which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true?
The imposition of one culture's beliefs, practices, and artifacts on another culture through mass media and consumer products is called: What is the expected number of racial and ethnic minorities in a random sample of 5,000 under-20 Americans? o It does not influence people's consumption habits. Nationwide literacy tends to help a country grow its economy rapidly. 2. It shouldnt be too diffi cult. b) hierarchy o understand how a culture began and what its essential beliefs are. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. women have more time to spend on their careers. a. With each new school, Karen spends the first few weeks merely observing the other students to learn which behaviors are appropriate in specific situations because she's learned that at each school the kids behave differently. a) Intelligence is determined by a person's race. Cultural values are usually set before and during adolescence. As the economies of European nations are unified, consumers there want to buy the same products and services. Cultural leveling refers to the process by which cultures that were once similar become increasingly distinct. (6) During February: Collected $84,600 from customers for sales on account (see transaction (3) above). d) uncertainty avoidance, Which of the following statements is true regarding Hofstede's value dimensions? Her job, then, is to understand a country's _____. Which of the following statements is true of animals? a. Norms are similar in every culture, time period, and situation. many women are waiting longer to have children Be sure to read the feedback. d. cultural determinism. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. It enables communication between marketers and consumers. Which of the following would best be considered a part of symbolic culture? o know how people resist change within their cultures. -Desired weight. c. Correlational research C) Distribution In a group of four or five, select one person to play the role of Boris and one person to play the role of Neil. a) Emics; Etics A. o It affects all marketing activities except pricing. o Governments have more influence over cultural values than religion does. His Uncertainty Avoidance Index score is low. Which of the following statements regarding language is correct? To be culturally sensitive, an international marketer should. You just have to memorize the rules. -Patriotism b) ambiguity d. A phone survey. Multiple Choice It advocates the views that thinking and feeling are not important in decision making. generate the most interest within society. A) Culture is a relatively simple concept. The physical objects associated with a cultural group refer to: Which of the following is an example of a positive sanction? Affirmative action programs are among the most controversial diversity management methods available. b) Morality, a uniquely human product, is present since the birth of a child. d) Newborns have no culture. Imagine Maria were to overhear the factory manager in El Salvador rationalizing the dangerous working conditions and harsh rules by stating the following: Though he is in management, his anxiety and stress levels are low. a) Culture After listening to the conversation between Boris and Neil, help Boris answer Neils questions. o They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. o It enables communication between marketers and consumers. Cultures that score low on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. Tools 1: The Equity Method of Accounting for In, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Axial Skeleton Overview - lumbar vertebrae, s. Personal ambition and free will are valued and encouraged in these cultures. o Before the advent of transoceanic shipping, ideas flowed over the Silk Road but not across the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama B) Canada b. A) In many countries, males have greater access to education than females. My problem is with those rules of debit and credit . o Individualism/Collectivism Index. Societies become acquainted with most new products via businesses. The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. o Japan's population is increasing dramatically as young adults marry early and have numerous children. c. negative sanctions. Cross-cultural research helps us_____________________. Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. 1. What is the optimum number of operators? a. technological determinism. tend to see the entire picture rather than just the foreground when evaluating a situation. b) Etics; Emics a) embeddedness The dominant culture is defined by the espoused values communicated through a company's website. The actual clothing Gabby purchases and wears are an example of ___________; the feeling of guilt or moral transgression for buying clothing made in sweatshops is an example of ___________. a. language theory. o It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. 5: Culture, Management Style, and Busines, Ch. B) Large organizations rarely have subcultures. C) Studies of genetic systems suggest that racially defined groups are more similar than different. Which types of government competed globally throughout most of the 20th century? A responsible effort to learn from the cultural ways of others in the quest for a solution to a society's problems is known as. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? Which of these elements of Gabby's scenario best represent symbols she uses to express herself? o India has mostly abandoned its tradition of arranged marriages. They tend to distrust people who are not part of their groups. d. All of these statements about culture are true. a. Paying attention to the fine distinctions of culture so that it can be studied in an open-minded way, assessed, and admired is known as. Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. Cultures that score high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. c. Prepare a comparative balance sheet as of January 31, Year 8, and February 28, Year 8. The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific culture is called _____. An established standard of behavior maintained by a society. C) Culture often provides detailed prescriptions for appropriate behavior. o willing to take risks It would seem easier if we had the same rules for all increases and decreases in accounts. C) Per capita income (PCI) Which of the following statements regarding gender and culture is NOT true? E) edicts, What is the basis for virtually all societies? Which of the following best describes how birth control techniques have affected the lives of women in the past 50 years? o A country's culture is independent of geographical influences. E) concentration, With respect to demographics, which of the following describes the society in terms of age, income, education, and occupation? o composed of behaviors and values, the seen and unseen, that are learned, shared, and transmitted by a group of people. The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior. when doing business in a foreign country, ignoring how seriously the local people take their superstitions. Which of the following statements is false? c. Culture acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed on from one generation to the next. For the most effective international experiences, train individual employees thoroughly in one culture before moving on to another. True or false: Cultural values have nothing to do with a consumer's likelihood of griping about defective products and service failures. The boundaries that culture sets on behavior are called _____. Which of the following is the most likely reason for governments having relatively little influence on cultural values when compared to family, religion, school, and the media? b) In animal societies, there are no clear social networks and hierarchies. a. cultural imperialism. They gave men more time to spend with their children. o He stated that a country's culture cannot affect the evolution of its markets. Which of the following statements is true? d. Fans of the Cleveland Browns. What change has happened to American culture and social institutions? B) work Find: Biographer Palle Yourgrau takes us through her thought on Christianity, value, rootedness and history. o The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. 8H0 > 0 and8SO>0 values, whichofthe following statements is true regarding this reaction? A) babies focus on the central figures and not see much of the background. b. a. Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores have. D) structure Sustainability is commonly described as having three dimensions (or pillars): environmental, economic, and social. What does the Tenth Amendment have to do with American federalism? The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [a] is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture. When Marshall McLuhan asserted that "the medium is the message," he was arguing that: o Climate influences works' wages, Social institutions that mostly strongly influence values and cultures, schools, churches, families, and the media, the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest, pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose, pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups, which throughout people's lifetimes continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty, measures the tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity among members of a society, a variety of studies have shown cultural values can predict such consumer behaviors as status consumption of luxury goods, brand-switching as a group, tendency to share based on time perceptions, consuming with immediate vs. long-term goals in mind, word-of-mouth communications, impulsive buying, responses of both surprise and disgust, the propensity to complain, responses to service failures, movie preferences, and the influence of perceptions of product creativity, patterns of behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated, In the context of international marketing, culture. Which of the following is true about worldviews? Which of the following statements regarding culture in international marketing is true? Which of the following is a misconception regarding the economic unification of Europe? A segment of society that shares a distinctive pattern of customs, rules, and traditions that differs from the pattern of the larger society. c) Power distance a. that the United States has always adopted a punitive approach toward this substance. One aspect he must learn about the country is its size, structure, and distribution. In the context of best marketing practices in the European Union, international marketers must. b) A racial group is solely determined by its cultural characteristics. o global mass communications What distinguishes cultural psychology from mainstream psychology? c) Collectivism a) Individualism versus collectivism a) True E) Cross-cultural purchasing power (CPP), Using one marketing strategy across various cultures is referred to as _____. Culture is a simple concept. Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? D) travel They pay attention to cultural differences in markets they are attempting to enter. b. The firm does not use a separate Accumulated Amortization account for the patent. -Churches Which of the following statements regarding cultural heritage is true? A Values never change B Values of a culture may change but most remain relatively stable during any one person's lifetime C Values are constantly changing sociologists view them as being very unstable D All of the above statements are correct Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. The firm treats discounts taken as a reduction in the acquisition cost of merchandise. Which of the following statements is true of culture? She will continue to show this generosity for 202020 years, giving a total of 202020 payments. Which of the following statements is an example of cultural relativism? A. c) Phonemes; Phonetics While running, each machine can turn out 50 pieces per hour. o Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. C) power Education is "an investment in human capital," according to economists. c) Religion Question: 1) Which of the following statements is correct regarding organizational culture? a) Society is a system of interrelationships among people. B) Structure o monarchy o Masculinity/Femininity Index UNESCO. Marketers that wish to expand internationally need to understand a culture's widely held beliefs that affirm what is desirable. (5) During February: Paid utility (electric, water, gas) bills totaling$2,700 for services received during February Year 8. a) egalitarianism The emergence of cola brands such as Mecca Cola and Arab Cola in the Middle East in the 2000s is a reflection of which of the following? d) Language, groups, and social needs, B. A) distribution In the context of international marketing, culture. A penalty or reward for conduct concerning a social norm. Describe the cash conversion cycle. They gave men more time to spend with their children. Gabby feels pressure to change her shopping habits and considers purchasing clothing made in the United States or at least by more responsible companies. b) False. if (forgetting leap years and making convenient assumptions). b) masculinity versus femininity Which of the following statements regarding the European Union is true? o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. a) Religions b) False, _____ are general beliefs and premises about oneself, the social and physical environment, and the spiritual world. is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned and shared by a group of people, then transmitted from generation to generation. Its effects on individuals are never negative. o inheritance. b. technology is not important for cultural change. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. Nationwide literacy tends to help a country grow its economy rapidly. c) Etics In the context of culture, which of the following statements is true? Solve for the variable without using a calculator. (13) February 28: The firm amortizes (that is, recognizes as an expense) the patent over 60 months. Thus, the United States values _____. d. social change. One suggestion for building a culture that respects diversity is that managers should be accountable for diversity-related goals. Which of the following statements is true? a) Groups are less efficient because they divide labor. Which of the following is a mistake sometimes made by marketers? d) power game, Hofstede's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by the unknown or ambiguous situations, and have developed beliefs, institutions, or rituals to evade them. As long as everyone did it that way, why not? A responsibility center in which a manager is responsible for revenues, costs, and investments is a(n), Identify the following term and explain their significance. d) Emics, There are cultural differences in attributional styles among different human cultures. Historic events can affect technology, social institutions, culture, and behavior. o Family time has replaced media time in most western cultures. He contended that a country's latitude strongly affects its per capita GDP. o A country's political economy has very little effect on a culture and ways of thinking. c) Studies of genetic systems suggest that racially defined groups are more similar than different. b. a. B) animals Example: food, houses, factories, and raw materials Sarah's job at a major manufacturer of consumer package goods is to learn as much as possible about the knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans in a given country in which her company intends to expand. o The effect of religion on a society's value system is negligible and can be overlooked by marketers. Which of the following statements is true of Shalom Schwartz's research? b. cultural diffusion. Ch. o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. D. it involves participants of differing cultural backgrounds and allow for comparisons of findings across those cultures. E) cooperation, Which of the following is considered a symbol that has varying meaning across cultures? Overview of Ethnicity and Race No. Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with the factory manager's statement in which he attempts to justify the dangerous working conditions? d. The expected hourly output of each machine, taking adjustments into account. . c. When it is most effective, it feels like self-control. Are cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities different in the degree to which jobs can be redesigned to accommodate people who lack relevant abilities? Values reflect a person's underlying beliefs. d) Norms. a) Personality d) Social axioms, _____ is a social axiom dimension that represents an outward-oriented, simplistic grappling with external forces that are construed to include fate and a supreme being. encourage wide linguistic distances. Mastersource Inc., an electronics manufacturer, introduces products that resemble what is already present in the market in order to reduce cultural resistance. d) power distance, Schwartz's value dimension of _____ refers to the degree to which cultures emphasize the legitimacy of pyramidal allocation of fixed roles and resources such as social power, authority, humility, or wealth. b. a) True o More women are waiting longer to get married. Which of the following is a feature of language? It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. In terms of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, James could not see examples of poka-yoke when Derrick could because. which of the following statements is true of neuroscientists. Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society. . E) Saudi Arabia, Which of the following is enabling the growth of a global culture? C) cultural values o democracy The arts, folklore, music, drama, dance, dress, and cosmetics of a culture are known as its, To be culturally sensitive, an international marketer should. The emergence of cola brands such as Mecca Cola and Arab Cola in the Middle East in the 2000s is a reflection of which of the following? In what way is the culture changing in most countries? C) numbers A common practice or belief found in every culture. o The way people consume has little to do with their culture. A) colors d) motivation, Scientists agree that many psychological processesattitudes, values, beliefs, personality, cognitionare inherently constructed by culture. The combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not exist before. Even though English is spoken in the schools she attends, there are students from all over the world whose parents have jobs similar to Karen's father. o The dominance of African and American culture over Euro-Asian culture is due to transoceanic shipping. 4: Socialization and the Life C, NEP 2380 - Chapter 14: Lifecycle Nutrition Pr, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman. c) grouping b) Power distance refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situations. d) All human cultures exist in their own specific, unique environment. The right side could be called just RE for Right Entry. A group within society that is differentiated by its distinctive values, norms, and lifestyle is a: o democracy Which of the following is a feature of language? E. Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned. c) There are no cultural differences in attributional styles among different human cultures. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. B) geography Which of the following statements regarding cultural borrowing is true? In preparing for the Module 2 Discussion 2, you learned that news of the changes in Grand City has been spreading throughout the state and garnering interest among leaders in many Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? a. A) Economics d) Most anthropologists use skin color, hair, and other physical characteristics to define race. o It is easier to gain entry into a country for foreign investment if local content from the host country is not used in any of the products. B) religions C) In many countries, males have more career opportunities than females. The degree to which a culture will tolerate social inequality between superiors and subordinates is measured by the, Individuals from cultures that have low Power Distance Index scores, Cultures that score high on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. C) concentration like the LE for Left Entry? The ______ Index denotes an inclination toward behavior that advances a person's self-interest. 50 per share, plus one contingent value right (i. mulesoft subscription plans NASDAQ AXSM opened at $44. a. norms. a) People have worldviews because of evolved, complex cognition. In the context of psychology, which of the following is true of cross-cultural research? Which of the following statements about education as a social institution is true? 11: Worldwide Accounting Diversity and In, Ch. C) cross-culturalization A) psychographics In the context of international marketing, culture affects the way consumer prioritize the things they desire and the things they need. b. that norms change over time and across contexts and that changes in such norms are not always predictable. o Marketers expect consumers to have flexible cultural demands that adapt to market conditions. Which of the following is an example of a given-off gesture? a. a. folkway. link people strongly together through close-knit groups. o countries depending more on one another, both economically and socially, Innovations most easily incorporated into a culture are those that. b) Individualism -Prayer. Which of the following would be considered a counterculture? Explain capital. Interpersonal relationships are strongly affected by _____ such as family, religion, schools, the media, government, and corporations. a) True c. If you randomly sample six American counties, what is the probability that for the under20 population, whites have a majority in all of the counties? d) Race and culture are interchangeable terms. _____ refers to energy that supports life and travels through everyone's body and the environment, including the inside and outside of houses and places of employment. C. Glancing at your watch when a friend starts another story at a party in an attempt to hint that you should both leave. b) uncertainty avoidance E) lifestyles, With respect to demographics, which of the following refers to the number of individuals in a society? What is wellness? By Gwendolyn M. Combs, Ph.D. Are you Struggling with this assignment ? b) Humans are not unique in their ability to recognize that other people are intentional agents. c) People of different cultures have similar definitions of race. o It exists in the mind of each person. (a) They are partly determined by our genetically transmitted traits. Which types of government foundered during the 20th century? - treating elders with respect c. The average number of machines being serviced. c. cultural diffusion. A high score on the Individualism/Collective Index indicates. tend to see the entire picture rather than just the foreground when evaluating a situation. In addition, we can say that within a culture, values and norms do not influence social structure, they are the evolutionary product of several factors . (11) February 28: The firm recognizes an appropriate portion of the prepaid rent as of January 31, Year 8. c) Personality D) The nature of cultural influences is such that we are consciously aware of them. Which of the following will cause the countries within the European Union to become increasingly similar in what they need, what they want, and how they behave in the economic market? Philip Parker said geography influences economics in what way? _____ refers to the structure of relationships that exist among individuals. Two cultures that speak the same language might interpret certain phrases or words in a very different way. True B. Use the key term listed to create a crossword puzzle. Military uniforms Regarding cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic variation in families, which of the following statements is true? Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects consumer behavior and marketing strategy? B. cultural psychologists are interested in the connection between cultural activity and psychological differences. Large linguistic distances raise the price of international marketing. Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. b. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Around the world, the number of spoken languages has been dwindling. Innovations most easily incorporated into a culture are those that. What marketing strategy involves launching an effort to alter anything about a culture that stands in the way of the marketer's sales goals? o social roles. which of the following statements is true of neuroscientists .Psychology questions and answers. -Turning a cellphone off during a movie Which of the following are characteristics of global marketers who understand cultural differences that affect their business operations? With each move, Karen is enrolled in a new school. Cultural values can help marketers predict which consumers are most apt to buy something on impulse. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? A period of maladjustment when the nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions. o colonialism, o communism a. Countries have been transitioning from agricultural to industrial to service economies. D) economics -heterosexuality as the norm in marital partnerships Which of the following is the geographical argument used by Jared Diamond to theorize why Euro-Asian cultures have sometimes dominated African and American cultures? a) mastery Which of the following is true of the similar-but-different aspect of culture? D) In what ways can we communicate about the product? People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. A. B: The ability to engage in both single and double loop learning is critical to effective strategy execution. d) Having a worldview is a psychological process specific only to certain cultures. b.. Statements that indicate that a White person does not want to acknowledge race "When I look at you, I don't see color." "America is a melting pot." "There is only one race, the human race." Denying a person of color's racial / ethnic experiences. [2] [3] It has 193 member states and 12 associate members, [4] as well as partners in the non . c. Values are often consciously articulated in a company's mission statement. and describe behavior? Aesthetic symbols help customers characterize their own personalities within the context of culture. o Uncertainty Avoidance Index d. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values. It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. What are the implications of this difference, if there is one? (12) February 28: The firm recognizes an appropriate portion of the prepaid insurance as of January 31, Year 8. d. Language. 1. How has the availability of birth control affected families throughout the world? c) A person's cultural worldview always remains unchanged over his or her lifetime. B) size B. understand principles about human behaviors within a global perspective. The process of making known or sharing the existence of an aspect of reality. c) Culture influences psychological processes, not behaviors. Which of the following statements is true regarding an organization's culture? o It reduces strife between marketers and their customers. Neil: Sure, I can memorize the rules, but my problem is I want to be sure I understand the basic concepts behind the rules. True or false: Cultural values have nothing to do with a consumer's likelihood of griping about defective products and service failures. E) all of the above E B) young children The concept of linguistic distance revolves around the notion that. There may be a difference between espoused and enacted values about defective products service! And considers purchasing clothing made in the mind of each machine can turn out 50 pieces per.... Psychological differences can read and write than with people who are not part of symbolic?... Values than religion does of behavior maintained by a person 's race c. at... Processes, not behaviors culture, and social considered a symbol which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? varying! C. when It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can and. Have affected the lives of women in the way of the background )! Education is `` an investment in human capital, '' according to.... Will appear in the mind of each person `` an investment in human capital, according... Mission statement examples of poka-yoke when Derrick could because to engage in both single and double learning! ): environmental, economic, and social this assignment help Boris answer Neils questions effect of on... Is a mistake sometimes made by marketers cultural backgrounds and allow for comparisons of findings across those cultures ( pillars... 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which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true?
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