessively damaging the muscle. Everything finally made sense. Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. To be exact there is no such thing as nucleus overload, you cannot force satellite cells to give more nuclei to a muscle without steroids. Cookie Notice 2)How many reps (or how heavy should I go) on Nucleus Overload? Reply. Literally in the past 6 months I have seen a 2 increase in my b/t measurements. It also means you can achieve the same gains with lighter weight which means less chance of an injury: And the best part, is that the new nuclei (where DNA resides and protein synthesis begins) donated by the satellite cells to the overworked muscle (resulting in hyperplasia) didn't go away even after the rats were detrained. If doing more than 30 reps per set, use Blood-flow restriction. Team3DAlphaTites !! I Did 100 Bicep Curls Every Day For 30 Days | NUCLEI OVERLOAD TRAINING. They dont just train these movements once a week. Well, let me post this question to all of you. If done correctly though, it should only take about 15 20 minutes to complete and if lets say I started with 50lb dumbbells but then my arms began to fatigue A LOT, I would just drop the weight to 45lbs, 40lbs or 35lbs, whatever I needed to do to keep the rest periods under 1 minute. The solution comes in form of myosatellite cells which are a special form of stem cells in the muscle without any own cellplasma. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. Remember when I said maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? Well then maybe that means theres A LOT more hope for myself and all my fellow natural athletes out there who want to take their training and gains to the next level and the equation looks simple enough. For more information, please see our Now, the reason why Im bringing up muscle memory in this video is because my arms used to be a lot bigger a few years ago.In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. Watch on. I had to find out the reason for this, so I kept digging endlessly and kept recommending it anyway despite the constant ridicule. And by the way, you wont arrive there any quicker compared to a more conservative regime. Also, I wasn't pumping out 100 reps in a row. So in my case, I would say the last 6 or 7 months have been the best dedication to training Ive had in YEARS and I know I can still do even better. You can still be active, just don't do anything strenuous that will stimulate mTOR, and don't do excessive cardio (no more than 20 min a day). Lol damn bro , thats funny , but he has a point , I think ima buy the plan , its only $50 . So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true:, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. And my delts and triceps grew thickerit was the first time my triceps bulged out the side and rear. -First off, Nucleus Overload is free, and always has been. People highly underestimate the body's ability to adapt to stress. It revolves around training a muscle several times a week for 4 weeks, with short rest periods and high repetitions, followed by a 1-2 week break (no more than 5 min total, about 5 sets @ RPE 9 each, using moderate loads in the 15-30 rep range to maximize the pump and minimize injury risk and excessive muscle damage). Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. Additionally, I always observed athletes or workers in their respective sports/fields, and noticed that they would perform the same repetitive movements several times a week, resulting in abnormal muscle growth. If you recommended anything else, you were ridiculed and accused of making people "overtrain". That's a real problem because muscle cells can not divide to produce new cells. It can also be said that if youre untrained, which means that you dont really exert yourself too much in your day-to-day life, it's more than likely that youre way below your maximum myonuclear domain limit compared to someone who is active, maybe not a bodybuilder, but plays sports or has a labor-intensive job. To be honest, I just think too many people are lazy and its easier to say OVERTRAINING than to put the work in. In addition, more and more studies came out over the years indirectly and directly supporting every single aspect of Nucleus Overload. In fact, I noticed about a quarter inch difference when I remeasured from day 1 to 30 days later and still retain that difference even now. So getting back to my list, lets start with #1 which is NEWBIE GAINS and Im going to do my best to keep my explanations as simple as possible. Privacy Policy. Try this. That theory sounds very tempting, but . You can also subscribe without commenting. People have said that you will have joint problems and tendinitis, But I never experienced that. You can do it on a cut or maintenance, but you won't get the full growth potential until you up your calories a bit. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. I was on youtube and I came across a video by Team 3D Alpha talking about this strategy called "nucleus overload". My question is, does it work or, per say, does it even exist? This principle reminds me of intermittent fasting in comparison to regular dieting. Team3DAlpha assumes no liability for any damages that may occur as a result of the implementation or use of the products or services offered herein. The reason is because I didnt want to have to go TOO light. I know that there was A LOT in this article. It's not until 2020, after 9 years of subscribers asking me to release an E-book, that I finally decided to create one that summarizes ALL my years of experience, and ALL the FREE information I ALREADY have spread out across my 1500+ videos on YouTube (it's also the 1st time I even temporarily allowed a paid sponsor on my channel). Designed For: Bodybuilding, Cross-fits, Cardio. But I dont want to lie to you guys for the sake of views on a video. Some other real life examples include powerlifters. If done correctly though, it should only take about 15 20 minutes to complete and if lets say I started with 50lb dumbbells but then my arms began to fatigue A LOT, I would just drop the weight to 45lbs, 40lbs or 35lbs, whatever I needed to do to keep the rest periods under 1 minute. Would both ways still have the same natty limits? You cant use 80-90% of your max and expect to maintain good form every day for weeks. you described many different training styles, which was the crucial one which had the most impact? But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. I am not a Doctor or Dietitian. Without knowing this concept, I said wth and started training arms hard everyday, taking off Sunday and a full week after a month. But back to my point, if we refer to the photo from earlier. My comment: You have been watching way too many movies.,, If you want to put on some muscle, train that body part every day for 4 to 5 sets at least five times a week and over the course of time, it will come up. TOP 7 Chest Exercises Ranked WORST to BEST! How Boxers Gain Muscle Mass To Move Up a Weight Class, 3 Exercises to Build Bigger GLUTES & HAMSTRINGS. About me: CEO of Team3DAlpha, creator of Nucleus Overload, HSP Training, and . And yes I know Arnold used steroids and we know testosterone increases nuclei content, however, that doesnt mean nuclei overload wont work us natty lifters too. 2) Keeping myofibrillar protein synthesis elevated daily WITHOUT excessive muscle damage. Your email address will not be published. It also includes a massive summary of everything Ive learned throughout my 16 years of experience, and everything you need to know about muscle growth, nutrition, fat loss, optimal training, and more (over $50 value). But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. Privacy Policy. I know I weighed 172lbs and Im 183 185lbs now. Theres a lot more to this than just seeing growth. Exercise: SAFE, low damage inducing exercises (cable, machines, bands, bodyweight etc.). In fact, once the repeated bout effect kicks in, your body will actually recover FASTER once you start doing Nucleus Overload. Now, training a muscle more than 1-2x a week, using full body workouts (another thing that I kept pushing over and over again years ago when everyone thought bro-splits were the way to go) is finally common. Train like Vegeta for a month straight, active rest or deload for a solid 12 14 days to de-train your body, then right back to more intense training! Avoid the eccentric portion of each rep. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Go to the gym and do a 55 workout with 80% of your max. This is why new lifters grow quicker. | BIGGER ARMS NOW! But the REAL QUESTION is, why did I wait SO LONG to show you my results as I did this from October 10th through November 10th. Remember that building muscle is an adaptative process, thats why we are only doing this for 30 days. ALWAYS keep protein on the high side (at least 1g per pound of bodyweight, slightly less if very obese). obviously not, if you are migan. The only thing that happens is that you accumulate fatique of the muscle because of poor recovery and high weekly volume. But first of all I will describe shortly what this method is: Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. Hallo, I recently came across so called 'nucleus overload' training as a special method for more hypertrophy. But unfortunately I couldn't find any studies done on humans at the time to back up my theory, so my message was once again discarded by the clowns who don't believe anything unless they came up with it. It has kept passed 51 ever since. Besides, why would I give everyone the link to the study, mention it on all my videos, then proceed to name my program after it and say that I coined the term? You cant really know who is behind a YouTube comment anyway. You gonna share buddy! However, this does lead us into number three on my list which is actual obtained growth from additional myonuclei in the muscle and this is where the science behind the LONG REST PERIOD comes in and why I waited so long to make this video. Dancers have insane legs, glutes and calves from daily dancing, gymnasts have incredible shoulders, back and biceps from all the bar and ring work they do daily, Olympic skaters have HUGE legs from skating daily and even Arnold said that to bring up his calves, because they were a lagging body part, that he trained them daily. this is how ex-cons say they got swole.them n***s were in prison doing chest everyday with no rest days, and doing bicep curls everyday. Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. -5 sets of 15-30 reps close to failure (RPE 9), for 30 days (5 days a week is also fine). Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Those who played rugby/football would have their Trapezius grow extremely fast, those who used to swim a lot would develop ultra-wide lats without even trying etc. A compelling argument right? -First off, Nucleus Overload comparison to regular dieting and thicken the muscle and in long! ( at least 1g per pound of bodyweight, slightly less if very obese.... Grow connective tissue and thicken the muscle and in the past 6 months I have seen 2. Bodybuilders Even more Delusional, slightly less if very obese ) go to the gym and do a workout... 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A special method for more hypertrophy happens is that you accumulate fatique of the....

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team 3d alpha nucleus overload program