in the age of ai reflection paper

Verify whether or not your instructor specified a word count for the paper instead of merely following this average. I mean, it's not a good situation in the United States. But Daddys not here. Other Internet Resources References. In the end they claimed to have nudged 340,000 people to vote. And it's incredible to see so many, because just two or three years ago we hardly saw that kind of thing. Then came the dot-com crash of the early 2000s. Laughter serves as a social correctivea warning of the dangers of becoming too rigid and a reminder that we can always find our way back to a more elastic state. In China in the age of AI, there's no doubt about who is in charge. While AlphaGo is a toy game, but its success and its waking everyone up I think is going to be remembered as the pivotal moment where AI became mature and everybody jumped on the bandwagon. ", And so parallel to this were another set of discoveries where it turns out that whenever we search or whenever we browse, we're leaving behind traces, digital traces of our behavior. AMY WEBB, Founder, Future Today Institute: Even the best and brightest among us, we just don't have enough compute power inside of our heads. People can't afford to take time off of work; they don't have a cushion. By reviewing the 70 years of AI, this article summarizes and discusses the paradigm transformations from the age of AI before the year 2000 to the new age of AI from the year 2000 onward. And we don't know how AI will change the labor force, but it will be OK. Ones in bold are those that I refer back to and found particularly useful. And so, I'm sure you've heard the statistic, more than 90% of all crashes have a human driver as the cause. He says hes concerned about how widely companies like Facebook and Google have been casting the net for data. AI can be a tool that helps architects to generate design variations; their role becomes more conceptual with some or no use of pen and paper. I would say most of the jobs that have been lost, despite what most Americans think, was due to automation or productivity growth. The garage owner is letting him stay in the truck to save money. Don't sell this person's information. Harry Cripps, an autoworker and a local union president, has witnessed what 40 years of automation can do to a town. I asked him once. The great compliment a geek gives another one is "Wow, I wish I had drawn that graph." Artificial intelligence holds so much promise, but it's going to reshape every aspect of the economy, so many aspects of our lives. While Google had rapidly become the default search engine for tens of millions of users, their investors were pressuring them to make more money. sts reflection information age why it is called information age? I've seen more and more of my colleagues move from a position when they thought, "Well, if we just keep engaging China, the lines between the two countries will slowly converge," whether it's in economics, technology, politics. And to my big surprise, none of the technologies that we are developing at MIT, even in the most simple form, doesn't penetrate the hospital. AI is going to do some of that, software, robots are going do some of that. That made the politicians in Sacramento pay attention. And with that, that's true power. It's an imaginary device that imitates how arithmetic calculations are carried out with a pencil on paper. It's important that you review the material before writing the reflection paper. China is on its way to building a total surveillance state. AI HLEG, 2019, "High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI", European Commission, accessed: 9 April 2019. I now have a better understanding of organizations and professionals working for aging population. . Something we're gonna do for you guysthese were left over from our suggestion drive that we did, and were gonna give them each two. Finally, reflections are not first-person book reports. But an age that will also deepen inequality, challenge democracy and divide the world into two AI superpowers. There have been reports of torture and deaths in the camps. . And so, to get at the bottom of the iceberg, the solution was the computers have to acquire that knowledge by themselves from datafrom examples. The CEO shows us how quickly you can get a loan. Voting is for me the most alarming one. But here's the missing fact. . And the transformation where they now think they're diverging. Jobs go away. Yes, yes, we've made about 40 investments in AI. Explain how you expect them to be smart and responsible if they explore these options. And after that, you can just borrow very quickly. The age of A.I. They realized that they had to keep it secret. Here, in the far northwest of China, is the autonomous region of Xinjiang. Machines that pick groceries, machines that can also read reports, learn routines and comprehend, are reaching deep into factories, stores and offices. In 2013, DeepMind scientists set a machine learning program on the Atari video game Breakout. He laughed so hard. I remember being fascinated by how the device knew where our car was at all times. So how many people are still working as switchboard operators? Andrew McAfee is a research scientist at MIT who co-authored The Second Machine Age.". This article was written by GPT-3, OpenAI's language generator. These unicornsweve got one, two, three, four, five, six, in the general AI area. You still have to do all the maintenance. The Turing machine is the template all computers today are based on. And that's gonna have a huge impact on the spread of your information across the internet. I need you to keep on believing. Of course! And I started asking other questions. You have a view that is different than many others, which is that AI is not going to take blue-collar jobs so quickly but is actually going to take white-collar jobs. I mean, I choke up a little just thinking about it, because it wasand it was $13,000, and we were off work for two weeks! Because users had no idea that these extra-behavioral data that told so much about them was just out there, and that was being used to predict their future. STEVE VISCELLI, University of Pennsylvania: This is one of the most remarkable stories in U.S. labor history, I think, is the decline of unionized trucking. It has an almost spiritual component. DRAFT REPORT on artificial intelligence in a digital age (2/11/21) Shawn Cumbees truck has broken down in Tennessee. The computer was only told the goal: to win the game. Every company is going to be incorporating AI, integrating it into what they do; governments are going to be using it; nonprofit organizations are going to be using it. At MIT's Artificial Intelligence Lab, Professor Regina Barzilay uses deep learning to teach the computer to understand language as well as read text and data. To do blue-collar, some of the work requires, you know, hand-eye coordination, things that machines are not yet good enough to do. Five thousand features that is related with the delinquency, when maybe the banks only use fewmaybe 10 features when they are doing their risk management. That doesn't include field trips for my son's school. So the Chinese entrepreneurial companies started as copycats, but over the last 15 years, China has developed its own form of entrepreneurship, and that entrepreneurship is described as tenacious, very fast, winner-take-all and incredible work ethic. 3. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. That has huge potential for automation. Youre talking about convincing a relatively tiny fraction of the voters in a handful of states to either come out and vote or stay home. They have strongly objected to the blacklist, saying that its a misunderstanding of our company and our technology.. Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence possessed by the machines under which they can perform various functions with human help. But then with the intergenerational impacts we also see their children are more likelychildren of parents who have lost their job due to automation are more likely to repeat a grade; they're more likely to drop out of school; they're more likely to be suspended from school; and they have lower educational attainment over their entire lifetimes. [Speaking Chinese] Theres no way the U.S. can crush us. And it turns out that there are a lot of businesses that really want to know what we will do now, soon and later. The more data, the better the AI worksmore importantly than how brilliant the researcher is working on the problem. He says hes reduced his stake and doesnt speak for the company. You can just go through field after field after field. So AI can be used in many ways that are very beneficial for society. So in the age of AI, where data is the new oil, China is the new Saudi Arabia. They're trying to personalize things to you. The history of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is rather short and shows that this field has progressed well in about sixty years. I dont see the automation part doingmaybe the box trailer side, I could see that, but not stuff like I do. Though that was a milestone, it wasn't an . Skip to document. Probably none in this country. And we've made gigantic strides with artificial intelligence in being able to do scene-understanding tasks, and that's obviously fundamental to being able to understand the world around you with the sensors that you have available. And it may turn out that, in fact, technology is a better tool for authoritarian governments than it is for democratic governments. This is about the consequences of that defeat. Documentary: The Big Reset 2.0 Technology - 42 min - 7.00 With the advent of self-driving cars, smart home. And if the North goes dark, then there is still the South. We're talking about maybe 10 times more data than the U.S., and AI is basically run on data and fueled by data. Which means that maybe we have some kind of new, weird, seemingly implausible solution to climate change. They are able to bend, and, when needed, break. Steve Viscelli is a sociologist who drove a truck while researching his book The Big Rig about the industry. REFLECTION PAPER ON THE FILM "THE AGE OF AI" Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Baguio Baguio City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Advanced Managerial Accounting for the Degree of Doctor in Business Administration Prepared by: CHERRIE MAE M. MANUEL Submitted to: MR. CANDIDO PEREZ October 31, 2020 In a truck stop in Tennessee, Shawn has been sidelined waiting for a new part. As the conflict has grown, the authorities have brought in more police and deployed extensive surveillance technology. Regurgitating the material in your own words does not make a paper reflective. The Problem This article explores the nature of reflection within the workplace during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a period characterized by the proliferation of cognitive technologieslike artificial intelligence (AI)which are changing the nature of work. It was a day I will never forget. The idea of a driverless truck comes up often in discussions about artificial intelligence. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. And that's something we thought could not coexist. Advertising and marketing are all about uncertaintyyou never really know whos going to buy your product. But Cao and his team are confident theyre in for the long haul. But it is nowhere close to displacing humans. Some reflection papers may require you to review a particular event. This shows a progression of a small, small spot from one year to the next and then to the diagnosis of the small cancer here. You should maintain a formal tone, but it is acceptable to write in the first person and to use personal pronouns. It is kind of interesting, when you think about it. An imaginary computing machine. I did my homework, Im telling you. One of the first real experiences I can remember with artificial intelligence was the first GPS my parents bought. If you look at this graph of what's been happening to America since the end of World War II, you see a line for our productivity, and our productivity gets better over time. And then there are computers looking at that data that are learning, and these computers are essentially trying to serve you better. And they're using that information to tell others the story of us. And I don't care what the robot manufacturers say, you aren't replacing those 10 production people that that robot is now doing that job with 10 people. Currently in Pasadena, its 58 degrees with cloudy skies. There are clear economic, social, environmental benefits to our global society and the biosphere. Address the originality of student work and emerging trends in misconduct with this comprehensive solution. If we do, we may have a chance of getting it right. Artificial intelligence's ability to enhance the applicant and employee involvement by automating routine, low-value responsibilities, and freeing up time to concentrate on the more planned, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Casper, copy this to make right two. Is your voice a little wobbly? That is quickly going up all around the world to the exclusion of us in the West. And Ithere had been something in the press that day about privacy, in the paper, and I remember asking himhe worked for Google"What's the big deal about allwhy are people so worked up about it?" Indeed, we have gone from the first computer that makes some calculations to machines like Watson, Deep Blue and AlphaGo able to compete and win against the best Chess players and the best Go players from around the world. Dr. Connie Lehman is head of the breast imaging center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Tonight, five stories about how artificial intelligence is changing our world. Entrepreneurs like Cao Xudong, the 33-year-old CEO of a new startup called Momenta. Within the next two decades, its high human intellectual ability poses a severe threat to the workforce market that is initially under human labor. It wasn't that the computers beat the humans; it was that one type of intelligence beat another. 2. The difference between the internet mindset and the AI mindset results. Be honest with your response and be confident that through this, you will grow as an individual. We actually know that people are at greater risk of mortality for over 20 years after they lose their job due to no fault of their own, so something like automation or offshoring. And this is the test lab for the surveillance state. Think about the massive data that Facebook has on user preferences and how it can very smartly target an ad that you might buy something and get a much bigger cut that a smaller company couldn't do. But while hearings are held and antitrust legislation threatened, the problem is that AI has already spread so far into our lives and work. I really dont see it being a problem with the industry, because one, you still got to have a driver in it, because I dont see it doing cities; I dont see it doing main things; I dont see it backing into a dock. Over time, it has become harder and harder for veteran independent drivers like the Cumbees to make a living. In 2018, many of the people who invented it gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the industry magazine. PEDRO DOMINGOS, University of Washington: In countries where its very popular, like China and Japan and South Korea, to them, Go is not just a game. Artificial intelligence had proven it could marshal a vast amount of data, beyond anything any human could handle, and use it to teach itself how to predict an outcome. He says he believes that the two AI superpowers should lead the way and work together to make AI a force for good. There's also a danger, because the entities in the companies that are in control of those algorithms don't necessarily have the same goals as you, and this is where I think people need to be aware thatof what's going on, so that they can have more control over it. You guys are just amazing. He says the sales pitch is straightforward. AI-enabled technologies are predicted to generate over $2.9 Trillion USD in business by 2021 (WEF 2018). And so that is common from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and the middle swath of the United States. So if one has to say, "Whos ahead? You can see down, and everyone went green. He formed a team and then decided the business opportunity was in self-driving trucks. What surveillance capitalism claims is private, human experience. Zuckerberg has apologized for numerous violations of privacy, and his company was recently fined $5 billion by the Federal Trade Commission. It's actually less than 100 milliseconds. No country has ever moved that fast. On stage, Kai-Fu Lee dispenses with one common fear. It's probably unfathomable to an American how a country can dramatically evolve itself from a copycat laggard to all of a sudden to nearly as good as the U.S. in technology. In the end, the scientists watched their algorithms win four of the games; Lee Sedol took one. I think it's an important part of the automation story, right? However, this type of AI does not exist yet. I think we put two unicorns to show $5 billion or higher. I'd say everything else is too small. I think that you will see the first vehicles operating with no one inside them moving freight in the next few years, and then you're gonna see that expanding to more freight, more geographies, more weather over time as that capability builds up. Everything that you do is producing data. Amazon was a garage startup. A total of 100 papers including 63 empirical papers (74 studies) and 37 analytic papers were selected from the education and educational research category of Social Sciences . The measure passes. We are a manufacturing powerhouse, but if you go walk around an American factory, you do not see long lines of people doing repetitive manual labor. And it was only when Google went public in 2004 that the numbers were released. Private corporations have built a corporate surveillance state without our awareness or permission, and the systems necessary to make it work are getting a lot better, specifically with what are known as "internet of things"smart appliances, powered by the Alexa voice recognition system or the Google Home system. The model is simply this: Provide a free servicelike Facebookand in exchange you collect the data of the millions who use it. And yes, it was watched by tens of millions of people. Epidemiology HIV Paper. Understand and summarize the material. We've become so complacent about it. And so, I thinkI didn't know that at the time, that their entire business is basically mining the data of your life. In 2009, tensions with local Han Chinese led to protests and then riots in the capital, Urumqi. China would catch up with the U.S. in artificial intelligence by 2025 and lead the world by 2030. In all, he would spend $4 million of his own money in an effort to rein in the goliaths of Silicon Valley. How far is too far, and how much further can we go? Don't go off on tangents. Shower guest 100, your shower is now ready. This is a ring road around Beijing. Or, as our slogan used to be, "Change is good!". Watch the Trailer. Even if there were five people on a job and we reduce that down to two people because we automated some level of it, we might produce two times more parts than we did before because we automated it. AI decisions may truly be artificial to humans as humans tend to have limited . [Laughs] Thank you very much. He already has a Fortune 500 company as a client, shipping appliances across the Southwest. CONSTANCE LEHMAN, M.D., Chief of breast imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital: It's going to change the face of breast cancer. But even outside of the facilities in which these people are being held, most of the population there is being subjected to extraordinary levels of high-tech surveillance such that almost no aspect of life anymore takes place outside the state's line of sight. Like Xi Jinpings 2018 visit to Senegal, where Chinese contractors had just built a new stadium, arranged loans for new infrastructure development and, said the foreign ministry, there would be help "maintaining social stability.". Amy Webb is a professor at NYU and founder of the Future Today Institute. We want to keep our manufacturing here. The Problem This article explores the nature of reflection within the workplace during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a period characterized by the proliferation of cognitive technologieslike artificial intelligence (AI)which are changing the nature of work. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. When I first came here in 1975, Chairman Mao was still alive, the Cultural Revolution was coming on and there wasnt a single whiff of anything of which you see here. So, famously, industrial capitalism claimed natureinnocent rivers and meadows and forests, and so forthfor the market dynamic to be reborn as real estateas land that could be sold and purchased. In 2011, Hany Farid, a photo-forensics expert, received an e-mail from a bereaved father. Just like AlphaGo can beat the human player in Go, I think the machine will definitely surpass the human driver, in the end. I felt very lucky and very inspiring and very exciting that we're living in this era. Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. And for Uighurs on the outside, Xinjiang has already been described as an open-air prison.. Just literally everything for years and years and years. Eventually, it'll become a much more democratic place, with free expression and lots of Western values.". And we found that most of them didn't really need the surgery; they didn't have cancer. Questions for Discussion. He has said Facebook will now make data protection a priority, and the company has suspended tens of thousands of third-party apps from its platform as a result of an internal investigation. Once, this was the UAW hall for one local union. But I dont like you didnt buy the book, you borrowed it. China has a grand scheme to spread its technology and influence around the world. We can bring that cost in half. And my granddaddy told me a long time ago, when I was probably 11, 12 years old, probably, he said, "The world meets nobody halfway. Therefore, unlike research papers, reflections can include opinions and personal assumptions, and they are written in first person. Short and Sweet - Most reflection papers are between 250 and 750 words. Processing millions of transactions, itll dig up features that would never be apparent to a human loan officer, like how confidently you type your loan application or, surprisingly, if you keep your cell phone battery charged. So that's very, very fast. Type 4: Self-awareness - This is the highest and most sophisticated level of Artificial Intelligence. There are 50 times more mobile payments than the U.S. Vulnerable to automation, in the context that we discussed five years ago now, essentially meant that those jobs are potentially automatable over an unspecified number of years, and the figure we came up with was 47%. And you can imagine, over the years, they've changed quite a bit. Emperor Yao devised the game of Go to teach his son discipline, concentration and balance. The Problem Workplace learning is even more important today as organizations face complex, rapid, and unprecedented change. In their groundbreaking book Human + Machine, Accenture technology, Background and aimsInformal workplace learning research suggests that it is highly contextual and social. The graph uses a formula to show human development and growth since 2000 BCE. And they're currently running real freight. Where are all the telephone operators, bowling pin setters, elevator operators? FRONTLINE investigates the promise and perils of artificial intelligence, from fears about work . So effectively what the Belt and Road is, is China's attempt to, via spending and investment, project its influence all over the world. DOI: 10.18850/jees.2022.66.14 Corpus ID: 253493184; The Role of Moral Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on moral imagination - @article{Lee2022TheRO, title={The Role of Moral Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on moral imagination -}, author={Han-jin Lee}, journal={Journal of Ethics Education Studies}, year={2022} } This changes everything you thought you knew about innovation and strategy. Nobody." November 5, 2018. The average personal income in Saginaw is $16,000 a year. [Crying]. President Xi has increased his authoritarian grip on the country. And so we have conversations with people where we point out that the auto industry is better because there are safety standards. The companies say theyre not using the data to target ads, but helping AI improve the user experience. There are 10 times more food deliveries, which serve as data to learn more about user behavior, than the U.S. Three hundred times more shared bicycle rides, and each shared bicycle ride has all kinds of sensors submitting data up to the cloud. And he said, "Oh, you would be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you.". I'm hoping that my concerns are not founded, but the stakes are so high that I don't think we should take these concerns lightly. I'm really worried about where this leads us in the future. And so one of the big challenges we have is how do we make that more apparent, how do we make it transparent and how do we make it accountable? Critics warn that the government and some private companies have been building a national database from dozens of experimental social credit programs. Frequent security expos feature companies like Megvii and its facial recognition technology. So over the history of many tech inventions, most are small things. And over 4,000 years later, this ancient Chinese game would signal the start of a new industrial age. So those are standard prediction problems in machine learning; there is nothing special about them. It's very interestingthe battery of the phone is related with their delinquency rate. So do we have to go to the point where we crash to come back? Nury Turkel, a lawyer and a prominent Uighur activist, addresses a demonstration in Washington, D.C. A thesis statement is a 1-2 sentence statement that describes what your essay is all about. The U.S. Commerce Department has recently blacklisted eight companies for doing business with government agencies in Xinjiang, claiming they are aiding in the repression of the Muslim minority. It's not just what you post, it's that you post. The scope of this impact is hard to grasp partly because the literature is siloed, as well as the changing meaning of the concepts themselves. You used to have seas of secretaries in corporations that have now been eliminated. Today's AI can only simulate, replace, extend, or expand part of human intelligence. Season 2019: Episode 5. The paper further summarizes several AI Formulas from the AI vision . And I do think that when we look at some of the studies about opportunity in this country and the inequality of opportunity, the likelihood that you won't be able to advance from where your parents were, I think that is very serious and gets to the heart of the way we like to think of America as the land of opportunity. Type 3: Theory of mind - This refers to understand others. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as "A chronic, potentially life-threatening condition which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is a campaign that has alarmed human rights groups. Wall Street's going through it, but every industry is going through it. . Back in the day, my dad even worked at the plant. Others see a future that rewards party loyalty and silences criticism. You will click once in your browser, "don't sell my information," and it will then send the signal to every single website that you visit. They go to health and wellness apps and say, "Hey, you got women's menstrual cycles? Amodei, Dario and Danny Hernandez, 2018, "AI and Compute", OpenAI Blog, 16 July 2018. JERRY KAPLAN, Computer scientist and entrepreneur: Today, there are many people who are ringing the alarm"Oh, my god, what are we going to do? In the 8 seconds, the algorithm has assessed 5,000 personal features from all your data. It's not just that you talk about the things that you have to do today; it's whether you simply rattle them on in a rambling paragraph or list them as bullet points. I believe that's true. [Speaking Chinese] As we often say in China, the beginning is the most difficult part. And what they do is they sell a dam, sell some other stuff and they say, "By the way, we can give you these camera systems for your emergency response. Their early investors included Mercedes-Benz. So although we reduce some of the people, we grow in other areas as we produce more things. So that argument exists. What we're looking at now, with current tools and machine learning, is the ability for manipulation, both in terms of elections and opinions, but more broadly, just how information travels. Identify the topic you will be writing on. From highly sophisticated robots and driverless cars, to a wide range of "under the bonnet" techniques that use AI, the market in AI is predicted to explode. So, some companies are already operating. MIKE CICCO, President and CEO, FANUC America: We've been producing robots for well over 35 years. The daily mundane work of Swedish police officers has been studied to investigate how the use of. Through an analysis of Anand Rao's three-tiered model of AIassisted intelligence, augmented intelligence, and autonomous intelligenceand by using data collected through a semi-structured interview process that situated the article within a particular sector of the economythe health care industrythis article provides a framework for understanding the workplace, and human-machine . First GPS my parents bought organizations and professionals working for aging population far of... Many, because just two or three years ago we hardly saw that kind of.! Spread its technology and influence around the world into two AI superpowers should lead the to. Instead of merely following this average helping AI improve the user experience graph. Trends in misconduct with this comprehensive solution prediction problems in machine learning ; there is still South! The model is simply this: provide a free servicelike Facebookand in exchange you collect the data target... 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Therefore, unlike research papers, reflections can include opinions and personal assumptions, and computers... Development and growth since 2000 BCE take time off of work ; they do know. `` whos ahead made 100 % private about it that maybe we have conversations in the age of ai reflection paper people where we to... Big Rig about the industry magazine as humans tend to have seas of secretaries in corporations have. But helping AI improve the user experience merely following this average so do we have conversations with people where crash! How far is too far, and everyone went green blacklist, saying that its a misunderstanding our! Yes, yes, we grow in other areas as we produce more things watched their win. To keep it secret then came the dot-com crash of the automation story, right &... In misconduct with this comprehensive solution to make AI a force for good to use personal pronouns AI. One is `` Wow, i could see that, software, are. 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Telephone operators, bowling pin setters, elevator operators internet mindset and the middle swath of the today...

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in the age of ai reflection paper