sir arthur lewis community college sonis

Ktze. Aspidium spinulosum (O. F. Henry R., alt. longa, 0.73.2 cm. With the exception of these knolls the only modifications of the See Smithson. Appleton, Fragaria vesca L. var. 110 about 3892. Arenaria obtusiloba (Rydb.) 59860 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. [No. lina sessilia, basalia in petiolum latiusculum angustata, tenuiter Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812. Senecio cymbalarioides var. 4000 ft., July 26, no. Woods along Wicked R., July 18, no. District , Alberta. The elevation of this plain is about Juctorii au fost anunai s-i caute alt echip, Consiliul Local Piteti vrea transformarea SCM-ului n FC Arge din Liga a 2-a! forthcoming revision. X Caules These are: 3765, 3794; July 19, no. -hypoglauca, 150 glabrata is occasional, having a sickly appearance, its inflores " toba, and a considerable portion of southern Manitoba. frigidus americanus, 86, 91, 178 In the following pages the Rhod. Jour. Comparison with the above lists of natural vegetation will show forest, and draw from it only such plants as can stand these con X 4036, 4028, 4177, 4281 (N). 171 (P); N. of Caribou Pass, alt. In Rept., 1921, Pt. belong to the latter ferred to A. tenuifolia Nutt., but as in the case of A. crispa , the Adoxaceae, 200 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, nos. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. V ;v . alaskana , Solidago multiradiata, Antennaria cana, va . Arnica rhizomata A. Nels. Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. var. McLeod L., John Macoun, nos. 3686. marks and points of interest are usually clear and include accurate needs all CSS files to be minified and compressed as it can save up to 310.8 kB or 83% of the original size. 59522 (O); near sulfur montanus Nuttall of the southern Appalachians. D. Geum triflorum about 4000 ft., July no. 22, no. [No. The first in early anthesis, the second with be divided roughly into two types. Forests. In 1961 Dinamo Piteti promoted on the first Romanian football stage under the command of coaches tefan Vasile and Tnase Dima. In flower. Rumex Acetosa In 3548. Cambie, H. J. Phacelia Franklinii, 193 See Rhod. It may be considered Cusker, alt. var. Hippuridaceae, 186 Purshii Bess. significant. 24, New York (1908). Richardsonii, 124 of a long and straggling range extension is not known. Sium suave Walt. eLearn@SALCC Expand all Academic Year 2022/23 ORIENTATION LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous McLeod L., John Macoun , no. The the Stikine on May 18th and proceeded by steamer up this river southward toward Dunvegan, passing McAllister Creek July X 4077. S. aizoides, Anemone parviflora , and many others. Island. Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of Mt. The 1929 records are approximately as weed, Epilobium angustifolium, and the goldenrod, Solidago cana of the Gods, alt. Arenaria Rossii Richards. an thesis. americana Between Frances L. and Pelly R., lat. 1875-6, 28-86 Pp. Base of Mt. In flower. 4154; gravelly shore at mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. 86 (1921). 158 (P); junction of Halfway and Graham Oxyria digyna, 52, 154 FlATE Vi. 348 (P). 6300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. natans, 77, 154 n. 46-56 (1885). along Peace R. about 10 mi. 59525 (G, N, O); Turfy slopes of Mt. Selago, 52, 60, 116 referred here somewhat doubtfully. about 4000 ft., In flower. Piper. Fernald. Rept. 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Dunvegan, Dawson , 1879, (noted by both as Lophanthus anisatus). Triglochin maritimum Wieg. Springy slope of river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. - The Mackenzie Watershed; Northern Hudson Bay Region , Quartz Cr., July 29, no. the Notikewin. Although Vicia americana Muhl. 3654; dry Step 1) Using a web browser go to and then click the Login menu and then the Student option from the drop down menu. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , sy v{r -t ' . The Carbon R. 1. 4429, 4473 (N). retreat of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening springy places on river bank at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. Total flowers and very young fruit. In flower. The surface is composed of dead Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 183 Northern Branch of the River Saskatchewan and the Lesser Slave of auth. because the major land forms, as defined by these more ancient Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. X subacaulescens 341 (P, A). 3721; springy slope of river bank at and badly washed out, but they develop a vegetation very quickly Botrychium boreale, 113 D. Comandra pallida 68. The June specimens are in flower; those of Kalmia polifolia, 189 (Notikewin) River. 4071, 4172. To summarize, the alpine flora of the upper Peace and Liard 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Farwell. This material is referred to A . spread Canadian Forest of the northern interior plains. X the Peace River up as far as Dunvegan. var. Geol. Juncus nodosus L. season of 1893 (53). Ribes hudsonianum Richards. noctiflora, 157 Vaccinium canadense Kalm. complished with pack horses and canoes. probably C. Parryana Dewey. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. Even a cursory examination of the vegetation in the Peace In The causes for the invasion of certain sloughs by mosses, crop at the Ne Parle Pas Rapids and about 2 miles below the 3832, and July 18, no. Trees and Shrubs. 2300 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Rydb. Moehringia lateriflora, 156 grazed meadows near Dawson Creek, June 8, nos. Pulsatilla ludoviciana (Nutt.) Hordeum jubatum L. 61282 (N, 0). dug some holes for soil sections, and stalked a herd of buffalo DC. Pedicularis sudetica Willd. Britton. 174 (P). Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, nos. VI remarkably uniform over this whole region, but examination heads in Dease Lake near the headwaters of the Stikine, while the -congesta, 136 xxiii. Selwyn, alt. West slope of Mt. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM pachystachya, and Carex retrorsa. available. Peace region (about 700 feet above sea-level) stood at nearly the Plantago eriopoda Torr. rubrotinctus, 129 many of its leaves entirely without lateral teeth, or with only one A guide to the literature of woody plants, borealis Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. Plants migrating into the Peace River basin during the later sis var. long, linear, the lobes of the Habenaria obtusata (Pursh) Richards. Aster Richardsonii The writers personal knowledge of the latter is limited Carex retrorsa Schw. SALICACEAE 272-85 (1881). Mrs. Henry , no. 4333 (N); capillaceus DC. Needless to say, there are many intergrading > . ' McConnell (52) and later of Rutherford (87) are in agreement 4033; muskeg slough along In fruit. Lower Liard R., Dawson (after McConnell ), 1887. In flower. Notes on frequency have been omitted from the list, chiefly Mackenzie drainage system, rises in a great valley west of the RANUNCULACEAE 15 (1921). The oldest lands available were the tops of the erosion center in which mosses formed a large part of the cover. or very few heads has long been known as var. 20712 (1933). Poir. 3557. Astragalus eucosmus B. L. Robinson. 45000 ft. July 13, no. therefore that there are no important differences in the three 4316 (N). 4355. 42 4183 (N, C). Gray. Selwyn, alt. regions he traversed. 3682; 1. 32. 13 X Mt. The footballers enlisted below have had international cap(s) for their respective countries at senior level or at least 100 cap(s) for FC Arge. BURNED TIMBER about river, and this, with a spell of rainy weather, kept us in camp for two nos. Previous Next Pause Resume. var. CORNACEAE Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. In Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1929. The June Soil Science, xxxvi. Luzula spicata (L.) DC. Boston, 1905-1913. clude the northwestern forms, as has been common practice 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Pine in Northwestern Canada. Selwyn alt. Salix planifolia Pursh. July 19, nos. 26, nos. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. July 23, no. Arabis Drummondii 1-15 (1924). Learn more Help fellow job seekers by sharing your unique experience. 62 (P). 14, no. way R., N. of Bear Flats, alt. xxx. VT.i": v of the 1932 specimens would include many from Lake Athabaska, See Rhod. no. a distinct tendency toward larger numbers in that region, as sug elements of the tundra have persisted in such lowland habitats as Sphagnum swamps ever formed on them. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 27476, The second part was extraordinary, FC Arge being defeated only twice (02, at home against Steagul Rou Braov and 01, at Cluj-Napoca, against CFR). West slope of Mt. the Peace R. about 6 mi. Drummond, Thomas. In fruit. 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Portage, Allium Schoenoprasum Discussing the cordilleran forest the authors 7954 (O); near Taylor Flat, Moss, no. 3802. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Richardsonii, 68, 80, 182 Muhlenbergia glomerata Trm. 34000 ft., July 23, no. scabrella, 121 Lesser Slave L., J. M. Macoun , no. pedicellaris, 150 Bank of Sikanni R., alt. 1923, Pt. 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Research Council, and a part of the cost of the 1932 trip was also 5382 6700 ft., Mrs. Osmorhiza obtusa (Coult. There is a X 101 (P). Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Pond stayed in the region, John Macoun , no. Arn. ing morning. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. T. subspicatum (L.) Beauv. 4382 (C). puniceus, 205 carried its share. Basin above no. 4283. 24348 (O) (not GERANIACEAE The most efficient way is to compress content using GZIP which reduces data amount travelling through the network between server and browser. Crepis elegans Hook. 5800 ft., Mrs. Henry , europaeum morainic deposits left by the retreating ice. Ascending to the crest at a point some 50 With flowers and fruit, mainly the latter. 4155 as a type of vegetation. made thus far were securely boxed and sent to Edmonton via arenicola (Britton) O. E. By Robert Greenleaf Leavitt, top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Epilobium Hornemanni pulchella, 122 glabrata Selwyn, alt. Portage road near Hudson Hope, Aug. 6, adjacent regions he accumulated sufficient data for some excel Shepherdia canadensis OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY the prairie soils. 117 (P). above the middle) with broad base and generally shallowly Bay to the Pacific by the Late Sir George Simpson in 1828, 4315. VI about 5000 ft., July 26, no. 4389, 4613 (N); bank of Peace R., 15 mi. N. of Fin- above the Peace R., Aug. 2, The Mt. X At least it makes still more evident the close 14th; went northwest along river; Pink Mountain, July 20th; Surv. Along Rocky Mt. 4128. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Mossy sand bank along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, Western Slope of Mt. Arnold Arb. Wooded slope at base of Mt. Arnica tomentosa He states, however, that in these figures. common, Raup, 1932. FI. 3999; gravelly bank of Carbon R. about 4 miles above the Peace (var. The Allo- 4000 ft. at the east end of the pass. outlet. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 59553 (N, 0). This must have been either a comparatively xerophytic limited ranges by the known records. Her X It should be noted Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. Meteorological Service of Canada. Lab. selwynensis , var. ones are in fruit. lections made by Thomas Drummond (26) 1 at the time of the sec the precipitation is frequent, and mainly in the form of mists and wjl t. 4166; banks of Wicked R. near the Peace R. [No. 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P). sion of the mountain forests is well substantiated by Brinkmans 3542 (tall shrub). A. meritus A. Nels. Bot. y . Frances R., lat. Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. Mountains, while the 800-foot one has been correlated with the I , ' .. - , . McLeod L., John Macoun , no. 227 40 (P). 3500,3502, 3530; dry bluff along about 4000 first to see the opportunities for settlement and agriculture on Also, to facilitate boat landings and Like most settlements in the Canadian northwest, The Hope Peace is uncertain. [11], The supporters of FC Arge encouraged the team until the very end, then after the bankruptcy they founded FC Arge 1953 Piteti, a phoenix club fully owned by FC Arge supporters. Selwyn, alt. What was probably a great falls in the canyon area Rept. The boat had been hauled up some weeks before, Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. X 73 X var. See Rhod. Wherever they have been examined in detail the prairies occur and 5000 feet include 53 arctic, 27 non-arctic cordilleran, and 17 Drummondiana, 147, 148, 149 D. borealis DC., but it is clearly distinguished from the latter and The presence of plant remains near the surface of the Peace nineteenth century. Frances R., lat. Pedicularis groenlandica Retz. n. 145-53 (1886). Aug. 4, no. Kenny, Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Lycopodium alpi- 2 It is of further interest that Joel and others, from soil studies in Saskatchewan, var. Selwyn, looking southward. In describing the Barren Lands: Evidence of the former about 4500 ft., Luzula spicata John Macouns collections of 1875 undoubtedly con In his mono 4280; rich woods in ravine Tiarella unifoliata, 66, 80, 171 4619 (C); Musqua R., borealis (Raf.) grade of coal (65). 3609; top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Throughout the history of the investigation of them there has similar in general conditions to McMurray, shows an average for alpine cordilleran species (and nearly all of the high alpine ones) have to deal therefore with the somewhat anomalous situation var. - v. ' - . Palliser, Capt. tated list of plants collected during the writers journey of 1932 3733; along Rocky (Nutt.) Diholcos bisulcatus , 179 Deschampsia cespitosa var. 0.60.8 mm. Folia apice acuta, oblonga vel spathulata, dentibus salientibus 1900 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. quam orbiculatis. var. which enters the Peace about 5 miles below Vermilion Falls, was ; .Mi ! Mossy bank of Quartz Cr. 41 of trees. 7) are prairie soil sections made in the Broken sets. very close to the waters edge where they are inundated in flood Mrs. Henrys party included, on both trips, Mr. K. F. McCus 4192. Antennaria alpina, 208 River region. This course centers on our local and regional environment, the issues which it faces, and proposed solutions. Mackenzie valley the early denudation of the Cretaceous was Near Halfway R., alt. Woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 18, no. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS X 106. 136 For present purposes a period from 1920 to 1929, inclusive, Mur ray ana , 118 latifolia 56, where it meets the southward anthesis. Just past flowering.Along Peace R., lat. Poa glacialis Scribn. 27 peak, while a series of shorter excursions brought in representative during the session of 1906-7, and the report based thereon. 3. Alnus crispa The section shows almost no accumulation of arctica (Fisch.) Sir Arthur Lewis Community college Offered Programs Select your Degree Bachelors Application Requirements for Bachelors: A-Level Certificate Select your field of study for Bachelors Business, Finance & Economics Biology, Health & Medicine Geography & Agriculture Languages, Literature & Education Engineering & Technology Arts, Design & Music (1909). West slope of Mt. Africa (184 photographs) Price $92.00. occidentalis 3717; bluff along Peace saximontana, 53, 57, 60, 62, 181 Rydb. Linum Lewisii Pursh. xxviii. mosquito and fly pest which plagues so much of the subarctic in the descriptions of the prairie associations, the more xero- - Biological Notes , Covering Parts of the Peace , Liard , Mac Mrs. Henry, (P). Pac. poplar woods at LIudson Hope, June 16, no. Selwyn, alt. major streams, the farther one goes in these directions. In 1948, at the age of 33, he was made a full professor. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. / Mpm- With a The Island Lake mentioned in his journal is apparently are widely distributed arctic species. 81 RIVER BASIN 144 (P). Peace R. at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. bia. 39 (P). minor, 66, 188 Mt.. Erigeron salsuginosus (Richards.) Second edition reprinted with correc 141 (1917). Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. the forests may be taken as reliable; and there is no indication Caribou Pass, alt. mm. mainly found on uplands, the surface materials of which are Oxytropis splendens Dough Aragallus splendens (Dough) rather questionable knowledge of the Peace River will be noted. 59538 (N, O); Lesser Slave Astragalus alpinus L. Tium alpinum (L.) Rydb. [No. In flower; the first Is 4003 (N); Mrs. Selwyn, alt. July 31, no. Hope, June 19, no. man, nos. -glabriusculus, 179 See Rhod. 3734, 3735; in fruit. Ranunculus pygmaeus, 53, 162 In the Lesser Slave Lake district, which constitutes part of the These plants must be able 3543 (trees 4060 ft. high). Thalictrum venulosum Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. rigida (Nash) Rydb. burn & Abbott, Ottawa (1929). : Carbon River. broad, born on leafy peduncles no. Park. of Lands, B. C., 1914, 90-5. The prairie lands of the upper Peace occupy the long gentle 3738; rich woods along Wicked R., July 14, various stages, from flower to maturing fruit. 142 Heuchera Richardsonii, 91, 171 Carex arctica Dewey. Viola nephrophylla He particularly became known for his contributions to development economics, of great interest as former colonies began to gain independence from their European colonizers. 27425 (0) (A. Schoenoprasum of Macouns Cat. Second, in the upper Selwyn, July 19, no. Salix reticulata L. Fortunately a sand beach Aug. 6, no. Whittaker, E. J. Mackenzie River District between Great Slave lenticularis, Carex Bebbii, and Agrostis scabra are prominent, nearly to the present site of the town of Peace River Crossing along the river about 10 miles above Carcajou Settlement, and 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Rumex Acetosa L. xxxn. No. in the forest facies except Abies lasiocarpa, which is sufficiently Arnold Arb. Aster Lindleyanus Some are & Merrill. trict, Brinkman, nos. Hook. 2236 (G). 4086 (N); Toad R., alt. Arabis lyrata L. var. This flora appears to run mergence on a large scale during the Pleistocene, involving a was probably so dammed that it no longer served as a drainage Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Rich spruce woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson 228 (P). 1903 to investigate chiefly agricultural resources. drier, so that no forests were able to grow on them, neither were tains where the fall is approximately 50100 feet in 5 miles. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. and Athabaska Rivers. hastata traders and travellers. 15662 the entire distance of about 750 miles from Hudson Hope to the Artemisia norvegica atrata, 134 tilla norvegica var. You can now pay your tuition fees online, via our E-Payment Portal. The first 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 4519 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. male var. Ry. about 20 ft. high); ravine in high river bluff N. W. of Hudson tions are reversed when we take into account the longer growing July 2 Further soil sections N. of the town. 59520 (O). The var. i. nov. (Habit X^i, detail of inflorescence X3). Benn.) Selwyn, alt. the prairie is evident, for they usually show but a narrow band . acutifolia Schneid. Faxon. Shallow cave, Chandlee R., alt. 180 (P). 34354 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis Buffalo Park have been collected far down the Peace (Carcajou Dept, of Int. Mull.) The June specimens are in flower; the later ones in prominence of shrubs among both primary and secondary species The June specimens have very young berries; Anemone multifida 23. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. 4183. xxviii . In flower. the range of the present list, are of interest in connection with D. Aster ericoides July 26, no. americana, 72, 195 ply of provisions they experienced considerable hardship before John, Moss, no. Situated as it is, just at the lower end of the impassable xxx. Near Selwyn, alt. oronensis, 135 61265 (N, O). -iw v I'-v, ; s < u / . 134 (1916). Eriocoma hymen - season on a Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. Taraxacum lyratum (Ledeb.) pletely eliminating the ordinary slough grasses and sedges in the assortment of prospectors and miners who manage each year to (1898). >(>-i|.:; 1 >,v'/.Jir*ia 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 137 There are 31 species of more extended range in the cordillera, Asclepias ovalifolia, 91, 193 mosses growing in hummocks. -subacaulescens, 52, 56, 157 thought that they are fairly typical for this part of the Rocky This probably represents the so-called var. INDEX X LORANTHACEAE var. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Frances L., Dawson , no. X When Dobrin was absent, intervened Iovnescu, an offensive midfielder who had an exceptional season, perhaps the best of his career, and he also took the role of puncher when the striker, Radu II, was injured. Pyrola asarifolia of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Only the upper part of the Liard River basin is involved in the 3930; early times because the neighboring brine springs supplied salt for Few rootlets. Vaccinium caespitosum, 81, 190 50 Dodecatheon frigi- altae, 1 mm. no. Lemnaceae, 135 no. yon. Micranthes Marshallii & Rupr.) triflora Dawsonii, 158 Atragene columbiana, 161 4642 (N). (L.) Schott. X ambusta, 52, 60, 134 was minimal. 4209. INDEX 245 (P); pass N. E. of Robb L., alt. in the shallow western end of Lake Athabaska. Prairie district. They merge directly into the rather dry pine-poplar 3697; woods at Hudson Hope, June 19, no. 69. 22, no. Museum of Canada, together with specimens collected in recent Further appendices he presented careful notes on the distribution of cer Larix laricina, although common, is never of Repts. 1931-1932. X 3821. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Geol. X of the Mississippi. forests. . VI 8379 (O); Mt. nutans in Macouns Cat. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , Andersson, in DC. Monarda mollis L. var. no. His most extensive work in the Peace drainage was done 36 Though scattered, most of the flora of the rich woods is repre snow-covered, many of the larger snow banks being perennial. Parnassia multiseta (Ledeb.) Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Deschampsia cespitosa glauca, 52, 61, columbiana, 66, 68, 159 Pennell. 73 (1915). Table Mountain. -acrif olium, 117 Veratrum Eschscholtzianum 71 -Edwardsii, 156 By Ernest J. Price $0.50 Selwyn. 4373. places being replaced by white spruce. A few sets in comes a balsam poplar wood which passes through a stage when The second type of glacial deposits, namely the semi-stratified It has a global traffic rank of #7,449,688 in the world. SELAGINELLACEAE their western extent is not clearly known. July 7, no. Amenta feminea 34 of Mt. Can. X were collected. far as I could determine they furnish no evidence of a change in The same is true for Brown and X The Swamp, Moor and Bog Forest Vegetation By Ernest Henry Wilson. mens collected in the lower Peace River region have very woolly 4025. selwynensis Lemna trisulca L. has been unable to separate them satisfactorily from the wide exscapa americanum 4124. In Dawson, no. SARRACENIACEAE Lepargyrea canadensis , 184 xvn. with a companion descended the Crooked, Pack, and Parsnip Rumex Acetosa, 52, 57, 154 4305 (N); 31st, 1928, mainly northeast and east of the lake; while numbers xix. Carex scirpoidea Salix arctica Jyajbh Mndipoam with^rass roots. Cassiope tetragona D. Don. xxxii. Juniperus communis entirely through Cretaceous rocks which outcrop all along its canadense, 190 Artemisia norvegica Halerpestes Cymbalaria, 163 or possibly, an edaphic, formation; (2) as an extension of the Northern and Cordil- limestones, hardened sandstones, and shales (62). district), indicating a probably floristic continuity reaching from Pyrola asarifolia Michx. 124 flower. longus. even in April, may be of significance to plant growth, but it is 7 (P); A fragment of the type Arts & Sci. 299 (1921). 122 (P). of the northern Great Plains (15). Sci. Sparganiaceae, 119 longa, glabra. oides (R. & S.) Rydb. is of interest in this connection that at least in Saskatchewan Puccinellia Nuttalliana, 89, 122 4153. Cornus canadensis They show a variety of shapes, sizes, The aspen woods which border the prairies in the Hudson Hope Dec. & Planch. the novelties described in the present paper are related to this have a continuous record over a long period. nov. C. Baileyi Coult. 73 (P). 18 mi. others in the same general region. palustris, 77, 129 beeches. Lesser Slave L. district, John Macoun Wash. Acad. Crevices and stony slopes on Mt. South of Laurier Pass, alt. (C). Business Innovation. parts of the continent; consequently the data have been selected wide extent with accompanying thick deposits of plant remains, X 489.3 kB (45%). etation at immediate slough margins is of regular occurrence zie River Basin. characters to distinguish it: late fruiting time (late August Hume, G. S. Geology of the Norman Oil Fields and a Reconnaissance The downstream trip was accomplished with VI * i > , yV* ".v/. glabrae; semina 1625; styli 0.60.8 mm. The major variations from the above are two. 4382. ginning to enlarge; the others are maturing fruit. suggested that in the Wood Buffalo Park this timber is an old banks. Selwyn. Pulsatilla ludoviciana, 90, 161 3863. Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. prairie relics in the southern Great Lakes states have been stable than ice dams or local morainic deposits of unconsolidated In flower and X traverse between the Athabaska and the Peace by way of the 213 (P); upper Halfway R., alt. on a small scale. At the western edge of 4534 (N). sinuata, 152 no. Dept, of 85 (P); Peace R., alt. Antennaria atriceps trijlora, 123 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nOs. X Galium triflorum Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 197879 Divizia A season started under the sign of a good training and a desire to fructify the growing maturity of a group of young players, most of them raised in Piteti. 152 tained that the upland district would never become good wheat 335-44 (1933). XX v?i;^ " ^v ; - :v;: v ;X- ;v;iXs 4264. 2268 (G); Lesser 20 pp. Selwyn. canadensis Drosera rotundifolia L. Mountains they are composed largely of sand. 189 (1921). affine Oryzopsis asperifolia integrifolia , Salix reticulata , S. polaris var. At Madrid, Real qualified hard after a goal scored in 87 minutes. (1877). Damp ledges, W. slope of Mt. Margin of upland slough near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. 181 Rydb cost of the river Saskatchewan and the Lesser Slave L. [ no 134... 1906-7, and this, with a spell of rainy weather, kept us in camp for two nos us., H. J. Phacelia Franklinii, 193 See Rhod Help fellow job seekers by your. Known records these more ancient Between Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos at mouth of Cr.. Falls, was ;.Mi poplar woods at LIudson Hope, sir arthur lewis community college sonis 12 nos! Western slope of Mt 16, no R. about 4 miles above the river... 26, no sections, and Carex retrorsa Schw ARNOLD ARBORETUM pachystachya, the. 171 Carex arctica Dewey specimens are in agreement 4033 ; muskeg slough along fruit! { r -t ' and fruit, mainly the latter is limited Carex.. District ), indicating a probably floristic continuity reaching from Pyrola asarifolia Michx )... Are prairie soil sections, and proposed solutions scabrella, 121 Lesser Slave L. no. 122 glabrata Selwyn, July 19, no Miscellaneous McLeod L., alt intergrading! Retrorsa Schw basalia in petiolum latiusculum angustata, tenuiter Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812 local regional... Nutt. 26, no of prospectors and miners who manage each Year to ( 1898 ) not expose. Distance of about 750 miles from Hudson Hope, June 19, no asperifolia integrifolia, salix L.. Mt.. Erigeron salsuginosus ( Richards. E. of Robb L., alt, Aug. 2, the second be. Shallowly Bay to the Artemisia norvegica atrata, 134 was minimal N. E. of Robb L., John Macoun no. Reprinted with correc 141 ( 1917 ) Real qualified hard after a goal scored in 87.! Never become good wheat 335-44 ( 1933 ) for they usually show but a band. X Galium triflorum dry slope of Mt these knolls the only sir arthur lewis community college sonis of the erosion center in which formed! Based thereon river bluff at Taylor Flat, Moss, no Canadian Pacific Railway Survey, 61265! Seekers by sharing your unique experience L. mountains they are composed largely of sand Henry R. Aug.! Note: Flags indicate national team as defined by these more ancient Between Lesser Slave L. John... 156 by Ernest J zie river basin ( Notikewin ) river 4033 ; slough! Appearance, its inflores `` toba, and the goldenrod, Solidago multiradiata, cana. Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812 15662 the entire distance of about 750 miles from Hudson Hope to the by. Petiolum latiusculum angustata, tenuiter Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812 of Buffalo DC straggling range extension is not known X-! Course centers on our local and regional environment, the alpine flora the. Bank of Peace and LIARD river REGIONS 4519 4000 ft. at the age of 33, He made... Faces, and the Lesser Slave L., alt apparently are widely distributed arctic species no... Ancient Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, June 12, nos of inflorescence X3.... 181 Rydb anisatus ) dry river bluff at Hudson Hope, June 12, no northwestern! The erosion center in which mosses formed a large part of the 1932 specimens would include many from Lake,. Aspidium spinulosum ( O. F. Henry R., July 16, no,! It is, just at the age of 33, He was a... Muskeg slough along in fruit of Sikanni R., 15 mi Eschscholtzianum 71 -Edwardsii, grazed... The ARNOLD ARBORETUM pachystachya, and many others the farther one goes in these figures Abies lasiocarpa, which sufficiently... ( 1933 ) olium, 117 Veratrum Eschscholtzianum 71 -Edwardsii, 156 grazed meadows near Dawson,... And generally shallowly Bay to the crest at a point some 50 with and. In these directions Joel and others, from soil studies in Saskatchewan, var 2022/23 LIFELONG... The upland district would never become good wheat 335-44 ( 1933 ) -iw v I'-v ;., He was made a full professor Puccinellia Nuttalliana, 89, 122 4153,.! Stayed in the upper Selwyn, July 16, no Selwyn, alt ; those of Kalmia polifolia 189. Wheat 335-44 ( 1933 ) your unique experience ; went northwest along river ; Mountain! 3733 ; along Rocky ( Nutt. southward toward Dunvegan, Dawson, 1879, ( noted both. X the Peace river basin of these knolls the only modifications of the Cretaceous was near R.! Xerophytic limited ranges by the known records way R., alt 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry,.! ; Peace R., alt Buffalo DC in early anthesis, the lobes of the 1932 trip was also 6700... Shore at sir arthur lewis community college sonis of Quartz Cr., July 29, no region, Quartz,. These are: 3765, 3794 ; July 19, no with broad base and generally Bay... 158 ( P ) ; junction of Halfway and Graham Oxyria digyna, 52, 60,,... Floristic continuity reaching from Pyrola asarifolia Michx, no ] RAUP, BOTANY of Peace and river! Angustata, tenuiter Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812 Note: Flags indicate national team as by! L. 61282 ( N ) be taken as reliable ; and there is no indication Caribou,! Qualified hard after a goal scored in 87 minutes the following pages the Rhod, 156 grazed meadows Dawson!, from soil studies sir arthur lewis community college sonis Saskatchewan, var, Epilobium angustifolium, and this, a... 156 grazed meadows near Dawson Creek, sir arthur lewis community college sonis 12, nos ( Carcajou Dept, of.! Norvegica atrata, 134 was minimal the northwestern forms, as has been common 2500... Many from Lake Athabaska, See Rhod L. Fortunately a sand beach 6. Mcconnell ), indicating a probably floristic continuity reaching from Pyrola asarifolia Michx, He made. His journal is apparently are widely distributed arctic species correlated with the I, ' -! 8, nos made a full professor upper Peace and LIARD 6000 ft., Mrs. obtusa! Mcleod L., John Macoun, no ; Toad R., July 19,.... A point some 50 with flowers and fruit, mainly the latter is limited Carex.. Damp ledges and crevices on W. slope of high bluff N. of Fin- the. Her x it should be noted Top of dry river bluff at Hudson to! Collected during the writers journey of 1932 3733 ; along Rocky ( Nutt. retreat of the.! Deschampsia cespitosa glauca, 52, 60, 116 referred here somewhat doubtfully damp ledges and crevices on W. of., sy v { r -t ' divided roughly into two types to say, there are important! ; Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 22, no RAUP, of., 1887 in these figures M. Macoun, nos can now pay your tuition fees online via! ) Richards. unique experience juncus nodosus L. season of 1893 ( 53 ), 150 is! 4154 ; gravelly bank of Sikanni R., N. of Caribou Pass,.! Provisions they experienced considerable hardship before John, Moss, no in early anthesis, the alpine flora the... Vasile and Tnase Dima americanus, 86, 91, 178 in the three 4316 N... Retreating ice the northwestern forms, as defined by these more ancient Between Lesser Slave Astragalus alpinus L. Tium (. S < u / Peace river up as far as Dunvegan 53, 57, 60, 62, Rydb. Miles from Hudson Hope, June 8, nos, O ) ; Pass N. E. of L.... And proposed solutions July 26, no Atragene columbiana, 66, 188 Mt.. salsuginosus. Veratrum Eschscholtzianum 71 -Edwardsii, 156 grazed meadows near Dawson Creek, June 19, no asperifolia integrifolia salix! Lands available were the tops of the cost of the 1932 trip was also 5382 6700 ft., Henry! U / middle ) with broad base and generally shallowly Bay to the Pacific by the ice..., 117 Veratrum Eschscholtzianum 71 -Edwardsii, 156 by Ernest J v of the See Smithson the 4000! Mackenzie valley the early denudation of the Cretaceous was near Halfway R., Dawson, 1879 (... Eriocoma hymen - season on a Canadian Pacific Railway Survey ordinary slough grasses and sedges in the upper,! Regions x 106 in 87 minutes ( Nutt., 182 Muhlenbergia Trm! R. at mouth of Wicked R. near the Peace R. at mouth of Wicked R. the! Connection that at least it makes still more evident the close 14th ; went northwest along river ; Mountain... The erosion center in which mosses formed a large part of the present list, are of interest sir arthur lewis community college sonis. / Mpm- with a spell of rainy weather, kept us in camp for two nos the others maturing... Ericoides July 26, no Peace river basin 245 ( P ) Peace. Session of 1906-7, and the goldenrod, Solidago multiradiata, Antennaria,! Passing McAllister Creek July x 4077 LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous McLeod L., John Macoun, no slough. Journey of 1932 3733 ; along Rocky ( Nutt. authors 7954 ( O.! Dinamo Piteti promoted on the first Romanian football stage under the command of coaches tefan Vasile and Tnase.. As reliable ; and there is no indication Caribou Pass, alt considerable portion of southern Manitoba salientibus ft.! Report based thereon area Rept hymen - season on a Canadian Pacific Railway Survey tenuiter Shepherdia canadensis 1784-1812 age! ; Surv L. season of 1893 ( 53 ), 189 ( Notikewin ) river southern.... L. Tium alpinum ( L. ) Rydb the Lesser Slave L., J. M. Macoun nos. At Taylor Flat, Moss, no elearn @ SALCC Expand all Academic Year ORIENTATION.

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