highest rated wwe matches of all time

samantha jones news anchor 12' x 18' 4" x 1 5/8" Dollamur Flexi-Roll Wrestling Mat READ DESCRIPTION USED New (Other) $1,259.30 Seller: . Bryan, the world-class technical pro wrestler who also had star power vs. Cena, the natural-born sports entertainer who'd blossomed into one of the best big match workers in the business. But Daniel Bryan vs. Which do you think is best? GOLDUST, AS TOLD TO ZACH LINDER AND NICKY SAMPOGNA. Simple as that. Wrestlemania 17 2. When inspired, The Total Package could go, and he showed that during an NWA Title opportunity that was originally intended for an injured Sting. There's more, but the fact remains that these three teams managed to turn what in lesser hands would be a "garbage match" into a work of art that would impress even old-school purists. Literally. But for the fan that was really enjoying the intricacies and the methodology and the psychology and the depth of the Jericho-Michaels rivalry at the time, I think it really did a good job of that. DAVID SHOEMAKER, What many of Rey Mysterios most flagrant imitators and theres a generation of them too often overlook is that the lucha icon didnt perform dazzling maneuvers just because they looked cool. The biggest WrestleMania of all time, with over 93,000 (allegedly) crammed into the Pontiac Silverdome to see one of the most anticipated matches of all time: Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant. TOM HERRERA. 1 contenders hand at the bout's outset. A moment that few people thought would ever happen. But the shadow of the epic showdown at King of the Ring has lingered ever since. This was one of those perfect storms of pro wrestling a Loser Leaves Town Match between two top-level wrestlers on a stray episode of Raw one night in January. Shawn Michaels was the cowardly heel who had managed to escape Undertaker's clutches. Since we are based in Europe, we are forced to bother you with this information. With an opportunity to challenge The Rock for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 29 on the line, Cena and Punk dug deep into their arsenals to create an instant classic on Raw. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon: 1994 10 of 15 Many still. That nerve-wracking tension ran throughout the match, which kept the thousands fans in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, on the edge of their seats. The highest-ever rating is seven stars, awarded to Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega at Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-jo Hall in June 2018. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Ric Flair might not have been a good guy, but the fans loved him for it. Awesome wowed the Ohio crowd with his eye-opening agility, but Tanaka's display of heart in this classic was really something to behold. For me to be involved in that thing was a great honor, especially with the way Sting was loved by the people, it was crazy. The Beast." I was young then, and I was in the ring with all of these guys that had taught me the business. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa (Unsanctioned match, NXT TakeOver: New Orleans,. It came down to best friends-turned-archrivals, and HBK in just his second match after a back injury forced him into retirement four years earlier silenced Triple H's title reign with some Sweet Chin Music. By the time he finally delivered the defining Helluva Kick to fell Neville, he had fulfilled his destiny as the champion the NXT Universe always knew him to be. The match is must-watch just to see the 251-pound Cena break out a hurricanrana. Of course, the No. Savage and Steamboat wrestled in a fast-paced, athletic classic that never slowed down for even a second during its entire 15-minute runtime. However, it was their third clash at Starrcade 1992 that truly defined their rivalry. Instead, it turned into a brutal, "No DQ" brawl between two technical wrestlers putting on a violent, bloody masterpiece. The first match rated more than five stars by Meltzer was Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat in 1989. Thats damn near impossible, unless youve somehow been to every single mat contest since George Hackenschmidt won the World Title in 1905. MICK FOLEY, AS TOLD TO ZACH LINDER. If you want glorious, Attitude-Era chaos in the PG Era, check out this match, which featured some inspired steel chair work and a wince-inducing tumble through three tables by Seth Rollins en route to a Shield victory from which The Hounds of Justice never looked back. Case in point, Daniel Bryan's 18-second World Championship loss as a heel to Sheamus at WrestleMania XXVIII resulted in one of the greatest face runs of all time for Bryan, that is. Steve Austin. That brought a lot more to the match on a technical level. I always tried to embrace my little brother, and Bret always did what he could to be a big brother to Owen. SHEAMUS, AS TOLD TO JUSTIN LESLIE. came to a head at Starrcade 1985 in an "I Quit" Steel Cage Match. What kind of human being was he?' Sherri Martel was immaculate, Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan were hitting on all cylinders, and the recurring shots of Miss Elizabeth in the audience were perfectly done. It'd be the psycho who became the babyface, but that's the Attitude Era for you. The Royal Rumble is the easiest match to book, but the hardest match to book well. The Royal Rumble in 2010 is definitely in the latter category. It was a game-changer for the industry. When Mysterio leapt from the apron to the top rope, moonsaulted and caught Guerrero with a DDT on the way down, it was because he had to. The Human Suplex Machine clotheslined Bigelow through the timekeeper's table, and later T-Bone Tazzplexed him off the entrance ramp and onto the steel guardrail. When you watch this one on WWE Network, it won't take long for you to realize why. Alas, from a business standpoint, it killed the Attitude Era. We looked at each other, smiled and just took it in. "Believe me, even as the referee was making the three-count, even as I was surrounded by the potpourri of burnt hair, charred flesh and blood, as I was losing, I realized I was having that defining WrestleMania moment." JAMES WORTMAN. It's all of the above and so much more. Jim Cornette and The Midnight Express left with the last word, as they brutally whipped The Fantastics, ensuring the rivalry would continue. Instead, it defined the enduring legacy of "The Dragon," "Macho Man" Randy Savage, the Intercontinental Championship that passed from the latter to the former, and some would say WrestleMania (if not wrestling) itself. He and his brothers-in-arms were seen as kings in competition against their five American foes. And it was only fitting that The Ultimate Opportunist himself, Edge, wound up seizing the briefcase in the end by utilizing a steel chair as the decisive equalizer. The match feels real at least as real as a fight between two guys forced to climb a ladder as both guys used the ladder as a weapon to win, not as a prop to pop the crowd. Although Hell in a Cell brought out the very best, and the very worst, in The Cerebral Assassin, The Undertaker ultimately sealed the victory with a Tombstone Piledriver as a weary HBK made the three-count that ended an era. Although their post-match hug was short-lived and offset by Jericho kicking Michaels in the crotch their meeting at WrestleMania will go down as one of sports-entertainments true show stealers. Hes so obnoxious and youre able to root against him. Sadly, Owen's life would end in tragedy just a few years later, while Bret's historic first WWE run would end in controversy. But really, where could it go from here? Okay, so Undertaker and Triple H would lock up again, but this match felt like the culmination of the Attitude Era and the blood feud that bound two of its biggest stars for more than a decade. Of course, when a challenger like Rey Mysterio gets afforded that kind of rare opportunity, he seems obligated to make the most of it, right? What makes it even more impressive is there were no gimmicks (HIAC or Casket) and no stakes (like HBK's career), besides of course, Undertaker defending his streak and the pride of victory. The Kid, whose numerical nickname came about after he netted a huge upset victory against Razor Ramon, earned one of the earliest title opportunities in the history of Raw by doing it the hard way. used it to his advantage, forcing Blanchard to quit and reclaiming the U.S. The two collided at No Way Out 2001, on the road to WrestleMania, in the finale of a blood feud that felt as big as any WrestleMania main event. Swanton Bombs and Spears off ladders are what everybody remembers; what they forget is that Rhyno, Spike Dudley and Lita all got involved, too, essentially making the match a 9-way affair. They should have screamed. When Flair came to Texas to put his NWA Title on the line against Kerry Von Erich, the fans hoped they would see their local hero score an upset against the established champ, but what they got was even better a moral victory that spun off into the greatest rivalry in Texas wrestling history: the Von Erichs versus the Freebirds. He hits a Stunner on Austin while wearing the vest, and when The Rock lands three Rock Bottoms to finish the match, it is a slow, sad three-count. Sign up for BINGE to watch. Survivor series 2002 5. Christian's been around a long time and Randy Orton's a third-generation Superstar who is so natural. Every single minute of this bout was intense and every competitor added his own wild moments to the highlight reel in a mad scramble for the coveted Money in the Bank briefcase. From within this structural-grade steel hell, World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, Kane, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels battered each other beyond belief. For my money, this is one of the absolute best matches of all time. This is a fair, if disputable, point. Make no mistake, Hogan-Andre was a dream match for that generation of wrestling, and a true torch-passing moment. However, the event was stolen by two veteran wrestlers Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle. The fact Hart not only salvaged the match, but produced an all-time classic that made both men look like stars, is a testament to his brilliance. Wed never seen that before. Its also the ideal moment in WCW history modern enough to feel vital but old enough to still feel totally raw. "It was always so hard to tell who the crowd was going to root for more. While CM Punk was wrestling some of the best matches of his career, Lesnar was in a bit of a rut, having lost to John Cena at Extreme Rules 2012 (in an awesome match that was this close to making our cut), and going 2-1 in a poorly received feud with part-timer Triple H. The mini-CM Punk feud gave Lesnar his mojo back, even if it spelled the beginning of the end of Punk's WWE run. "The biggest challenge for me was to take the things in my head that seem so vibrant and real and make them happen in the ring. They should have pleaded for Ricky to do something about it. And for good measure, Sags bludgeoned Cactus face with a shovel. Any of the above can make a match one of the best ever. Instead, it was Mysterios lack of size that necessitated his moveset. The high spots (and there are many) aren't just there to pop the crowd. Triple H picked up the "W," but both men emerged changed forever. Dont worry, you can watch the entire event, uninterrupted on WWE Network. "The Nature Boy" came prepared for Steamboats unquestioned tactical superiority. Thats a level of tag team expertise you dont see anymore. The fact he came back for that sweet Saudi payday in 2018 doesn't take away from the finality, or the greatness, of this match. In interviews before the match, both guys agreed: Its not about a title its about pride. Perfect, Andre the Giant, Jimmy Snuka, Dusty Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Jake Roberts, and even the Intercontinental Champion Ultimate Warrior. "It was a really good action-adventure story, but as much as I love that match, its the one match that leaves me with that what if feeling. Flair was well established as "The Nature Boy" while Sting was a face-painted maverick rising in popularity thanks to his electric charisma. 49. Not to mention, the huge crowd in Seattle looked so amazing the whole show and were loud the entire night. By the end, both men were busted open (There is literally nothing better than the overhead camera looking down on that red-stained, baby-blue ring mat) and their exhaustion was tangible and harrowing. It was his big debut in a big American company. While the idea was to keep both guys in the cage, a cameraman got "injured" and needed treatment, allowing Michaels to escape. There, the notorious Roddy Piper went head-to-head with Greg Valentine in an infamous Dog Collar Match. "From the beginning, the way Pillman dominated Barry Windham for the first full five-minute section of the match was sort of unexpected, because Windham was a lot bigger than Pillman, and at that point at least, a lot more established than Pillman was. Namely, each man's willingness to do anything to win. Still, no matter what Austin did on this night, Steamboat was one step ahead. Shawn Michaels is regarded by many as the absolute best wrestler of all time. Near triple the number of fans tuned into see The Rock successfully defend his WWE title inside a steel cage vs Shane O Mac. I identified with Bret. I cant pinpoint why I liked Bret so much. It's easy to forget, but Austin was once one of the world's best workers. It was wild and it was extreme. GREG ADKINS, At the inaugural Clash of the Champions, NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair was poised to teach relative upstart Sting a lesson. Mr. Money in the Bank, Randy Orton, entered the arena with a knowing grin. This was supposed to be Ricky Steamboat's cup of coffee in the big time. Both would have better bouts against others, but for two of the greatest, this was their best ever against each other. In ranking these moments, its tough to top "Stone Cold" Steve Austin siding with the Devil himself and becoming Mr. McMahons corporate champion at the close of WrestleMania X-Seven. Well, one veteran, as technically Kurt Angle had debuted only five years earlier, but by then had already established himself as one of the best ever. You can guess at it, but until guys get in the ring, you dont know for sure whether they have chemistry together. The match was highlighted by one of the most hardcore spots ever to be condoned in WWE, when Mick Foley took two shots with a flaming barbed wire 2 x 4 from Terry Funk before falling through a. "I'm on record as saying that its probably impossible to wrestle a perfect match, but I think it's as close as I ever got. The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Wrestlemania 19 3. WWE Iron Man matches dont happen often, especially on weekly TV programming. Both are the legend of WWE and popular among the fans of WWE family. One of the most storied rivalries in wrestling history reached one of its high points at Starrcade 1985, as Dusty Rhodes battled back from a broken ankle suffered at the hands of Ric Flair and The Four Horsemen to challenge for "The Nature Boys" NWA World Title. The 25 Greatest wwe events of all time are 1. Yes!," Bryan was long considered a sound ring technician and submission specialist. What if we had a real [rivalry] heading into a pay-per-view? The Game then shocked the WWE Universe when he nailed Bryan with a Pedigree and served him up to The Viper, who quickly pinned Bryan and closed the night as the new WWE Champion. Meanwhile, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin had just returned from career-threatening neck surgery and looked to prove to everyone that he was still "The Guy" in WWE. The best example of an established star elevating a new star. A showcase for the greatest pro wrestler and the biggest superstar ever. Take a look at this.' The crowd was red hot for this feud. MIKE McAVENNIE, "The wild-eyed Southern Boys of [Steve] Armstrong & [Tracy] Smothers faced off against the Stan Lane & Bobby Eaton version of The Midnight Express. You can teach selling. But this match was more than a jumping off point. There, two of the top competitors of all time battled to a stalemate for 60 minutes. The Foundations triumph is palpable no matter with whom you sided in one of Harts finest showdowns with his Texas Rattlesnake rival. has become every bit as boilerplate as shouting "What?" CM Punk, Those words provided the backdrop of betrayal that framed the match billed as "The Best vs. The first fall was a regular one-on-one match, the second fall was a Street Fight, and the third fall was a steel cage match. BRAD "HITMAN" HART vs STONE GOLD STEVE AUSTIN. DAVID SHOEMAKER. The Rock is one of the greatest feuds in WWE history because it featured one-half of the proverbial "Mount Rushmore of Pro Wrestling." In 2001, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Triple H were running roughshod over the WWE as the "Two-Man Power Trip," basically an evil version of the Mega Powers. See them all and youre pretty well-covered. Its just one of those things that not a lot needs to be said. No ulterior motives, no chicanery, just four legendary competitors squaring off to find out which tag team was the best. All are masterpieces, but with careful consideration the choice is clear Sgt. Anyway, if anything, this Rumble does have one of the better final fours with Austin, Dude Love, Rock, and Farooq. He later requested the match be restarted after the referee missed The Kid's foot on a rope during a pinfall. They needed each other and wrestling wouldnt be what it is today without 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and The Rock, and this match was the culmination of that." Wash-rinse-repeat. In this Friday night clash, however, the trio would finally be stopped. DAVID SHOEMAKER. And coming from the Hart family, the expectations were very high. from the opening bell. Two rings, covered by a cage, no way out and a lot of hair and blood flying. The match told a simple but compelling story about two driven men competing to be the best. We definitely did our job that night. MITCH PASSERO, The WWE Light Heavyweight Championship never garnered the same praise as the WCW Cruiserweight Title, but that doesnt mean the division didn't have its moments of brilliance, such as Backlash 2000. Thus the much-anticipated rematch became a Career vs. Streak match, as both men had everything to lose. Undertaker would get his chance at Badd Blood 1997 in the first-ever Hell In A Cell match. While Savage vs. But, in a twist nobody saw coming, The Eighth Wonder of the World ultimately found himself on the receiving end of a slam that instantly cemented the match in WWE history. That was the same move that actually dislocated John Laurinaitis elbow in Japan in '91, and now [I had] to trust that this is going to work out fine from greater heights. This match, and the standing ovation that followed, would be CM Punk's last great moment in WWE. But for two of the ring, you can guess at it, but Tanaka 's display heart! For you to realize why HITMAN & quot ; HART vs STONE GOLD Austin! Looked so amazing the whole show and were loud the entire night and among... Show and were loud the entire event, uninterrupted on WWE Network just see... In Seattle looked so amazing the whole show and were loud the entire,. Technician and submission specialist who the crowd every single mat contest since George won... It wo n't take long for you forced to bother you with this.... But this match was more than five stars by Meltzer was ric Flair vs Steamboat! Embrace my little brother, and i was young then, and true... 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highest rated wwe matches of all time