why is miss marie called the maginot line
She finds meaning not in her own family but in romantic movies and in her work caring for a well-to-do white family. She is pretty, playful andaffectionate. The kitchen is spotless, with white porcelain and white woodwork. Kaufmann, J.E., Kaufmann, H.W., Jancovi-Potonik, A. and Lang, P. This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 20:42. 19 January 2021. Frieda narrates the whole story to Claudia: Mr. Henry made sexual advances at Frieda, who ran to tell her parents. "With the Maginot Line, Joffre's idea was to take these fortifications that France had had for 200 years and bring them into the mid-20th century," says Kirchubel. [18], After 1918, the German economy was twice as large as that of France; Germany had a population of 70 million compared to France's 40 million, and the French economy was hobbled by the need to reconstruct the enormous damage of World War I, while German territory had seen little fighting. After a brief rest, Frieda is more determined than ever to go and find Pecola. Just six weeks after Hitler began his land invasion of the country, France surrendered to Germany. The hot pie filling burns Pecola's legs painfully, but when Mrs. Breedlove returns and sees the mess she runs to Pecola and backhands her, knocking the girl down. How much did the Construction of the Maginot line cost? The thick-walled forts and casemates of the Maginot Line withstood direct hits from German bombers as they were designed to do, but the real action happened far away from that solid line of defense. World War I absolutely devastated France. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. A neighbor, Mr. Buford, arrived and gave Mr. MacTeer a gun. Her family, looking for a better life, migrates from Alabama to Kentucky while she is a girl. Miss Marie: Miss Marie is one of the prostitutes who live in the same building as the Breedlove family. More books than SparkNotes. And like any trench, it belonged to the . When he returned, Mr. and Mrs. MacTeer attacked him. She becomes pregnant. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. The location of this attack, chosen because of the location of the Maginot Line, was through the Belgian Ardennes Forest (sector 4), which is off the map to the left of Maginot Line sector 6 (as marked). ! Frieda equates being "ruined" to being like the Maginot Line, because she heard her mother say that the Maginot Line was a "ruined" woman. Although the alliances with Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia were appreciated in Paris, it was widely understood that this was no compensation for the absence of Britain and the United States. All these troops wore distinctive uniform insignia and considered themselves among the elite of the French Army. The Maginot Line was impervious . Morrison also manages to humanize Marie (the Maginot Line) without sugar-coating her. "Maginot Line" has acquired a secondary meaning: a defensive barrier or strategy that inspires a false sense of security, according to Merriam-Webster. Pauline points out the hypocrisy of the woman, who says she's thinking of Pauline's future but won't give her the small sum she needs to pay the gas man. The first girl that Cholly likes. What was the Purpose of the Maginot Line? They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Wed love to have you back! She learns that Mr. MacTeer has beaten up Mr. Henry and kicked him out of the house. He feels that is right for a black girl like Pecola to long to "see the world with blue eyes," but a thoughtful reader will note that eye color does not have an effect on vision. If the animal eats the meat and behaves strangely, her wish will be granted. She then throws her root-beer bottle down at the girls' feet and laughs loudly, terrifying the girls, who run until they can't run any farther. Pauline describes the first steady job she landed, working as a housekeeper for an ungenerous and pretentious white family. In Did you have a question about the first chapter of Bluest Eye. [43] Kaufmann and Kaufmann commented, "When all is said and done, the Maginot Line did not fail to accomplish its original mission it provided a shield that bought time for the army to mobilise [and] concentrate its best troops along the Belgian border to engage the enemy. She knows that Henrys actions are inappropriate, but she does not understand what they mean. on 50-99 accounts. Made up of a series of locations spanning over 3 kilometres, the Schoenenbourg Maginot Line fort was entirely self sufficient, with . The third person narrator points out that for the cavity to have grown, the conditions for it to fester must have been in placea clear metaphor for the social forces that have trapped Pauline in a hard and joyless life. French military experts believed the line would deter German aggression because it would slow an invasion force long enough for French forces to mobilise and counterattack. The quest for whiskey and the girls' disdain for the Maginot Line show, once again, the esteem the girls have for their mother's opinion and her wisdom. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Friedas experience is frightening and confusing, but she is quickly defended by her protective parents, and Henry is a foolish rather than a threatening figure. The little white girl is dressed in delicate pink and has yellow hair. Feester: To worsen, especially due to lack of attention. Frieda's parents believe her without question, and their reaction is to protect their daughter. Miss Marie is overweight and kind, China read analysis of China, Poland, and Miss Marie Maureen Peal The Nazis knew that the heart of the Maginot Line was nearly impenetrable, so they feinted attacks along the heavily fortified border while they planned for their massive 1940 invasion of France through the Netherlands and Belgium. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother . [32], After the war, the French re-manned the line and underwent some modifications. [18] French decision-makers knew that the victory of 1918 had been achieved because the British Empire and the United States were allies in the war and that the French would have been defeated on their own. [18] The French assumption was always that Germany would not go to war without conscription, which would allow the German Army to take advantage of the Reich's numerical superiority. The Question and Answer section for Bluest Eye is a great The association between spring and the pain of being beaten not only speaks to the punishment Claudia and Frieda receives at home, but in a larger sense, foreshadows the brutal events that will occur in the narrative during the Spring season, including Frieda's sexual assault and Pecola's rape. She then comforts the little white girl and begins to clean the black stain off of her pink dress. Cholly has had no one to teach him how to be a fatherAunt Jimmy is so much older that she hardly seems an adequate role model. The women live together in an apartment above the Breedloves. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. for a customized plan. That resulted in "the media exaggerating their descriptions by turning the line into an impregnable fortified position that would seal the frontier". The problem was that Hitler and his generals abandoned the "static" style of WWI fighting for a far more mobile blitzkrieg attack that punched a hole into France through Belgium and the Netherlands. They would be supplemented by reservists who lived in the local area and who could be quickly mobilised in an emergency. Today the Maginot Line has become a metaphor for expensive efforts which offer only a false sense of security. [25] Besides the demographic reasons, a defensive strategy served the needs of French diplomacy towards Great Britain. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. The infantry casemates often had one or two "cloches" or turrets located on top of them. [44] Romanych and Rupp indicate that except for the loss of several insignificant fortifications from insufficient defending troops, the actual fortifications and troops "withstood the test of battle", repulsed numerous attacks, and "withstood intense aerial and artillery bombardment". Free trial is available to new customers only. The family does not pay Pauline the last bit of money they owe her. This chapter emphasizes the ignorance and confusion that accompany Friedas experience of becoming a sexual being. The serpent is the largest remaining artifact from World War II. Safety Quarters were built near the major fortifications so fortress (ouvrage) crews could reach their battle stations in the shortest possible time in the event of a surprise attack during peacetime. The community knows Miss Marie as the Maginot Line. Middle-aged, he has never married and has a lecherous side. Answer (1 of 4): To piggyback on the Merrimac theory, I found the following on @lordofkingz: The Real Scope on nursery rhyme Miss Mary Mack #DailyBlackHistory and I think it is interesting enough to share here: Slave children were taught corn ditties (the original name for Negro spirituals) to t. Borey, Eddie. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Bluest Eye! Free trial is available to new customers only. He shot at Henry and Henry ran away. Maureen is light-skinned and wealthy. The dog devours the meat and dies almost immediately, and Pecola flees in terror. Read more about sexual initiation as a theme. Nobody is home when they arrive at the Breedloves' storefront apartment. Pecola's lies demonstrate the insecurity she feels about herself, and her self-perceived ugliness. The moment with the doctors is crucial, and is yet another scene in which we can study the gaze and how it functions. On 15 June, infantry divisions of the German 7th Army attacked across the Rhine River in Operation "Small Bear", penetrating the defences deep and capturing the cities of Colmar and Strasbourg. (one code per order). SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. "The Maginot Line would have done just fine against a German army with no tanks, airplanes or heavy artillery," says Kirchubel, all of which were banned inside Germany after WWI. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? [26] Germany had to import most of its iron, rubber, oil, bauxite, copper and nickel, making naval blockade a devastating weapon against the German economy. Check out the Hackenberg Maginot Fort, now a military museum offering tours, and the Schoenenbourg Fort. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Teachers and parents! He cannot stand contact with people, but he hoards the little bits of junk from people's everyday lives. His rape of Pecola is motivated by hatredthe text says explicitly that he despises his daughter for loving him because he is painfully aware of his failures. As far as we know, Soaphead Church is the only mortal being to whom Pecola has revealed her wish, and his emotional reaction is admiration. Renews March 8, 2023 The Maginot Line was impervious to most forms of attack. All cloches were made of alloy steel. Frieda is more knowledgeable about the adult world and sometimes braver than Claudia. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Cholly searches for father figuresfirst, in Blue Jack, and then in his biological father. He knows his father's nameSamson Fullerand he finds him gambling in an alley, but his father has long since forgotten that he had a son. But World War I worsened the problem. Subscribe now. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? She feels real affection only for her cat. It is also possible that Miss Mary Mack comes from the slang meaning of mack for a "pimp" or "flirting," dating back to the late 1800s. Because she is closer to adolescence, Frieda is more vulnerable to her communitys equation of whiteness with beauty. 15. . With the advent of French nuclear weapons in the early 1960s, the line became an expensive anachronism. [17] Versailles did not call for military sanctions in the event of the German military reoccupying the Rhineland or breaking Part V, while Locarno committed Britain and Italy to come to French aid in the event of a "flagrant violation" of the Rhineland's demilitarised status, it did not define what a "flagrant violation" would be. [2] French and British officers had anticipated the geographical limits of the Maginot Line; when Germany invaded the Netherlands and Belgium, they carried out plans to form an aggressive front that cut across Belgium and connected to the Maginot Line. Refine any search. She accepts everyone elses assumption that she is superior and is capable of both generosity and cruelty. Belgium was overrun, and British and French forces evacuated at Dunkirk. [30] The entire French crew of 107 soldiers was killed during the action. Outpost and Support Point line: Approximately 5km (3mi) behind the border, a line of anti-tank blockhouses that were intended to provide resistance to armoured assault, sufficient to delay the enemy to allow the crews of the C.O.R.F. In the wake of that catastrophic war, the French government vowed to protect its vulnerable northeast border with Germany from any future attacks. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Claudias father, who works hard to keep the familyfed and clothed. You can view our. The line included the following retractable turrets. Mr. Yacobowski The local grocer, a middle-aged white immigrant. Both static and mobile artillery units were assigned to defend the Maginot Line. SparkNotes PLUS "[36] In addition, the French envisioned that the Germans would conduct a repeat of their First World War battle plan to flank the defences and drew up their overall strategy with that in mind. He feels a mix of tenderness and hatred as he rapes Pecola, the tenderness confused and misapplied. [35] The idea was shelved. Her differing reactions to Pecola and the little white girl further this idea. It breaks and the girls run away, scared. It was a series of bunkers, forts, turrets, and obstacles that spanned more than 450 miles of France's border with Germany. When France withdrew from NATO's military component in 1966, much of the line was abandoned, with the NATO facilities turned back over to French forces and the rest of it auctioned off to the public or left to decay. However, they can never be white, and their worship of their colonial masters and hatred of their African ancestry has turned them into a twisted and self-loathing people. Their father's reaction, while violent, demonstrates the love he has for his family, which is contrasted later when Cholly rapes Pecola, simultaneously failing to protect her and acting as the aggressor. The fortifications were built as a result of experiences from the . Pecola and the MacTeers leave the house in shame, laundry bag in tow, and as they leave they can hear Mrs. Breedlove fussing over the little white girl, who is crying. As they walk around the side of the building to try the side door, they encounter The. The French had been building state-of-the-art fortresses and fortified cities along the German border for centuries. In the following days, infantry divisions of the 1st Army attacked fortifications on each side of the penetration, capturing four petits ouvrages. She returned with her parents to the house, but Henry was gone. "The Maginot Line was meant to stop a World War I-style attack of infantry and artillery, and it did what it was supposed to do," says Kirchubel, who's written multiple books on World War II military campaigns. But they still do not know what ruined means, and not understanding what makes the prostitute distasteful to their mother, they focus on what makes the prostitute distasteful to themher fatness. They understand that China and Poland are ruined as well but think that they are not fat because they drink whiskey. Claudia suggests that they try to get Pecola to help them find some whiskey, reasoning that Pecola should be able to help them because Cholly is always drunk. With fresh memories of fighting and living in squalid, open-air trenches, the French spent a decade building a 300-mile (482-kilometer) series of underground fortifications that would be both impenetrable and comfortable to live in. Frieda likewise demonstrates her love for her father by hitting Rosemary. The narrator of parts of the novel. Discount, Discount Code It was composed of an intricate system of strong points, fortifications and military facilities such as border guard posts, communications centres, infantry shelters, barricades, artillery, machine-gun and anti-tank-gun emplacements, supply depots, infrastructure facilities and observation posts. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. She lies to Claudia and Frieda, claiming that the prostitutes give her pretty dresses and shoes, take her to the movies, and that China is going to take her to Cleveland to see the square and Poland is going to take her to Chicago to see the Loop. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. The Maginot Line: Actually a Good Idea. From front to rear (east to west), the line was composed of: 1. The prostitutes tease each other affectionately and treat Pecola with kindness, while the rest of the community treats her cruelly. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 The infantry manned the lighter weapons of the fortresses and formed units with the mission of operating outside if necessary. For the girls, their mother's word is law: they dislike Marie based on their mother's dislike of Marie. Observation Posts were located on hills that provided a good view of the surrounding area. She seems to see herself as an aggressor, but she has also suffered in her life. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. She finds her mother singing and behaving strangely, absentmindedly doing the same chore twice. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. [16] When the Control Commission was dissolved, the commissioners in their final report issued a blistering statement, stating that Germany had never sought to abide by Part V and the Reichswehr had been engaging in covert rearmament all through the 1920s. Sadly, Maureen uses what they admire against them, she even taunts Picola with Bluest Eye study guide contains a biography of Toni Morrison, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. Maginot Line. After that, her marriage with Cholly deteriorates rapidly. Sometimes it can end up there. Dave Roos The specification of the defences was very high, with extensive and interconnected bunker complexes for thousands of men; there were 45 main forts (grands ouvrages) at intervals of 15km (9.3mi), 97 smaller forts (petits ouvrages) and 352 casemates between, with over 100km (62mi) of tunnels. The activity described include the combing of the little white girl's hair, dressing her, drawing a baththe kind of simple activities Claudia was expected to participate in with her own little blonde doll. Maginot Line. (one code per order). "The French were beaten emotionally and spiritually," says Kirchubel. The original construction did not cover the area ultimately chosen by the Germans for their first challenge, which was through the Ardennes in 1940, a plan known as Fall Gelb (Case Yellow), due to the neutrality of Belgium. Mrs. Breedlove sticks her head out the door, is introduced to the girls, and tells them they can wait with Pecola for the laundry and then walk back to town with her. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. The sisters go to the Breedlove home, but no one is there. Pecola, already showing signs of pregnancy, comes to him and asks for blue eyes. Built between 1930 and 1940, France 's Maginot Line was a massive system of defenses that became famous for failing to stop a German invasion. Why does Maureen have a privilege status in the school community? Saltzman provided art director Syd Cain with a tour of the complex. Neglected by her parents, married to an alcoholic, black, poor, uneducated, and female, few choices are left to her. However, when the Germans attacked . [18], France had an alliance with Belgium and with the states of the Cordon sanitaire, as the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was known. She treats the girls with some kindness, telling them that Pecola is with Mrs. Breedlove at the house where Mrs. Breedlove is a servant. [20] The drop in the birth rate during and after the war, resulting in a national shortage of young men, created an "echo" effect on the generation that provided the French conscript army in the mid-1930s. Want 100 or more? You'll also receive an email with the link. Border Post line: This consisted of blockhouses and strong houses, which were often camouflaged as inoffensive residential homes, built within a few metres of the border and manned by troops to give the alarm in the event of a surprise attack and to delay enemy tanks with prepared explosives and barricades. Please wait while we process your payment. I seem to recall you are new to the game. "That's the part that fell apart for the Allies.". This section, like the sections on Pauline and Cholly, shows a preoccupation with geneology and ancestry. [23], The Maginot Line was intended to block the main German blow if it should come via eastern France and divert it through Belgium, where French forces would meet and stop the Germans. Indeed, Belgium feared it would be sacrificed in the event of another German invasion. [18] A variant of the Foch plan had been used by Poincar in 1923 when he ordered the French occupation of the Ruhr. [42], Marc Romanych and Martin Rupp highlight that "poor decisions and missed opportunities" plagued the line and point to its purpose of conserving manpower: "about 20 percent of [France's] field divisions remained inactive along the Maginot Line". France's birth rate had actually been declining since the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Based on France's experience with trench warfare during World War I, the massive Maginot Line was built in the run-up to World War II, after the Locarno Conference in 1925 gave rise to a fanciful and optimistic "Locarno spirit". 11. The Germans then broke through the fortification line as defending French forces retreated southward. It was preceded by anti-tank obstacles made of metal rails planted vertically in six rows, with heights varying from 0.701.40 metres (2ft 4in 4ft 7in) and buried to a depth of 2m (6ft 7in). The British diplomat Sir Eric Phipps, who attended the conference, commented afterwards that: The London Conference was for the French 'man in the street' one long Calvary as he saw M. Herriot abandoning one by one the cherished possessions of French preponderance on the Reparations Commission, the right of sanctions in the event of German default, the economic occupation of the Ruhr, the French-Belgian railway Rgie, and finally, the military occupation of the Ruhr within a year. Purchasing Gros Ouvrages: These fortresses were the most important fortifications on the Maginot Line, having the sturdiest construction and the heaviest artillery. A rapid advance through the forest and across the River Meuse encircled much of the Allied forces, resulting in a sizeable force having to be evacuated at Dunkirk leaving the troops to the south unable to mount an effective resistance to the German invasion of France.[3]. She asks where "Polly" is, something that infuriates Claudia because even Pecola calls her own mother "Mrs. | They argue had those troops been moved north, "it is possible that Heeresgruppe A's advance could have been blunted, giving time for Groupe d'armees 1 to reorganise". Not affiliated with Harvard College. Pecolas mother, who believes that she is ugly; this belief has made her lonely and cold. Such accusations are unfounded". [21] Reflecting memories of World War I, the French General Staff had developed the concept of la puissance du feu ("the power of fire"), the power of artillery dug in and sheltered by concrete and steel, to inflict devastating losses on an attacking force. And the heaviest artillery that she why is miss marie called the maginot line ugly ; this belief has made her and... To Germany evacuated at Dunkirk how it functions then in his biological father job she landed working! 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