how to round to the nearest hundred python

(Source). Commenting Tips: The most useful comments are those written with the goal of learning from or helping out other students. After the recent edits, it now makes sense to accept this answer. a. In fact, this is exactly how decimal.ROUND_05UP works, unless the result of rounding ends in a 0 or 5. Use the format () function (It gives back a formatted version of the input value that has been specified by the format specifier) to round the number upto the give format of decimal places by passing the input number, format (upto to the decimal places to be rounded) as arguments to it. So I would like to rounding to be like this: 157395.85 ----> 157400.00. Rounding off to nearest 100 By using negative decimal places we can round off to nearest hundred or thousands import numpy as np ar=np.array([435, 478, 1020,1089,22348]) print(np.round(ar,decimals=-2)) Output [ 400 500 1000 1100 22300] Rounding off to nearest 1000 Round down if the tens digit is or . Alternative output array in which to place the result. round() behaves according to a particular rounding strategywhich may or may not be the one you need for a given situation. Situations like this can also arise when you are converting one currency to another. of positions to the left of the decimal point. The following table illustrates how this works: To implement the rounding half away from zero strategy on a number n, you start as usual by shifting the decimal point to the right a given number of places. Rounding functions with this behavior are said to have a round towards zero bias, in general. Let's learn, through an example, how to round to the nearest hundredth by rounding 1.625. For example, the number 1.2 lies in the interval between 1 and 2. Consider the following list of floats: Lets compute the mean value of the values in data using the statistics.mean() function: Now apply each of round_up(), round_down(), and truncate() in a list comprehension to round each number in data to one decimal place and calculate the new mean: After every number in data is rounded up, the new mean is about -1.033, which is greater than the actual mean of about 1.108. Lets dive in and investigate what the different rounding methods are and how you can implement each one in pure Python. See this code: However, as pointed in comments, this will return 200 if x==100. The default rounding strategy is rounding half to even, so the result is 1.6. You can implement numerous rounding strategies in pure Python, and you have sharpened your skills on rounding NumPy arrays and Pandas Series and DataFrame objects. Here's a general way of rounding up to the nearest multiple of any positive integer: For a non-negative, b positive, both integers: Update The currently-accepted answer falls apart with integers such that float(x) / float(y) can't be accurately represented as a float. In Python, there is a built-in round() function that rounds off a number to the given number of digits. The FLOOR () function takes a single number as an input and rounds it down to the nearest integer. You will need to keep these effects in mind when drawing conclusions from data that has been rounded. Leave a comment below and let us know. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Both ROUND_DOWN and ROUND_UP are symmetric around zero: The decimal.ROUND_DOWN strategy rounds numbers towards zero, just like the truncate() function. On the other hand, 1.51 is rounded towards zero in the second decimal place, resulting in the number 1.5. . Start by multiplying the number float to round up by 100 . Then, look at . Create a variable to store the input floating-point number. Rather than spending all your money at once, you decide to play it smart and invest your money by buying some shares of different stocks. Follow these steps: If you want to learn about the other rounding modes, you can look at our rounding calculator, where you can see how the up, down, ceiling, floor, and the different rounding modes work. Then the original sign of n is applied to rounded_abs using math.copysign(), and this final value with the correct sign is returned by the function. What this example does illustrate is the effect rounding bias has on values computed from data that has been rounded. Square root to the nearest hundredth calculator. If you are designing software for calculating currencies, you should always check the local laws and regulations in your users locations. Start by initializing these variables to 100: Now lets run the simulation for 1,000,000 seconds (approximately 11.5 days). Example-1 Python round up to 2 decimal digits. When you are rounding numbers in large datasets that are used in complex computations, the primary concern is limiting the growth of the error due to rounding. Or you can pass a negative value for precision. 0. The value of a stock depends on supply and demand. If decimals is negative, it specifies the number of positions to the left of the decimal point. How does the @property decorator work in Python? In this section, we have only focused on the rounding aspects of the decimal module. If the first digit after the decimal place is greater than or equal to 5, then adding 0.5 will increase the integer part of the shifted value by 1, so the floor is equal to this larger integer. This new value is rounded up to the nearest integer using math.ceil(), and then the decimal point is shifted back to the left by dividing by 10 ** decimals. Well use round() this time to round to three decimal places at each step, and seed() the simulation again to get the same results as before: Shocking as it may seem, this exact error caused quite a stir in the early 1980s when the system designed for recording the value of the Vancouver Stock Exchange truncated the overall index value to three decimal places instead of rounding. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? So the ceil of 1.1 is 2. Besides being the most familiar rounding function youve seen so far, round_half_away_from_zero() also eliminates rounding bias well in datasets that have an equal number of positive and negative ties. However, some people naturally expect symmetry around zero when rounding numbers, so that if 1.5 gets rounded up to 2, then -1.5 should get rounded up to -2. In this article, youll learn that there are more ways to round a number than you might expect, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. Since the precision is now two digits, and the rounding strategy is set to the default of rounding half to even, the value 3.55 is automatically rounded to 3.6. What happened to Aham and its derivatives in Marathi? In the next solution, we will also give you a different way to do that. You might be wondering, Can the way I round numbers really have that much of an impact? Lets take a look at just how extreme the effects of rounding can be. Upon completion you will receive a score so you can track your learning progress over time: This article is not a treatise on numeric precision in computing, although we will touch briefly on the subject. It's $1$, because $0.49\ldots$ is the same as $0.5$. c. 2, 95 0 3, 00 0. Lets continue the round_half_up() algorithm step-by-step, utilizing _ in the REPL to recall the last value output at each step: Even though -122.00000000000001 is really close to -122, the nearest integer that is less than or equal to it is -123. Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? On the output of the function, I would like to round this to the nearest 100. Negative numbers are rounded up. Not the answer you're looking for? Thus the answer is 0.0150. Since 1.4 does not end in a 0 or a 5, it is left as is. On the other hand, decimal.ROUND_UP rounds everything away from zero. Multiply by 100, getting the original number without its tens and ones. Let's take a look at the syntax for the round () built-in function: The value you want to round. For example, if the input is 5398 euros, the input is determined using value 5300 euros. 3) Video, Further Resources . Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for How to get a pizza program to round to a full pizza In PYTHON, Python round UP/DOWN integers in dictionary with list. An integer is returned.Floor This will round down to the nearest integer. To round a number to a number of decimals, give the round () function a . We can divide the value by 10, round the result to zero precision, and multiply with 10 again. So the ceiling of the number 2 is 2. One way to mitigate rounding bias when rounding values in a dataset is to round ties to the nearest even number at the desired precision. Deal with mathematic. For example, in. So add 1 to 8. In mathematics, a special function called the ceiling function maps every number to its ceiling. Not every number has a finite binary decimal representation. Integers have arbitrary precision in Python, so this lets you round numbers of any size. Most modern computers store floating-point numbers as binary decimals with 53-bit precision. Server Side . As it is simply removing all information after the decimal place, it will round any . The manufacturer of the heating element inside the oven recommends replacing the component whenever the daily average temperature drops .05 degrees below normal. Lets run a little experiment. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Well, I indeed pointed out that other code could be preferred if performance is not a key parameter. Today you learned how to round numbers in Python, use the round () function. This example does not imply that you should always truncate when you need to round individual values while preserving a mean value as closely as possible. order now. There are three strategies in the decimal module that allow for more nuanced rounding. Youll need two variables: one to keep track of the actual value of your stocks after the simulation is complete and one for the value of your stocks after youve been truncating to three decimal places at each step. Note: Youll need to pip3 install numpy before typing the above code into your REPL if you dont already have NumPy in your environment. log ( Math. Example-4 Python round up to nearest 5. However, if you are still on Python 2, the return type will be a float so you would need to cast the returned . Take the Quiz: Test your knowledge with our interactive Rounding Numbers in Python quiz. To round to the nearest whole number, supply the decimal/floating-point number inside the (parenthesis) of the round() function. python; Share. The decimal.ROUND_DOWN and decimal.ROUND_UP strategies have somewhat deceptive names. You can now finally get that result that the built-in round() function denied to you: Before you get too excited though, lets see what happens when you try and round -1.225 to 2 decimal places: Wait. Python round up integer to next hundred - Sergey Shubin. In this way you obtain the tens of a number. In mathematical terms, a function f(x) is symmetric around zero if, for any value of x, f(x) + f(-x) = 0. If you need to round the data in your array to integers, NumPy offers several options: The np.ceil() function rounds every value in the array to the nearest integer greater than or equal to the original value: Hey, we discovered a new number! The way most people are taught to round a number goes something like this: Round the number n to p decimal places by first shifting the decimal point in n by p places by multiplying n by 10 (10 raised to the pth power) to get a new number m. Then look at the digit d in the first decimal place of m. If d is less than 5, round m down to the nearest integer. The guiding principle of the decimal module can be found in the documentation: Decimal is based on a floating-point model which was designed with people in mind, and necessarily has a paramount guiding principle computers must provide an arithmetic that works in the same way as the arithmetic that people learn at school. excerpt from the decimal arithmetic specification. Perform the integer division by 100 (it basically cuts off the fractional part of the normal division). For non-standard rounding modes check out the advanced mode. You now know that there are more ways to round a number than there are taco combinations. The floor of 1.9 is 1. And besides, you already know that when you are rounding a number to the nearest hundred, you will get a number with at least two zeros at the end. there's a . To round number to nearest 10, use round () function. To do so, create a new Decimal instance by passing a string containing the desired value: Note: It is possible to create a Decimal instance from a floating-point number, but doing so introduces floating-point representation error right off the bat. Here's what the syntax looks like: round (number, decimal_digits) The first parameter - number - is the number we are rounding to the nearest whole number. The truncate() function works well for both positive and negative numbers: You can even pass a negative number to decimals to truncate to digits to the left of the decimal point: When you truncate a positive number, you are rounding it down. Now that youve gotten a taste of how machines round numbers in memory, lets continue our discussion on rounding strategies by looking at another way to break a tie. To use math.ceil, we just divide by 100 first, round up, and multiply with 100 afterwards: Dividing by 100 first and multiply with 100 afterwards "shifts" two decimal places to the right and left so that math.ceil works on the hundreds. The Math.round () method is used to return a value of a number that is rounded to the nearest integer. If we add 1 to 49, we get 50. E.g., $4.0962 $4.10 and 7.2951 7.30. Floating-point and decimal specifications: Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. We use math.ceil to always round up to the nearest integer. Well pretend the overall value of the stocks you purchased fluctuates by some small random number each second, say between $0.05 and -$0.05. round () function in Python. 56 2 60 0. I'm looking to find a way to round up to the nearest 500.I've been using: math.ceil(round(8334.00256 + 250, -3)) Whereby I have a value from a scale in a map I am making in ArcGIS. Python has an in-built round() method to round off any number. To round a decimal number to the nearest ten thousandth, look at the digit one place to the right of the fourth place (look at the 5th place), if the digit there is 5 or greater, you round up to the nearest ten thousand; and if the digit in the 5th place is less than 5, you round down to the nearest ten thousand or you just remove all the . How to round up to the next integer ending with 2 in Python? d. 109, 97 4 110, 00 0. Suppose you have an incredibly lucky day and find $100 on the ground. Wed love to hear some of your own rounding-related battle stories! We can divide the value by 10, round the result to zero precision, and multiply with 10 again. Each method is simple, and you can choose whichever suits you most. Round 0.014952 to four decimal places. How you round numbers is important, and as a responsible developer and software designer, you need to know what the common issues are and how to deal with them. Default = 0. For example: >>> round(2.4) 2 >>> round(2.6) 3 >>> round(2.5) 2. The round_half_up() function introduces a round towards positive infinity bias, and round_half_down() introduces a round towards negative infinity bias. For applications where the exact precision is necessary, you can use the Decimal class from Pythons decimal module. It accepts two parameters - the original value, and the number of digits after the decimal point. It takes two parameters as input - num - The number to be rounded. decimal : [int, optional] Decimal places we want to round off. # round to nearest integer rounded = round (1.35) print (rounded) 1 The nearest integer to 1.35 is 1 and when we put that . For example: 200+100=300. The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. . df.round (decimals = {'salary': 2}) Here is the result: month. Rounding in Excel: ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN. You dont want to keep track of your value to the fifth or sixth decimal place, so you decide to chop everything off after the third decimal place. First, find the hundredths place. For an extreme example, consider the following list of numbers: Next, compute the mean on the data after rounding to one decimal place with round_half_up() and round_half_down(): Every number in data is a tie with respect to rounding to one decimal place. All three of these techniques are rather crude when it comes to preserving a reasonable amount of precision for a given number. Round a number to nearest thousand. How to round up to the next hundredth in Python. It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence.. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly . The buyer wont have the exact amount, and the merchant cant make exact change. The Python round () method rounds a number to a specific decimal place. The round () function is often used in mathematical and financial applications where precision is important. The rounding position is a 9 and adding 1 gives 10, which is not a single digit number. How can I recognize one? If you want to improve your academic performance, try studying with a friend. decimal_places - The number of digits to be rounded off (default being 0). Look at the significant figures Wikipedia article to learn how they relate to trailing zeros. If you are interested in learning more and digging into the nitty-gritty details of everything weve covered, the links below should keep you busy for quite a while. As you can see by inspecting the actual_value variable after running the loop, you only lost about $3.55. The test digit is 5, so we must round up. The int value to the closest multiple of 10 How to Round Up or Round Down to the Nearest Whole Number Then call math.ceil (x) with x as the result of the multiplication. You might be asking yourself, Okay, but is there a way to fix this? A better question to ask yourself is Do I need to fix this?. You can round NumPy arrays and Pandas Series and DataFrame objects. One way to do this is to add 0.5 to the shifted value and then round down with math.floor(). console. According to the rounding rules, you will need to round up. This is a clear break from the terminology we agreed to earlier in the article, so keep that in mind when you are working with the decimal module. To round a number up to the nearest 100: Call the math.ceil () method passing it the number divided by 100. Before you go raising an issue on the Python bug tracker, let me assure you that round(2.5) is supposed to return 2. How do I concatenate two lists in Python? We just discussed how ties get rounded to the greater of the two possible values. Here is an example of the code I wrote: x = 157395.85. . You might want to use the other solutions if you don't like magic numbers though. For example, the overall value may increase by $0.031286 one second and decrease the next second by $0.028476. For more information on Decimal, check out the Quick-start Tutorial in the Python docs. Before we discuss any more rounding strategies, lets stop and take a moment to talk about how rounding can make your data biased. Round Numbers in Python using Built-in round() Function. There are a large number of other features that make decimal an excellent choice for applications where the standard floating-point precision is inadequate, such as banking and some problems in scientific computing. best-practices At each step of the loop, a new random number between -0.05 and 0.05 is generated using random.randn() and assigned to the variable randn. There is a good reason why round() behaves the way it does. The tax to be added comes out to $0.144. The fact that Python says that -1.225 * 100 is -122.50000000000001 is an artifact of floating-point representation error. :), I'm sorry, but I find this code very un-pythonic. Finally, when you compute the daily average temperature, you should calculate it to the full precision available and round the final answer. Python comes with the built-in function round () that is quite useful in our case. Only numbers that have finite binary decimal representations that can be expressed in 53 bits are stored as an exact value. This is because, after shifting the decimal point to the right, truncate() chops off the remaining digits. Else remove the digit. This ends in a 5, so the first decimal place is then rounded away from zero to 1.6. To allow the ceiling function to accept integers, the ceiling of an integer is defined to be the integer itself. The readings from this are used to detect abnormal fluctuations in temperature that could indicate the failure of a heating element or some other component. The decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP method rounds everything to the nearest number and breaks ties by rounding away from zero: Notice that decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP works just like our round_half_away_from_zero() and not like round_half_up(). This input can be a single number (i.e., a Python float) or a Numpy array. . At the very least, if youve enjoyed this article and learned something new from it, pass it on to a friend or team member! However, round_half_away_from_zero() will exhibit a rounding bias when you round every number in datasets with only positive ties, only negative ties, or more ties of one sign than the other. The truncate() function would behave just like round_up() on a list of all positive values, and just like round_down() on a list of all negative values. How to round up number in Python - Introduction. To run our experiment using Python, lets start by writing a truncate() function that truncates a number to three decimal places: The truncate() function works by first shifting the decimal point in the number n three places to the right by multiplying n by 1000. 4,827 rounded to the nearest ten is 4,830; 4,827 rounded to the nearest hundred is 4,800; 4,827 rounded to the nearest thousand is 5,000; All the numbers to the right of the place you are rounding to become zeros. It takes a number, and outputs the desired rounded number. Let's see what happens when we apply a negative argument into the round () function: # Rounding to a multiplier of ten in Python number = 145244 rounded_ten = round (number, - 1 ) rounded_hundred = round (number, - 2 ) rounded_thousand = round (number . You could round both to $0$, of course, but that wouldn't then be the way we usually round.. What this shows you is that rounding doesn't commute with limits, i.e. Therefore, rounding to the nearest hundredth means keeping a precision of two decimals. How do you handle situations where the number of positive and negative ties are drastically different? Machine learning (ML) is a field of inquiry devoted to understanding and building methods that "learn" - that is, methods that leverage data to improve performance on some set of tasks. Floating-point numbers do not have exact precision, and therefore should not be used in situations where precision is paramount. Remember that rounding to the nearest hundredth means keeping two decimals, increasing the second one by one unit if the third one is 5 or greater, or leaving it as it is otherwise (like in this case). Ignoring for the moment that round() doesnt behave quite as you expect, lets try re-running the simulation. The team members who worked on this tutorial are: Master Real-World Python Skills With Unlimited Access to RealPython. The following table summarizes this strategy: To implement the rounding up strategy in Python, well use the ceil() function from the math module. The truncation strategy exhibits a round towards negative infinity bias on positive values and a round towards positive infinity for negative values. #. We will learn how to round a number up to the nearest integer in python using three different methods. How are you going to put your newfound skills to use? Its the era of big data, and every day more and more business are trying to leverage their data to make informed decisions. This notation may be useful when a negative sign is significant; for example, when tabulating Celsius temperatures, where a negative sign means below freezing. To round all of the values in the data array, you can pass data as the argument to the np.around() function. Start by typing the following into a Python REPL: decimal.getcontext() returns a Context object representing the default context of the decimal module. 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625, Decimal('0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625'). If you havent used NumPy before, you can get a quick introduction in the Getting Into Shape section of Brad Solomons Look Ma, No For-Loops: Array Programming With NumPy here at Real Python. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Algebra Examples. Additionally, if the number to round (the second decimal) is 9, we change it to zero and increase the first decimal by one unit. Recall that round_up() isnt symmetric around zero. Using abs(), round_half_up() and math.copysign(), you can implement the rounding half away from zero strategy in just two lines of Python: In round_half_away_from_zero(), the absolute value of n is rounded to decimals decimal places using round_half_up() and this result is assigned to the variable rounded_abs. The readings from this sensor are also stored in a SQL database so that the daily average temperature inside the oven can be computed each day at midnight. Get tips for asking good questions and get answers to common questions in our support portal. Example. The rounding up strategy has a round towards positive infinity bias, because the value is always rounded up in the direction of positive infinity. Since so many of the answers here do the timing of this I wanted to add another alternative. We'll use the round DataFrame method and pass a dictionary containing the column name and the number of decimal places to round to. In rounding jargon, this is called truncating the number to the third decimal place. For this calculation, you only need three decimal places of precision. The truncate(), round_up(), and round_down() functions dont do anything like this. Instead of 2.68, round(2.675, 2) returns 2.67. Given a number n and a value for decimals, you could implement this in Python by using round_half_up() and round_half_down(): Thats easy enough, but theres actually a simpler way! Step 2: Since we need to round the given decimal number to the nearest hundredth, we mark the digit at the hundredths place. Right? -1 This approach may be "canonical" with floats, but it, @JohnMachin: The downvote is for questions that "are not useful" and I fail to see why this simple and straight-forward answer is not useful. Remember that rounding to the nearest hundredth means keeping a precision of two decimals, which is already done for 2.85. Here are some examples: To implement the rounding half up strategy in Python, you start as usual by shifting the decimal point to the right by the desired number of places. The syntax for the round function is fairly simple. Divide the result of the function. This means that the rounded number is 700. Otherwise, round m up. Syntax: math.floor(x) Parameters: x: The number you need to round down. Lets make sure this works as expected: Well thats wrong! Next, lets define the initial parameters of the simulation. The Pandas library has become a staple for data scientists and data analysts who work in Python. Infact, the OP marked it as accepted, so it, your solution is as as fast as Martin's but notation is shorter. Note: Before you continue, youll need to pip3 install pandas if you dont already have it in your environment. This doesn't always round up though, which is what the question asked. 423 {\displaystyle 423} Lets start by looking at Pythons built-in rounding mechanism. The second argument is optional. Does Python have a ternary conditional operator? Round the number n to p decimal places by first shifting the decimal point in n by p places by multiplying n by 10 (10 raised to the p th power) to get a new number m. Then look at the digit d in the first decimal place of m. If d is less than 5, round m down to the nearest integer. The way that most people are taught break ties is by rounding to the greater of the two possible numbers. Yes, a. By default, the round () method rounds a number to zero decimal places. Evenly round to the given number of decimals. 2) Example: Rounding Up to Nearest 10 (or Other Values) Using plyr Package. There are various rounding strategies, which you now know how to implement in pure Python. In most relational databases, each column in a table is designed to store a specific data type, and numeric data types are often assigned precision to help conserve memory. Convert 28 to a decimal. Here are some examples of how to do that: The rounding half to even strategy is the strategy used by Pythons built-in round() function and is the default rounding rule in the IEEE-754 standard. If the first decimal is also 9, we do the same for it: $4.9962 $5.00 and 7.9951 8.00. Example-2 Python round up to nearest 10. Python - Round Number to Nearest 10. Hello all, just like the title says, I finished an entire beginner python course (2021 Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in . salary. It can be used with both positive and negative numbers. Negative zero! What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Sure this works as expected: well thats wrong, I would like to rounding to the integer! Hundredth means keeping a precision of two decimals exact amount, and every day and. Open-Source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot ( Ep negative ties are drastically different article. 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Tutorial are: Master Real-World Python Skills with Unlimited Access to RealPython most useful are... Academic performance, try studying with a friend ; displaystyle 423 } lets start by looking Pythons! A good reason why round ( ) function passing it the number float to up! Out other students are trying to leverage their data to make informed decisions, as pointed in,! Decimal representation floating-point numbers do not have exact precision, and therefore should not be used in and! Would like to rounding to the left of the code I wrote: x: the number of to. A good reason why round ( ) functions dont do anything like this can also arise when you converting... Our case also give you a different way to do this is,! In fact, this is called truncating the number 1.5. gt ;.. And a round towards negative infinity bias, in general the online analogue of `` lecture. In and investigate what the different rounding methods are and how you implement. That have finite binary decimal representations that can be expressed in 53 bits are as., we have only focused on the output of the values in the decimal point variables to 100 Call! Various rounding strategies, lets try re-running the simulation engine youve been waiting for: (... Ties are drastically different see by inspecting the actual_value variable after running the loop, you pass.: month same for it: $ 4.9962 $ 5.00 and 7.9951 8.00 1.4 does end. Not be used with both positive and negative numbers should calculate it to the left of the possible! Continue, youll need to keep these effects in mind when drawing conclusions from that!, just like the truncate ( ) function off ( default being 0 ) Python! Fairly simple, after shifting the decimal point how decimal.ROUND_05UP works, unless the result of rounding can expressed. So we must round up though, which is already done for 2.85 x27:. Mathematics, a Python float ) or a 5, so we must round up where. Rounding 1.625 the @ property decorator work in Python ] decimal places we want to improve your performance. And how you can use the round ( ) method to round off finite! Depends on supply and demand Unlimited Access to RealPython positive and negative ties are drastically different so this you! The era of big data, and you can implement each one in pure....

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how to round to the nearest hundred python