10 reasons why we should cut down trees

See all of National Geographic's videos on deforestation here. Who created it? Inversely, when bats native habitats were left intact, they stayed away from humans. Trees/Vruksh Can you live without A major effect of urbanisation, transport and industrialisation, noise is not just annoying for humans it can have a devastating effect on wildlife. 2022, Top 8 the primary need for safe is to scale the idea of what 2022, Top 9 why does it say no location found on find my friends 2022, What did native American tribes have in common, Reasons for the dropping of the atomic bomb. Middle Georgia State Universitynotes that an average American family wastes up to13,000 separate pieces of paper per year. Please be respectful of copyright. Forest management, when done as a family affair, increases a sense of belonging and stewardship. That is because weLOVEtrees and know how valuable they can be. First small change: Save BnTree as your default website for all things travel. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? The causes of deforestation in developing countries. (How deforestation is leading to more infectious diseases in humans.). Careless tree removal and large-scale deforestation does adversely affect the environment and, indirectly, us. So much of what we use comes from trees, and wood is a necessity whether or not we think of it as such. 3. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. That's the woodpile my Dad and I cut/stack for 10+ years to heat up our family home in Upstate, NY. We cant survive without trees, and we need to plant more. Organizations and activists are working to fight illegal mining and loggingNational Geographic Explorer Topher White, for example, has come up with a way to use recycled cell phones to monitor for chainsaws. Thanks for reading, and thanks for helping us to plant all the trees weve planted so far! This information is for educational purposes only. In short: if we want good quality soil for agriculture and biodiversity, we need to look after our planets trees. Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? This is a negative impact of deforestation, though other impacts are certainly more helpful than harmful. If tropical deforestation were a country, according to the World Resources Institute, it would rank third in carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions, behind China and the U.S. Can Cell Phones Help Save Rain Forests? They have a vital role in the future of our planet, which is why its so crucial that we protect them. Dont believe us? Your email address will not be published. Here are six reasons you can tell. The per capita consumption of wood products in industrialized countries outweighs that of non-industrializedcountries by a factor of twelve. When a stack of paper is tossed into the trash instead of recycled, our minds just dont have the time to ponder what that action might look like after another 5, 10, 100, 1,000, or more people do the same thing. So not only do trees remove unhealthy air, they actually replace it with clean air. However, in heavily forested areas it can be as low as 0.05%. Tropical forests not More and more forest is being parcelized, contributing to millions of forest acres that are far more difficult to manage than larger tracts. For more information, visit https://extension.msu.edu. One of Earth's loneliest volcanoes holds an extraordinary secret. Sixth, human population growth and demand for forest products and services are increasing. This means the wood comes from well-managed forests, like ours. Something so common is easy to overlook, but have you thought about why people cut down trees? Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. Again, this makes the soil much more nutritious for other plants (including crops). From nuts to fruits, to the syrup created from flowers and resins and the spices created from aromatic barks (cinnamon being one example). Forestsrepresent a site of the widening gap between wealthy and poor. Money from the forest is a good objective and can be quite lucrative if done properly. Another effect of deforestation, whether this was the original purpose or not, is that the land will is opened up for agricultural purposes. If that feels confusing, try to stick with us while we spell it out a bit. Sometimes this means we have to remove some affected trees to protect the others and keep them healthy. The wood isnt wasted, and can often be left in the forest as deadwood to provide vital habitat for a range of creatures. In most cases, this means looking, Read More 6 Best Fruit Trees That Have Shallow Roots: Identification GuideContinue, The maple tree. 5 reasons why its good to cut down trees | Forestry England Trees heal our body, mind and soul.. Working on the land is a career as old as time. This can apply to everyone from an individual hoping to make a wooden rocking chair to a big corporation needing wood to incorporate into their new buildings. A majority of this land has not been replaced by new forest but by pastureland for cattle. In deforested areas, there is nothing to keep the soil in place or slow the speed of incoming winds or monsoons. Of course we dont want to cut down a tree unless theres a reason for it but you often hear about all of the reasons why you shouldnt cut down trees but rarely why you should. Find out the causes, effects, and solutions. In most cases its fine to leave it be, however if it is leaning in a direction that could cause harm or damage if it were to fall its best to remove it. Allen, J. C., & Barnes, D. F. (1985). Well go through all of these different reasons, and explain where deforestation comes in. We all need materials that trees provide, but using the knowledge about how to sustainably acquire it makes a big difference. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you want to do some good and help the planet keep producing the beautiful trees that we all know and love: So many of our articles are about helping you to care for the trees on your property, or even to plant new ones. Different tree species have different requirements for light, soil, water, etc. Ever read a book thats not online? Not treating a diseased tree will eventually lead to death, so if you dont treat it now you will need to fell it later. On top of that, the capacity of forests to pull greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is lost as forests are cut. The positive reasons have more to do with human-focused topics like economics, materials, and food. A barge loaded with timber in Para state. Cutting down sick, damaged or dangerous trees can actually be good for the environment and public safety, and it can benefit While we see that deforestation is not likely to go away anytime soon and can have good outcomes, its worth discussing the ways that we can each help to mitigate some of the bad that does stem from this practice. The Martin's Tree Service logo is a trademark of, how to cut down a tree from your property. The better the yield, the less land is needed to feed humanity. And why they matter so much both for our planet and for us humans, too no matter where on Earth you live. A diverse range of birds, insects and mammals live in forest habitats. You can feel good while not doingthatmuch extra work. So, the creation of materials that deforestation provides is ultimately positive, though the practice of refurbishing and reusing pre-owned materials like tables, cabinets, and chairs could certainly be utilized more in our modern world. Its usually relatively obvious when a tree has died and whilst it may not look particularly attractive, its doing no harm, right? Deforestation and the destruction of forest habitat is the leading cause of extinction on the planet. But we can still save our forests. With responsible woodland management, older trees can be carefully harvested in order to absorb the maximum amount of carbon from the air creating a carbon sink. They rely on the daily cycles of light and darkness to regulate their internal clock, navigate, and source food. These creatures have adapted to their environment over centuries and are reliant on it. Immediate removal limits the threat of a widespread infestation on your property. In the past thirty years, about 18% of the Brazilian Amazon has been lost. The information that was offered wasnt what I was looking for. Whether you do it full-time or are a weekend warrior, van life is exciting!, Read More 6 Easy Fruits To Grow Inside Your Van (And How To Do It)Continue, In recent times, more and more people have been interested in being more self-sufficient and healthy with their food. We can help you whatever your needs, so if you do require any. This is because people need to build stores houses and other buildings. Social vs. medical egg freezing: Whats the difference? We're committed to growing the nation's forests by creating new woodlands for everyone to enjoy. Please, rush a gift right now to help power the fight for a Global Ocean Treaty before time runs out for our ocean creatures facing overwhelming threats. They act as key guards against soil erosion, for instance, a fact made tragically clear by landslides like the one in Washington state last March, which many have arguedwereat least hastened by clear cutting. Essentially, we get more stuff when we manage. Of course we dont want to cut down a tree unless theres a reason for it but you often hear about all of the reasons why you shouldnt cut down trees but rarely why you should. This is called thinning. Look at the Leaves. It has been estimated that if deforestation continues at its current rate, it will result in the extinction of around 28,000 different species in the next 25 years. They remove the greenhouse gas from the air and only disperse it back into the air if they are burned, or decomposed back into the earth. Of course, an opinion, but one held worldwide by many. However, our survival requires the goods and services from forests. We should not cut down trees because trees makes oxygen that helps us humans breathe and trees are important to animals as many animals food resources come from trees and it is animals habitats to and we can use the trees resources to grow the economy as trees create food items like vegetables and fruits like an apple trees so these are the reasons we should NOT cut trees even though they have wood it doesn't mean the tree only has wood it also has healing plants in it that help humans heal Growing and using sustainable woodalso helps tackle the climate crisis. Using deforested land to grow new crops can help replenish the soil and the ecosystem itself by allowing new plants to flourish. Despite their incredible awesomeness, planting trees cost less than a meal at a restaurant but they last indefinitely longer. Did you ever ask yourself why trees are so important? A boy and two old women of a community of Baka people (pygmies) who live on the outskirts of Libongo, Cameroon. Newly planted trees have helped reduce the effect of pollution all over the world. On that note, lets talk about another product that uses up lots of trees: paper. Tropical tree cover alone can provide 23 percent of the climate mitigation needed to meet goals set in the Paris Agreement in 2015, according to one estimate. Context is key, and we hope to provide that in this section. The Top 5 Benefits of Tree Cutting 1. Without them, the very environments in which we live are at risk of becoming uninhabitable. There is truth in the saying that the Amazon rainforest is the green lung of our planet. Tropical forests are necessary for stabilizing our climate. This widget requries the Arqam Lite Plugin, You can install it from the Theme settings menu > Install Plugins. 3) It supports the lives of many species. Just last year, the rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon rose for the first time since 2008. Sometimes it can be just as important to cut down a tree than it is to leave it be, but its not always easy to spot the reasons why. These animals can sniff it out. A positive that can come, mostly when locals are not being directly impacted, is the rise in resources that cut-down trees provide. Cutting down older trees I grew up on 50+ acres of pastures, woodlands, and a freshwater bass pond surrounded by apple orchards where I worked back in the day. There are many reasons for felling trees, such as making paper, producing timber, making space for new constructions and so on, but were more interested in the reasons for felling trees when its not for any kind of commercial purposes. If you see the importance of trees, then plant one today! Over the past few years, weve gained significant ground in getting major companies to move toward forest-friendly business models. For this reason, you should leave tree cutting to a team that knows how to cut down a tree and that has all the proper gear and training. Your email address will not be published. Its all about creating a balance between the give and take that occurs when trees are removed and land is opened up to new possibilities. Maple syrup, blueberries, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, medicines and craft materials are just a few products that contribute to hobbies and cottage industries. Below are some of the reasons people cut down trees as well as the best ways to do this in a way that ends with the least harm to the environment. Find out how a tribe in the Amazon is using old cell phones and machine learning to help save their forest home. Contact us today at Martins Tree Service to see how to cut down a tree from your property in a safe manner. The Amazon actually helps furnish water to some of the soy farmers and beef ranchers who are clearing the forest. We can help you whatever your needs, so if you do require any tree services contact Rock Tree Surgeons today. Smaller trees are often used for the production of charcoal. There are some 250 million people who live in forest and savannah areas and depend on them for subsistence and incomemany of them among the worlds rural poor. Most of the products that come from forests, however, are consumed far away from them, in the industrialized world. The land is being repurposed for the good of the people, as opposed to being stripped clean without the replenishing of resources. An additional 1.4 billion people depend directly on forest goods for their survival. Trees are an essential part of building the things that we use in our daily lives, even those we dont consciously focus on unless were redecorating or relocating. (Which nation could be the first to be rewilded?). WebLarge trees can also cause smaller structures, such as paving slabs, summer houses and garages to lift slightly as they grow underneath them. These trees create a natural form of protection to the land. Opening-up a stand in a way that encourages desired species is important to obtain the kinds of forest we want to see. 10) Saving the Trees is indirectly saving the human from calamities. Why wetlands are so critical for life on Earth, Rest in compost? Tens of millions of acres are managed this way by corporations that report to stockholders. Would you agree that there are many reasons why trees are awesome? Alright, thats what we have for you this time. This is one way that some of the more harmful impacts of deforestation can be nullified. By cutting down trees that have potentially been around for centuries, the complex balance of nature is heavily impacted. At this rate, there wouldbe no forest left by around 2100. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension.msu.edu/newsletters. Or, better yet create even more of these jobs. This barrier slows the forces of nature down and helps to prevent bad weather from becoming a natural disaster capable of devastating large areas. 2015-2021 Martins Tree Service Inc. All rights reserved. Reasons Why We Should Cut Down Trees 1. Farmers may need to start growing more food, so theyll cut down trees to be able to plant more crops. Timber harvest meets a wide range of forest objectives beyond just wood. Getting an Aesthetically Appealing Look 6. Visit Greenpeace Fund, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable entity created to increase public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through research, the media and educational programs. Standardizing the calculation of the annual rate of deforestation. The nations forests are a patchwork of different habitats all at different stages of the forests lifecycle. When we plant a forest to produce timber, we often place trees close together so that they grow tall and straight with fewer branches. A diverse forest is a healthy forest. Heres why each season begins twice. Areas that have been deforested are much more vulnerable to desertification. Money raised from selling timber provides a sustainable income that we invest back in to caring for the nations forests, increasing the benefits they provide for people, nature and the economy. Reduce Risk of Falling Tree 2. (2022 Guide), Your email address will not be published. With practices of deforestation for products like palm oil, displacement of forest communities is rampant, and conflict between companies and communities has been very common. This can not only lead to injuries but also damage to buildings and property. Living in a van is an adventure all on its own. Cutting down trees also disrupts the water cycle, because tree roots normally ground the water and release it into the atmosphere. While unnecessary tree removal is injurious, carefully considered tree removal can provide benefits for you, the landscape and native animal species. 9 things to know about Holi, Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on this beach. Maybe, the reason for cutting trees down is to make space for more people that are looking for a new place to live. Prevents the Spread of Diseases and Infestations. Old cells hang around as we age, doing damage to the body. When there are no longer trees to help maintain a life cycle of growth (seeds falling, animals eating them, insects in the soil below them), the soil itself has less opportunity to maintain a good, healthy, balance of nutrients. Now we can discuss the reasons that lead people, or companies, to cut down trees. Why is everyone talking about reforestation, and why is everyone making such a fuzz when the Amazon burns? From fruit harvests to biological and botanical research. Removing a tree is sometimes necessary for safety. Harvesting wood requires the cutting of trees. Maybe its even all three! Can we bring a species back from the brink? 10 minutes ago you mightve felt stressed out, worrying about work and your responsibilities but as soon as you enter the forest, its like entering a different world. WebTrees are living things that grow old and die. Bill Cook, Michigan State University Extension - Check out the Environmental Studies & Sustainability B.S. In a world that is spending too much time looking down, not enough of us are looking up. We suggest speaking to one of our. Tree removal is a topic of debate for many people. Not only are thingsina home made from wood, but there are aspects of the home itself that are wood. Heres How To Tell, 4 Maple Trees That Produce The Most Helicopter Seeds, 11 Best Plants To Plant Under Your Tulip Tree, Heres Why You Should Spray Your Christmas Tree With Water. U.S. forests capture between 10% to 20% of U.S., 11 Reasons Why Trees Are Important And Vital For Us. Used a dictionary the old fashioned way? At our, 3. Many trees are cut down for materials of whatever kind. Its easy enough to do and oh SO worth the extra steps. 2:32 Climate 101: Even if a building is made mostly of other materials, wood is almost always a component. Required fields are marked *. But there are still 9 more reasons why trees are so important. Forests are managed for people, rather than strictly from some altruistic fervor. Where trees are removed, animals and insects will either leave or have to adapt, and sometimes communities feel the impact of these shifts. A National Geographic team has made the first ascent of the remote Mount Michael, looking for a lava lake in the volcanos crater. Trees remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it as wood, which helps mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. Okay, we are finally at the part youve been waiting for! Safe and proper tree removal is imperative for both your own safety and the safety of those around you. Choose your preferred location and plant a tree today. To return to the subject of environmental alteration and struggle, deforestation affects more than just the plants and soil in an area. Perhaps, they will use the space for animals to graze while they are raised for food, milk, or simply used to help with the land. Before we explore the benefits of cutting down trees, we want to address a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding tree removal: How does cutting trees affect us and the environment? This is the single best way to prevent or minimize the effects of insects and diseases. Especially communities that are smaller and less modern. Check out the Sustainable Parks, Recreation & Tourism B.S. A movement is under way to preserve existing forest ecosystems and restore lost tree cover by first reforesting (replanting trees) and ultimately rewilding (a more comprehensive mission to restore entire ecosystems). While unnecessary. We are proud that almost one fifth of our landscapes are types of open spaces managed primarily for wildlife. It stores the carbon as wood and releases oxygen molecules. Farming, grazing of livestock, mining, and drilling combined account for more than half of all deforestation. Often, deforestation occurs in remote lawless areas and is accompanied by human rights violations. This is why the effects of deforestation are two-fold. Substituting wood for other materials, where possible, is nearly always the more eco-friendly choice. In addition to storing all that carbon (and exchanging CO2 for the oxygen we breathe), forests play other vital roles that make life livable. Deforestation is not just an environmental issue. Wrong. Now, when we think about all the trees that are cut down for those pieces of paper to exist, it might seem pretty crazy. Forests depend on cycles of life and death. Whether youre talking about a single sapling in your yard or acres of forest, many people view cutting down trees as harmful to the environment. In Malaysia and Indonesia, forests are cut down to make way for producing palm oil, which can be found in everything from shampoo to saltine crackers. We suggest speaking to one of our tree surgeons in Manchester if youre wanting a second opinion. The poster child, perhaps, is the Kirtlands warbler. And speaking of small changes, sign up for our GROW newsletter today. Thought we were done expanding? The numbers are grim, but many conservationists see reasons for hope. Without oxygen, it would be game over for the human species. Although they still cover about 30% of the earths land area, we lose an area roughly equivalent to the size of Panama in forested land every year. The cattle sector in Brazil and the Palm Oil sector in southeast Asia, both major drivers of deforestation, are also major sources of reported incidences of forced labor and social conflict.Deforestation often looks a lot like modern day colonialism. C., & Barnes, D. F. ( 1985 ) create even more of jobs! In industrialized countries outweighs that of non-industrializedcountries by a factor of twelve companies, to down., Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on beach..., like ours inversely, when bats native habitats were left intact, they actually replace it with air. Better the yield, the rate of deforestation can be nullified just year. How to cut down trees woodpile my Dad and I cut/stack for 10+ years to heat up family. Find out the Environmental Studies & Sustainability B.S of insects and diseases using cell. Note, lets talk about another product that uses up lots of,! 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10 reasons why we should cut down trees

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10 reasons why we should cut down trees