saint germain teachings

St. Germain is a Guiding Light for the Initiate to Follow. Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine The Chart of the "Mighty I AM Presence" is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one's own Individualized Presence of God. This is why Tyla and I went to the Arctic Circle within the ring of the aurora borealis on December 21, 2012. It is quite obvious that a group of people, using the ideas found in Dees library met and discussed these ideas, whether in Dees library, or more likely at the Inn that Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe often met which served as an unofficial guild hall for actors. This was a preparation for the first Christian ritual of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. We do know that Rudolf Steiner said that Shakespeare was a real person who had insight into the multifaceted nature that a human personality can manifest. Andreas was considered to be the founder of the Rosicrucians because he wrote the three first books that became popularly disseminated through the Unity Brethren Church in Moravia. Some of the books that were helpful in my research are listed below. The ritual of being raised from the dead had started in a prior incarnation for Lazarus. The collection was large and represented years of paying Keith for each new gem that was part of a crystal eucharist or a new covenant that was being initiated by the masters, according to him. protect and free all individuals who make conscious effort to correct themselves But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. There will be a bloodthirsty republic, whose scepter will be the executioners knife., However,Saint Germain didnt live to see his prophecy come to fruition. The Saint-Germain Cycle: . It became extremely strained when Mark died, leaving Elizabeth as the head of Summit Lighthouse. Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal Placed against a grain of wheat, under the humid pollen; The one plant and the other vine-stock, are the bread and wine. Then, Keith would speak in the voice of the person his ectoplasm appeared to be. He set up the Aquarian Foundation to support his work, and Ellen was one of his earliest supportersboth financially and spiritually. He is the Greatest Blessing that has ever come to mankind, because He operates under the Ray which is the Purifying Power to the Earth. The threshold is thinning and more assistance is needed to help humans cross the threshold between the physical world and the spiritual world and to help fight the Luciferic beings falling into our realm from the hierarchy and the elemental worlds. . He formed secret societies and was a leading figure in the . He was one of the first spiritualists during modern times that claimed to directly communicate with St. Germain and the other masters. and attain Mastery over all things on this earth. There is also a facility in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Denver, Colorado.. The ascended master Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray and sponsor of the United States of America. BuyI Believe in the United States of America. Count Saint Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rkczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the ancient wisdom in various Theosophical and post-Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age culture of the Age of Aquarius and identified with the Count Saint Germain (fl. She was incredibly dynamic and formidable in her pursuits of spirituality, and was clairvoyant to a degree, which was easy for me to recognize having been clairvoyant since my birth. Diplomats, priests of the sacred fire, actors, writers and defenders of freedom serve with Saint Germain on the seventh ray. There is a time for the coming of the Ascended Masters and the Avatar and the Divine Mother with us. Saint Germain is the central figure in a series of books published by the Saint Germain Press (the publishing arm of the Saint Germain Foundation). The discourses have 33 volumes and guide you through tapping into and understanding the I am presence and what that means. How Do Avatars and Bodhisattvas Guide Us During Challenging Times? But they all agreed that he was the wisest person they had ever spoken with and was so loving that they couldnt believe someone like him exists. Francis Bacon has been called the greatest mind the West ever produced and is known as the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. According to The Theosophical Society (not to be confused with the United Lodge of Theosophists) and the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain was incarnated as the following. There are usually seven masters incarnated at any one time in history. Both Keith and Elizabeth continued to channel more and more and became even more flamboyant with their claims that they could become any master in a moment. Postal code (s) G0L 3G0. Such Instruction as is herein contained has never been given to students until after a three year probation in the Retreats. When he returned home he found that his library at Mortlake had been ransacked and his books stolen, never to be recovered. A rifle, which she was fully capable of using, leaned against the corner of the room, just in case anyone had mischievous intentions for her treasures. Comenius was the last Bishop of the Unity Brethren and homelessly wondered Europe before coming to London during the founding of the British Royal Society. When he, with eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, o, , Not even royalty. Dee and Kelly had spent a short while with Rudolf II in Prague, who gathered the most interesting people of his days to his court, including astrologers, alchemists, philosophers, and artists. The Saint Germain Movement is a religious organization, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat. Saint-Germain-de-Kamouraska is a municipality in the Canadian province of Quebec, located in the Kamouraska Regional County Municipality . The article now copied from, relates to one of these menthe Count St. Germain., group of souls who allegedly earned their right to, and return to Earth from time to time as teachers, or just teach from a higher plane of existence.. Earth's spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy. I turned to my friend to see his reaction and he was in a trance of some sort. His smile melted all fear and only love could be in his presence. I went my separate way, feeling that her clairvoyance was not accurate and was based in atavistic methods of pseudo-clairvoyance that is not grounded and practical. I had a notion that Ellen (not her real name) wanted me to start an organization that authentically contacted St. Germain and the masters. John Dees library at Mortlake was undoubtedly the source of the Renaissance and Classical references in Shakespeares work. Not only was I reading all of the Aquarian and Summit Lighthouse materials and teachings, I was also visiting the Edgar Cayce Foundation regularly which was not far from Fort Bragg. Job in Saint-Germain-de-Grantham - Quebec - Canada. Be Connected. [citation needed], Books claimed by Guy Ballard to have been dictated to him by Saint Germain, "Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy" (Meru Press, 2015), "Adventures of a Western Mystic: Apprentice to the Masters, Book II" (Church of the Seven Rays, 2010), "Saint Germain" (claimed to have been dictated by St. Germain to, Johnson, Paul K. Initiates of Theosophical Masters (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995), Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 08:52, authored the complete Plays attributed to Shakespeare, United States Declaration of Independence, Golden Age civilization centered in a city called "The City of the Sun",, Organizer behind the scenes for the Secret Societies in Germany in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Her den was filled with priceless artifacts and books from floor to ceiling. Hiram is the master who is killed, but raised again through the efforts of the masonic lodge and its rituals. ThisInstructionisthe trueandfull understanding of the inner Laws of Life that govern our existence:why we exist, our purpose in life, why things happen, andthe actual knowledge of how we can change and reshapeour own world;and, on an even greater level of existence howwe can actively help and serve mankind, and make a difference. Meditations are given to help expand Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. I had not mentioned my name. Germain/Christian Rosencreutz as they approach the threshold to the spiritual world. St. John/St. Power and Energy of the Light Rays to accomplish special work. St. Germain, who is also known as Christian Rosencreutz, is the master and human guardian of the threshold at this time. 17101784), who has been variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer. After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, the ascended master Saint Germain physically appeared throughout the courts of Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain. At the same time her relationship to another spiritualist, Mark Prophet and his wife Elizabeth (nee Wulf), was waning. This intriguing book reveals many key roles the master Saint His skills were praised by Louis XV, who provided him a laboratory and residence at the royal castle of Chambord. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Dees fame as a mathematician, cartographer, scientist, astrologers and navigator made him the singular Renaissance Man of England. About Us The doctrines of the organization are based on teachings and wisdom . disappearing and reappearing throughout history, masterminding world events. Elizabeth produced a tremendous amount of channeled material from all of the masters. At times, He was also known by other pseudonyms, including the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy, and Prince Rkczi, son of Francis II Rkczi of Transylvania. Plus, through a serendipitous circumstance, I had come into possession of a dozen or so core Rudolf Steiner books and lectures that had been abandoned by an unknown person on the reserved shelf of a local bookstore, seemingly waiting for me to happen to drop in. According to Stephen Wagner, Saint Germain is said to be linked to several secret societies, from the Rosicrucians to Freemasons, Society of Asiatic Brothers, the Knights of Light, the Illuminati and Order of the Templars. He created an aura of mystery among the nobility by hypnotizing them with tales of past lives and magical powers. In their youth, they were seemingly connected to spiritual sources, and then they drifted towards a fall from spiritual source into materialism, a fall, however, that was necessary for the development of the consciousness soul of humanity. The great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who has played an essential role in the spiritual evolution of humanity for thousands of years, gave these teachings to us.Saint Germain was a key force in the founding of the United States of America as a sanctuary for freedom and equality. Set your course by the stars, by the light of your Presence, by the compassion of the Christ, by the sinless state that holds to the proclamation of God that life is good and beautiful. St. Germain's incarnations as St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon are universally accepted. Saint Germain on Alchemy Lecture By Elizabeth Clare Prophet This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set,Saint Germain on Alchemyby Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Another significant work, the Comte de Gabalis, is said to be from the hand of Sir Francis Bacon before he Ascended and returned as Sanctus Germanus or Saint Germain. The Shakespeare Code, by Virginia M. Fellows, "Shakespeare" Identified, by John Thomas Looney, Secret History of Francis Bacon, by Alfred Dodd, Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown, by Andrew Lang, Bacon is Shakespeare Together with a Reprint of Bacon's Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, by Francis Bacon and Edwin Durning-Lawrence, Shakespeare Bacon Conundrum: Direct Evidence of Francis Bacon's Shakespeare Authorship, by Russell Storrs Hall. The spiritual pursuit of other philosophies gave me discernment and balance in Ellens world of Spiritism and sances. This legendary encounter resulted in a series of books, which Ballard said Saint Germain dictated to him and are known as the, , an organization dedicated to the teachings and wisdom received by Ballard and headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, each book and discourse carries the definite radiation and consciousness of the Ascended Masters., , a member of the I AM Activity, also reported a life-altering visitation from Saint Germain and believed him to be among the most prominent of the Ascended Masters. When I look back on those days now I see that I was swimming in a sea of spiritual opportunities. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky wrote, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. Understand the times and the seasons. Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with this Activity. Learn how devastation is an invitation to humanity's new life of love and service. Perhaps Peter did take me on a hike, but it is only now as I begin to write these stories do I realize that my journey from the sequoia forest so many years ago would eventually lead me back to those very forests decades later with my wife and spiritual partner Tyla as we made the discovery of a lifetime, or as I shall leave you in suspense, a discovery of many lifetimes. Rudolf Steiner, the penultimate source on all things spiritual, tells us in his teachings that Saint Germain was the reincarnation of the apostle John, the author of the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, and the Book of Revelation. Ranked as one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies, we are renowned for our attentive and personalized service and, the iconic style of our various hotels and restaurants. Gifts of the Holy Spirit: gift of Prophecy and the Working of Miracles Probably the two best-known biographies are Isabel Cooper-Oakley's The Count of St. Germain (1912), and Jean Overton-Fuller's The Comte de Saint-Germain: Last Scion of the House of Rakoczy (1988). the accumulated discord generated by humanity en masse through the centuries, In his youth, Keith was an amazing clairvoyant, and in the late sixtys he began to channel St. Germain, a practice that he did until his death in 1999. There is no wrong path in understanding St. Germain because he is one of the deepest and most mysterious humans to ever live, and a full expose on his life teachings include theosophy, history, speculative masonry, the Summit Lighthouse, the Aquarian Foundation, and many other paths that are rich in content from St. Germain. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. You will have amazing results! Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. He is looked to as the embodiment of the . Finally on 1 May 1684 he is believed to have attained (by his knowledge of alchemy) his physical Ascension (attaining immortality and eternal youth the sixth level of Initiation), at which time Francis Bacon adopted the name "Saint Germain". Rudolf Steiner speaks extensively about Comenius, who is considered the father of modern education. She founded the, in 1958 with her husband Mark L. Prophet, as well as the, There are many who view Count Saint Germain as . The works of Dee, Bacon, and Comenius are examples of good intentions gone astray. THE POWER OF LIGHT IN YOU IS THE POWER OF GOD, THE "MIGHTY I AM.". The best book I found on this subject is one written by an anthroposophist. Lessons From The I Am Discourses One of the real lessons of The I Am Discourses is what do we identify with and who are we? Count Saint Germainsbeginnings are as enigmatic as the life he lived. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds". Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Saint-Germain and the Violet Flame Chakra Spiritual channeling was becoming the fad at that time after a long history of Spiritism in America. America Saint Germain was the invisible man helping our founding fathers write the Declaration of Independence. Whatever one believes, Saint Germains life ended as mysteriously as it began. VIEW MORE > The Violet Consuming Flame The Saint Germain Series contains the Original Instruction from the Ascended Masters on the Eternal Laws of Life. Learn why what appears to be chaos is actually the beginning of a new harmony and why disasters are necessary. I was stunned. stated that Saint Germain was one of her Masters of Wisdom and that she was in possession of several secret documents written by him. Addressing the topic of the great Master Saint Germain is a vital and timely question. Losses and pivotal life changes can make us feel as if our world of familiarity and comfort is crumbling away beneath us, leaving us with a sense of emptiness and shaken emotional instability. Gone astray shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately in Shakespeares work Mark Prophet and his books stolen never. Mystery among the nobility by hypnotizing them with tales of past lives magical! Is herein contained has never been given to students until after a year... During Challenging times understanding the I am. `` Declaration of Independence the same time her to. Am. `` in Shakespeares work 's incarnations as st. 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